7 research outputs found

    Histomorphological Effect of Centella Asiatica on Swiss Albino Mice Brain upon Ketamine Anesthetic Induced Memory Impairment

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    Introduction: Ketamine is a medication mainly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces a trance-like state while providing pain relief, sedation and memory loss. Ketamine causes morphological changes in the neuronal cells of growing rodent. Centella asiatica is used for memory enhancement in the ayurvadic system of medicine. It has been shown to be useful in improving learning and memory. Centella asiatica leaf extract treatment enhances neuronal dendritic  arborization in hippocampus of growing rodent.Materials and Methods: Swiss albino mice were used for our experiment. Ketamine was administered subcutaneously and Centella-asiatica leaf extract was administered orally. Mice brain collected, grossed, processed and finally stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining process for viewing cellular and tissue structure detail by pathologists. Results: Focal cellular damage was seen in CA2 and CA4 area of cornu ammonis (CA), expanded cytoplasmic eosinophilia saw in the pyramidal cell layers (PY) of CA2, expanded cytoplasmic eosinophilia found with obliteration of neurifibrilary components (NFE), typical pyramidal cell (NPY) in the CA4, ordinary engineering of dentate granule layers (DG) and hardly any cells were found with diminished size in regards to granule layer cells (GC) in the brain hippocampus of the high ketamine prompted mice. In the mouse brain hippocampus for high ketamine-Centella asiatica summed up cell destruction found in the CA1 to CA4 of CA. Expanded cytoplasmic eosinophilia found in the pyramidal cell layers of CA2 than high dose ketamine group. The vast majority of the pyramidal cells were necrotic (PYN) with annihilation of neurofibrilary components (NFE) in the pyramidal cell layers of CA4. Keywords: Centella asiatica, Ketamine and memory impairment. DOI: 10.7176/ALST/82-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Impact of Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) on Hemoglobin Content and Anemia: A Cross-Sectional Based Study

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    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a vector-borne chronically disabling parasitic infection causing elephantiasis, lymphedema, and hydrocele. The infection is endemic in 83 countries worldwide, with more than 1.2 billion people at risk and 120 million already infected. LF is caused by thread-like adult parasitic worms, which live in the human lymphatic system and causes swelling of the scrotum, male genitalia, breast and limbs. It is caused by tissue-dwelling nematode worms belonging to the order “Filariidea” which is transmitted to man by the infective bites of blood sucking mosquitoes. About 90% of these infections are caused by Wuchereria bancrofti.  There are limited number of reports available describing the presence of microfilaria in bone marrow. There is a report a young patient who developed aplastic anemia following varicella infection, and peripheral blood and bone marrow showed many microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti. This experiment was designed to assess hemoglobin content by sex; and anemic condition by age and sex among 119 case respondents and 102 controls.  Hemoglobin level was found to be a bit better among case respondents than controls. By sex, hemoglobin level was better among males than females in both case respondents and control groups. Among case respondents 6-59 months age male group and 5-9 years age female group was found anemic. But in control group all the male respondents in all age groups and only one female in 5-9 years age group were found anemic. Keywords: Hemoglobin, Anemia and Lymphatic Filariasis

    Successful Transplantation of Primary Hepatocytes from DsRed Mice into Fah-/-;Scid/Scid Mice; A Future In Vivo Model System for Receiving Human Hepatocytes

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    We have developed a system for studying hepatocellular growth potential in which liver cells are introduced into the diseased livers of Fah-/-; Scid/Scid double knockout mice. To use this system to study cell transplantation, DsRed  liver cells were introduced into severe immunodeficient Fah-/-; Scid/Scid double knockout  mice. In regenerated recipient livers, up to 20% of the mouse liver is repopulated by DsRed mouse hepatocytes demonstrating the creation of a functional mouse liver in which parenchyma is derived from DsRed mouse hepatocytes. The severe immunodeficient Fah-/-;Scid/Scid double knockout mice provide a tool for studying hepatocellular biology. Keywords: Human Hepatocytes, Transplantation, DsRed and Fah-/-;Scid/Scid Mice

    Iron, TIBC and Ferritin Levels Correlation with Testosterone Deficient Males in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Low serum iron and ferritin levels with an elevated TIBC are diagnostic of iron deficiency. While a low serum ferritin is virtually diagnostic of iron deficiency, a normal serum ferritin can be seen in patients who are deficient in iron and have coexistent diseases (eg, hepatitis or anemia of chronic disorders). Men with low testosterone levels have lower hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, while men with anemia of unknown etiology. Testosterone directly regulates body iron levels through inhibition of the master regulator of iron metabolism, hepcidin. In our study we studied with 30 males. 80.0% males were observed with low iron level, 100.0% found with normal ferritin level, 66.7% with normal TIBC and finally we found 96.7% males with low serum testosterone level. Keywords: Iron, TIBC, ferritin and testosterone. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/81-10 Publication date:October 31st 202

    トランスジェニックマウスでは、Pol I転写によるC型肝炎ウイルスゲノムRNAが複製し、感染性ウイルスを生成して高度の肝臓脂肪症を発症する

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    Patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are at risk of developing end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. Development of drugs to inhibit hepatocyte damage and a vaccine against HCV is hampered by the lack of a small animal model. We generated mice in which the viral genome RNA was always present in the hepatocytes using a special transgene. Here we show that the HCV genome RNA transcribed by Pol I polymerase can replicate and produce infectious viruses in mice. We obtained a transgenic mouse with 200 copies per haploid which we named the A line mouse. It produced ~ 3 × 10⁶ HCV RNA copies/mL serum, which is at the comparable level as patients with chronic HCV infection. This mouse was immunotolerant to HCV and showed hepatic steatosis without any necroinflammation at the age of 6 months or hepatocellular carcinoma at the age of 15 months. Thus, the A line mouse can be used as an animal model for chronic HCV infection. This will enable better study of the abnormalities in metabolism and signal transduction in infected hepatocytes, and development of drugs that cure abnormalities.浜松医科大学学位論文 医博第704号(平成27年3月16日