5 research outputs found
Establishment of background water quality conditions in the Great Zab River catchment:influence of geogenic and anthropogenic controls on developing a baseline for water assessment and resource management
The Great Zab River catchment is a major left-bank tributary of the River Tigris and drains a substantial part of the Kurdistan Region, an autonomous region of Northern Iraq. Within Kurdistan, the water resources of the Great Zab River catchment are under pressure from population increase and are utilized for potable, domestic and agricultural and industrial supply. As with many parts of the world, effective management of water resources within Kurdistan is hindered by a lack of water quality data and established background concentrations. This study therefore represents the first regional survey of river water chemistry for the Great Zab River catchment and presents data on the spatial and temporal trends in concentrations of As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn, NO3?, SO42?, F?, Cl? and PO43?, in addition to pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. As a tool for underpinning the management and monitoring of water quality, background concentrations were defined for the Great Zab catchment using three methods. The influences of geogenic and anthropogenic controls upon spatial and temporal trends in water chemistry are also evaluated. The influence of geogenic loading from underlying bedrock was identifiable within the observed spatial trends, with the most notable differences found between waters sampled from the relatively more volcanic-rich Zagros zone to the north and those sampled from the lower catchment underlain by younger clay-, sand- and siltstones. The greatest anthropogenic influence, identifiable through elements such as Cl? and NO3?, is present in the more highly populated lower catchment. The background concentrations identified in the Great Zab catchment would be those expected as a result of geogenic loading with some anthropogenic influence and represent a more conservative value when compared to those such as the World Health Organization Maximum Admissible Concentration. However, background concentrations represent a powerful tool for identifying potential anthropogenic impacts on water quality and informing management of such occurrencespublishersversionPeer reviewe
Adjusting wastewater treatment effluent standards to protect the receiving waters: the case of low flow rivers in central Spain
[EN] Freshwater quality is deteriorating worldwide. In populated areas, urban pollution is the main pressure on surface continental waters, but intensive wastewater treatment is costly. Setting standards for treatment of wastewater before discharge is a major policy instrument for water authorities, balancing environmental gains and operational costs. Discharge permits usually define concentration limits at the discharge point of the plant effluent. This approach, however, may not guarantee the good status of the receiving waters. Discharge permits should be directly linked to pollutant concentration in the river. Our paper develops an approach to adaptively adjust discharge permits and applies it to Madrid and the Manzanares river, a city of more than 3 million inhabitants discharging its treated wastewater to a stream having less than 2 m(3) s(-1) average flow. Stricter limits to 5-day biological oxygen demand (11 mg O-2 L-1), ammonium (0.5 mg N-NH4 L-1), nitrate (5.9 mg N-NO3 L-1), and phosphate (0.17 mg P-PO4 L-1) at plant effluent are required to meet the river environmental objectives. The results can be generalized to assess wastewater management decisions in other geographical areas.The authors wish to thank the Tagus River Basin Authority (Confederacion Hidrografica del Tajo) for their availability and readiness to share information, and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments. This research was funded by the Botin Foundation, Spain.Bolinches, A.; De Stefano, L.; Paredes Arquiola, J. (2020). Adjusting wastewater treatment effluent standards to protect the receiving waters: the case of low flow rivers in central Spain. 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