3 research outputs found


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    The industrial era 4.0 requires all aspects of people's lives to take advantage of technology to make it easier to solve a problem, one of the very popular technologies is the website, websites are becoming popular because they can be accessed through various platforms, the popularity of websites causes increased attacks on websites. Cyber criminals usually steal accounts from website administrators to manipulate data and information, for this reason, it is necessary to have a security method to protect websites from attacks. Various account security methods have been developed, one of which is the two-factor authentication (2FA) method, this method is used to anticipate if the administrator's account is stolen by a cybercriminal, if someone else gets the account, the perpetrator must get the second password sent. system to the victim's email or cellphone number, so to be able to enter the website, two authentication steps are needed. In addition to 2FA, this research will utilize a firewall to allow multiple addresses (IP addresses) to access administrator pages, so that if the perpetrator is outside the permitted address, the perpetrator still cannot enter the website. By utilizing 2FA and firewall policies, websites will have more protection from cyber security threats

    Pelatihan Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak Dan Basis Data Bagi Guru RPL Dan TKJ Di Lingkungan SMK Negeri 1 Trimurjo

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    ABSTRAK  Guru merupakan pilar utama pendidikan. Peran guru sangat strategis dalam perkembangan kemajuan pendidikan di negara manapun. Keberhasilan pendidikan berada di tangan para guru, untuk itu berbagai kompetensi harus dimiliki guru. Salah satu bentuk pengembangan kompetensi guru adalah kompetensi profesional. Ceramah dan praktik digunakan untuk memberikan ketrampilan dalam mengambangkan materi ajar mata pelajaran Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak dan Basis Data kepada para guru digunakan metode ceramah dan praktik. Penyampaikan materi yang berkaitan dengan Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak dan Basis Data digunakan metode ceramah. Setelah peserta menerima penjelasan mengenai pemodelan perangkat lunak dan perancangan basis data yang benar, peserta diberikan kesempatan untuk mempraktikkannya dengan penyelesaian studi kasus yang ada. Untuk mengidentifikasi keberhasilan peserta pelatihan dalam pemodelan perangkat lunak dan perancangan basis data digunakan metode diskusi. Kegiatan pelatihan ini berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam penyelesaian studi kasus. Pemahaman guru RPL dan TKJ di lingkungan SMK Negeri 1 Trimurjo dalam mengikuti pelatihan ini sangat beragam walaupun sebagian peserta sudah pernah mengikuti pelatihan serupa namun para peserta masih sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini. Kata kunci : Kompetensi profesional, Pemodelan Perangkat Lunak, Basis DataABSTRACTThe teacher is the main pillar of education. The role of teachers is very strategic in the development of educational progress in any country. The success of education rests in the hands of the teachers, for that various competences must be possessed by teachers. One form of teacher competency development is professional competence. Lectures and practices are used to provide skills in developing teaching materials for the Modeling Software and Database Subjects to teachers using lecture and practical methods. Delivering material related to Software and Database Modeling used the lecture method. After the participants received an explanation of correct software modeling and database design, participants were given the opportunity to practice it by completing existing case studies. To identify the success of training participants in software modeling and database design, the discussion method is used. This training activity is in the form of training and assistance in completing case studies. The understanding of RPL and TKJ teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Trimurjo in participating in this training was very diverse, although some of the participants had attended similar training, the participants were still very enthusiastic about participating in this activity. Keywords: Professional competence, Software Modeling, Databas


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    Website merupakan sebuah sarana dalam mengakses informasi kapanpun dan dimanapun, tingginya minat pada website dapat meningkatkan resiko website untuk diserang. Serangan pada website dapat mengganggu data integrity dan availability, untuk itu penelitian ini akan membangun sistem pendeteksian serangan dengan meggunakan metode anomali based yang akan mendeteksi serangan berdasarkan perilaku visitor website, dalam mendeteksi serangan sistem akan menghitung beberapa variable yang didapatkan dari log visitor, visitor dianggap anomali jika visitor melakukan hal yang tidak wajar. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penetration Testing, sistem deteksi menggunakan metode anomali based dapat mendeteksi serangan dengan baik