5 research outputs found

    Sheet Jam Formulation from a Mix of Seaweed and Pineapple Fruit

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    The aim of this study was to obtain a formula of sheet jam from a mixture of K. alvarezii seaweed and the best pineapple based on organoleptic hedonic sheet jam test. The results of preliminary research for cooking time based on trial and error is 60 minutes so that jam can be made in sheet form. The main research results on the characteristics of a mixture of jam sheets between seaweed and pineapple fruit concluded that the chosen formula was sheet jam with a comparison of seaweed and pineapple material of 1: 2. Keywords: Sheet jam; K. Alvarezii; pineapple; organolepti

    Formulasi Selai Lembaran dari Campuran Rumput Laut dan Buah Nanas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Memperoleh formula selai lembaran dari campuran rumput laut K. alvarezii dan buah nenas terbaik berdasarkan nilai organoleptik hedonik selai lembaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Juni tahun 2014 di Desa Dunggala Kecamatan Batudaa Kabupaten Gorontalo Propinsi Gorontalo. Pengujian sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Pembinaan dan Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan (LPPMHP) Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu, penelitian pendahuluan dan penelitian utama. Hasil penelitian pendahuluan untuk lama pemasakan berdasarkan trial and error yaitu selama 60 menit sehingga selai dapat dibuat dalam bentuk lembaran. Hasil penelitian utama tentang karakteristik selai lembaran campuran antara bahan rumput laut dan buah nenas disimpulkan bahwa formula terpilih adalah selai lembaran dengan perbandingan bahan rumput laut dan buah nenas sebesar 1:2. Kata kunci: selai lembaran, K. alvarezii, nanas, organolepti

    E6AP in the Brain: One Protein, Dual Function, Multiple Diseases

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    E6-Associated Protein (E6AP), the founding member of the HECT (Homologus to E6AP C terminus) family of ubiquitin ligases, has been gaining increased attention from the scientific community. In addition to its ubiquitin ligase function, our laboratory has also identified steroid hormone receptor transcriptional coactivation as yet another essential function of this protein. Furthermore, it has been established that E6AP has a role in numerous diseases including cancers and neurological syndromes. In this review, we delineate genetic and biochemical knowledge of E6AP and we focus on its role in the pathobiology of neuro-developmental and neuro-aging diseases; bringing to light important gaps of knowledge related to the involvement of its well-studied ligase function versus the much less studied nuclear receptor transcriptional coactivation function in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Tackling these gaps of knowledge could reveal novel possible neuro-pathobiological mechanisms and present crucial information for the design of effective treatment modalities for devastating CNS diseases