8 research outputs found

    Penerapan Manajemen Waktu Menggunakan Network Planning (Cpm) pada Proyek Konstruksi Jalan (Studi Kasus Peningkatan Jalan SP. Berembang – SP. Jambi Kecil)

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    One of the methods in the application of Network Planning on construction projects is the Critical Path Method (CPM).Use of critical path method is to be able to know the the critical path of a project in which an activity can not be delayed, so that the execution time can be controlled to determine the earliest and the latest of starting time. As such factors can delay the project in minimizingRoad Improvement Works Sp. Berembang - Sp. Small Jambi has a contract value of Rp. 9,969,162,000.00 and the turnaround time is 217 calendar days. Application of CPM on the job resulted in an accelerated completion of work to 210 calendar days and 6 work items that are on the critical path. Acceleration time of completion of the work provides implementation costs Rp. 9,956,247,162.00 or additional profit of Rp. 12,914,838.00

    Perancangan Smart Door Lock Menggunakan Voice Recognition Berbasis Rapberry Pi 3

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    The server door is the main access to enter the server room. Currently the door lock on the server room is still done manually using the physical key as a tool to open or lock the door. Physical keys are easily lost or left behind which results in the officer not being able to enter the server room. This resulted in the officer can not access the server. Based on these reasons, the server door is integrated with a computer system that can unlock the door using voice recognition to unlock the server door. Voice recognition is able to identify a person through his voice. Voice recognition is divided into 2 parts namely speech recognition and speeker recognition. Meanwhile, the authors use the speech recognition section to open thedoor server door lock. Where, speech recognition can identify what is spoken by someone. The design of this tool is made using Raspberry pi 3 as the processing center and ULN2803 as ic to increase the voltage so that it can move the solenoid that serves to move the doorlock. Then raspberry gives command to the servo motor to open the door. Only staff who have id and password are only able to open the door lock on the server room using voice recognition. While those who do not have id and password can not unlock the door in the server room. So with the design of smart door lock tool using voice recognition raspberry-based pi 3 provides a level of security and access more computerized

    Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Pada Pt.hankook Ceramic Indonesia

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    Di era perkembangan teknologi informasi pada saat ini, pemanfaatan komputer di PT. Hankook Ceramic Indonesia sangatlah penting untuk menunjang kebutuhan- kebutuhan informasi di PT. Hankook Ceramic Indonesia. Penggunaan komputer merupakan hal yang wajib, karena dengan adanya sistem terkomputerisasi segala proses mulai dari pengolahan data hingga dokumen penting lainnya dapat tersusun dengan rapih sehingga dapat mempermudah penyimpanan dan pencarian data. masalah yang dihadapi pada sistem informasi persediaan barang di PT. Hankook Ceramic Indonesia adalah kurang adanya sistem informasi yang akurat, cepat, dan tepat walaupun sistem persediaan barang yang ada pada PT. Hankook Ceramic Indonesia masih menggunakan microsoft office namun masih belum maksimal, sehingga didalam menghasilkan seluruh laporan yang akurat dan tepat relatif lama. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan penulis adalah melakukan analisa terhadap sistem informasi yang berjalan pada PT. Hankook Ceramic Indonesia. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu dengan pendekatan siklus hiduppengembangan sistem mulai dari menganalisa sistem yang berjalan melalui UML (Unified Modeling Languange), melakukan elisitasi serta hasil akhir yang dicapai dari laporan yaitu terbentuknya suatu prosedur sistem dengan menggunkan program UML untuk menggambarkan analisa sistem yang berjalan dan analisa sistem yang diusulkan. Selain itu dihasilkan pula perancangan sistem informasi persediaan barang yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja operasional pada pegawai PT. Hankook Ceramic Indonesia

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kompetensi, Lingkungan Sosial dan Interaksinya dengan Facebook terhadap Sikap Pembelajaran Siswa Smk Studi Kasus Smk Bonavita Tangerang

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    This study aims to determine the influence of motivation, competence, social environment and interaction with the facebook for high school students learning attitude. The study was conducted in August 2013 in SMK Bonavita Tangerang Jl. Kanjeng Dalam Tangerang, using survey methods. As a sample of this study is the purity of high school students selected (purposive sampling). This research conducted at the beginning of the school year 2012 / 2013 which includes all high school students Purity of class X, XI and XII Multimedia. Results of hypothesis testing showed that the final model obtained in this study is that facebook is very influential on high school students learning attitude Purity. Variable LS (social environment) are influenced by variables moderasinya (LSFB) affect the ATTITUDE variable. The influence of variables interact with the variable FB LS (social environment) affect the variable Attitude. Has a degree of influence of 0.511 (51.1%). The methode of this research is interview, observation and literatur

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Model Penentuan Siswa Teladan pada Smk Bonavita dengan Pendekatan Logika Fuzzy

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    School is an institution that not only teach science or study but also is very important to educate the students. The education will influence or change the behavior, character, personality, way of thinking, maturity and etc, because the education is expected the student not only understand or master of science and technology but also have good character and personal. National education goals also called general purpose is education goals to be achieved at the national level. Indonesia\u27s national education goals listed in law Republic Indonesia number 2 1989, about the national education system chapter 2 verse 4 said: national education the nation and develop human whose faith and fear of God, good character, knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, personality and independence and sense responsibility for society and nationality. To achieve national education goals, vision and mission of the school, the scholl students need to choose someone who can be role model for other students in learning, behavior, attitudes and how to interact in school or outside the school cenvironment. The head master and the teacher make the criteria or requirements to determine who will be role model and they use an approach that can be done by using Fuzzy logic . And the assesment\u27s criteria can be done by looking at the attitude, discipline, the average of mark, the organization, and involved in drugs. That approached is expected to choose a role model of student effectively. From that criteria they make a decision support system to determine thet role mode student

    Sistem Pengontrolan Mesin Cetak Paving Blok Menggunakan Visual Basic.net Berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang semakin pesat dalam bidang teknologi pada khususnya. Hal ini ditandai dengan terciptanya alat–alat canggih dengan bantuan mikrokontroler untuk kemudahan, efisiensi waktu dan keamanan. Pengendalian industri menengah kebawah ini umumnya tidak terus menerus menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk menyalakan mesin dan memproduksi suatu barang. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu pemecahan masalah tersebut, maka dirancang sistem pengontrolan mesin cetak paving block dengan menggunakan sensor, mikrokontroler arduino dan interface pada visual basic .NET. Sistem pengontrolan ini dirancang dengan menggunakan pemrograman bahasa C dan software arduino serta kebutuhan interface menggunakan software visual basic.NET. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu perancangan, serta pengujian alat. Saat mesin dinyalakan maka mikrokontroler dan sensor yang sudah dirancang akan aktif, pada saat ojek yang melewati sensor tersebut, maka mesin tersebut akan bergerak untuk menghasilkan produk yang akan dibuatnya dengan bantuan sensor gerak. Hasil akhir dari sistem ini adalah untuk mempermudah pekerja dalam mengendalikan mesin serta dapat memaksimalkan pendapatan barang