18,238 research outputs found

    Inequality and economic growth in Bangladesh- a diversified evidence on Kuznets pattern 'U' hypothesis

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    The study of inequality and economic growth to the developing countries are now a days a comprehensive issue since growth stimulate the standard of living to the poor people and accordingly reduce income inequality.The improvement of inequality and growth may reduce the social movement to the government and may keep the economic and social integrity amongst the different ethnic groups by efficient resource allocation and income redistribution in Bangladesh. The objective of this research is to assess the long term relationship between inequality and growth in Bangladesh with a methodology of Kuznets pattern inverted U hypothesis first introduced by Simon Kuznets since 1955. The popular concept of Kuznets hypothesis suggests that as economic growth occurs,income inequality first increase and then decline after a certain turning point. The study of Kuznets hypothesis is popular to the international economic environment rather than domestic, especially to the developing countries where the per capita GDP is below the level of world average. This study found the evidence that the presumption of Kuznets hypothesis has satisfy in the economy of Bangladesh in national level. In low income countries, structural adjustment is necessary to satisfy the Kuznets hypothesis.Kuznets Hypothesis, Inequality, Growth

    An inevitable wave of prescription drug monitoring programs in the context of prescription opioids: pros, cons and tensions

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    BACKGROUND: In an effort to control non-medical use and/or medical abuse of prescription drugs, particularly prescription opioids, electronic prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP) have been introduced in North-American countries, Australia and some parts of Europe. Paradoxically, there are simultaneous pressures to increase opioid prescribing for the benefit of individual patients and to reduce it for the sake of public health, and this pressure warrants a delicate balance of appropriate therapeutic uses of these drugs with the risk of developing dependence. This article discusses pros and cons of PDMP in reducing diversion of prescription opioids, without hampering access to those medications for those with genuine needs, and highlights tensions around PDMP implementation. DISCUSSION: PDMPs may help alleviate diversion, over-prescription and fraudulent prescribing/dispensing; prompt drug treatment referrals; avoid awkward drug urine test; and inform spatial changes in prescribing practices and help designing tailored interventions. Fear of legal retribution, privacy and data security, potential confusion about addiction and pseudo-addiction, and potential undue pressure of detecting misuse/diversion - are the major problems. There are tensions about unintended consequence of excessive regulatory enforcements, corresponding collateral damages particularly about inadequate prescribing for patients with genuine needs, and mandatory consultation requirements of PDMP. SUMMARY: In this era of information technology PDMP is likely to flourish and remain with us for a long time. A clear standard of practice against which physicians' care will be judged may expedite the utilisation of PDMP. In addition, adequate training on addiction and pain management along with public awareness, point-of-supply data entry from pharmacy, point-of-care real-time access to data, increasing access to addiction treatment and appropriate regulatory enforcement preferably through healthcare administration, together, may help remove barriers to PDMP use

    Anomalous Chiral Action from the Path-Integral

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    By generalizing the Fujikawa approach, we show in the path-integral formalism: (1) how the infinitesimal variation of the fermion measure can be integrated to obtain the full anomalous chiral action; (2) how the action derived in this way can be identified as the Chern-Simons term in five dimensions, if the anomaly is consistent; (3) how the regularization can be carried out, so as to lead to the consistent anomaly and not to the covariant anomaly. Our method uses Schwinger's ``proper-time'' representation of the Green's function and the gauge invariant point-splitting technique. We find that the consistency requirement and the point-splitting technique allow both an anomalous and a non-anomalous action. In the end, the nature of the vacuum determines whether we have an anomalous theory, or, a non-anomalous theoryComment: 28 page

    Thermal gradient driven domain wall dynamics

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    The issue of whether a thermal gradient acts like a magnetic field or an electric current in the domain wall (DW) dynamics is investigated. Broadly speaking, magnetization control knobs can be classified as energy-driving or angular-momentum driving forces. DW propagation driven by a static magnetic field is the best-known example of the former in which the DW speed is proportional to the energy dissipation rate, and the current-driven DW motion is an example of the latter. Here we show that DW propagation speed driven by a thermal gradient can be fully explained as the angular momentum transfer between thermally generated spin current and DW. We found DW-plane rotation speed increases as DW width decreases. Both DW propagation speed along the wire and DW-plane rotation speed around the wire decrease with the Gilbert damping. These facts are consistent with the angular momentum transfer mechanism, but are distinct from the energy dissipation mechanism. We further show that magnonic spin-transfer torque (STT) generated by a thermal gradient has both damping-like and field-like components. By analyzing DW propagation speed and DW-plane rotation speed, the coefficient ( \b{eta}) of the field-like STT arising from the non-adiabatic process, is obtained. It is found that \b{eta} does not depend on the thermal gradient; increases with uniaxial anisotropy K_(||) (thinner DW); and decreases with the damping, in agreement with the physical picture that a larger damping or a thicker DW leads to a better alignment between the spin-current polarization and the local magnetization, or a better adiabaticity
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