24 research outputs found

    A Statistical Analysis of the Robustness of Alternate Genetic Coding Tables

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    The rules that specify how the information contained in DNA is translated into amino acid “language†during protein synthesis are called “the genetic codeâ€Â, commonly called the “Standard†or “Universal†Genetic Code Table. As a matter of fact, this coding table is not at all “universalâ€Â: in addition to different genetic code tables used by different organisms, even within the same organism the nuclear and mitochondrial genes may be subject to two different coding tables. Results In an attempt to understand the advantages and disadvantages these coding tables may bring to an organism, we have decided to analyze various coding tables on genes subject to mutations, and have estimated how these genes “survive†over generations. We have used this as indicative of the “evolutionary†success of that particular coding table. We find that the “standard†genetic code is not actually the most robust of all coding tables, and interestingly, Flatworm Mitochondrial Code (FMC) appears to be the highest ranking coding table given our assumptions. Conclusions It is commonly hypothesized that the more robust a genetic code, the better suited it is for maintenance of the genome. Our study shows that, given the assumptions in our model, Standard Genetic Code is quite poor when compared to other alternate code tables in terms of robustness. This brings about the question of why Standard Code has been so widely accepted by a wider variety of organisms instead of FMC, which needs to be addressed for a thorough understanding of genetic code evolution

    Selection shapes the robustness of ligand-binding amino acids

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    Abstract The phenotypes of biological systems are to some extent robust to genotypic changes. Such robustness exists on multiple levels of biological organization. We analyzed this robustness for two categories of amino acids in proteins. Specifically, we studied the codons of amino acids that bind or do not bind small molecular ligands. We asked to what extent codon changes caused by mutation or mistranslation may affect physicochemical amino acid properties or protein folding. We found that the codons of ligand-binding amino acids are on average more robust than those of non-binding amino acids. Because mistranslation is usually more frequent than mutation, we speculate that selection for error mitigation at the translational level stands behind this phenomenon. Our observations suggest that natural selection can affect the robustness of very small units of biological organization

    Transcriptomic profile of Pea3 family members reveal regulatory codes for axon outgrowth and neuronal connection specificity

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    Abstract PEA3 transcription factor subfamily is present in a variety of tissues with branching morphogenesis, and play a particularly significant role in neural circuit formation and specificity. Many target genes in axon guidance and cell–cell adhesion pathways have been identified for Pea3 transcription factor (but not for Erm or Er81); however it was not so far clear whether all Pea3 subfamily members regulate same target genes, or whether there are unique targets for each subfamily member that help explain the exclusivity and specificity of these proteins in neuronal circuit formation. In this study, using transcriptomics and qPCR analyses in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, hypothalamic and hippocampal cell line, we have identified cell type-specific and subfamily member-specific targets for PEA3 transcription factor subfamily. While Pea3 upregulates transcription of Sema3D and represses Sema5B, for example, Erm and Er81 upregulate Sema5A and Er81 regulates Unc5C and Sema4G while repressing EFNB3 in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. We furthermore present a molecular model of how unique sites within the ETS domain of each family member can help recognize specific target motifs. Such cell-context and member-specific combinatorial expression profiles help identify cell–cell and cell-extracellular matrix communication networks and how they establish specific connections

    ETS-domain transcription factor Elk-1 mediates neuronal survival: SMN as a potential target

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    AbstractElk-1 belongs to the ternary complex factors (TCFs) subfamily of the ETS domain proteins, and plays a critical role in the expression of immediate-early genes (IEGs) upon mitogen stimulation and activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. The association of TCFs with serum response elements (SREs) on IEG promoters has been widely studied and a role for Elk-1 in promoting cell cycle entry has been determined. However, the presence of the ETS domain transcription factor Elk-1 in axons and dendrites of post-mitotic adult brain neurons has implications for an alternative function for Elk-1 in neurons other than controlling proliferation. In this study, possible alternative roles for Elk-1 in neurons were investigated, and it was demonstrated that blocking TCF-mediated transactivation in neuronal cells leads to apoptosis through a caspase-dependent mechanism. Indeed RNAi-mediated depletion of endogenous Elk-1 results in increased caspase activity. Conversely, overexpression of either Elk-1 or Elk-VP16 fusion proteins was shown to rescue PC12 cells from chemically-induced apoptosis, and that higher levels of endogenous Elk-1 correlated with longer survival of DRGs in culture. It was shown that Elk-1 regulated the Mcl-1 gene expression required for survival, and that RNAi-mediated degradation of endogenous Elk-1 resulted in elimination of the mcl-1 message. We have further identified the survival-of-motor neuron-1 (SMN1) gene as a novel target of Elk-1, and show that the ets motifs in the SMN1 promoter are involved in this regulation

    In silico analyses and global transcriptional profiling reveal novel putative targets for Pea3 transcription factor related to its function in neurons.

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    Pea3 transcription factor belongs to the PEA3 subfamily within the ETS domain transcription factor superfamily, and has been largely studied in relation to its role in breast cancer metastasis. Nonetheless, Pea3 plays a role not only in breast tumor, but also in other tissues with branching morphogenesis, including kidneys, blood vasculature, bronchi and the developing nervous system. Identification of Pea3 target promoters in these systems are important for a thorough understanding of how Pea3 functions. Present study particularly focuses on the identification of novel neuronal targets of Pea3 in a combinatorial approach, through curation, computational analysis and microarray studies in a neuronal model system, SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. We not only show that quite a number of genes in cancer, immune system and cell cycle pathways, among many others, are either up- or down-regulated by Pea3, but also identify novel targets including ephrins and ephrin receptors, semaphorins, cell adhesion molecules, as well as metalloproteases such as kallikreins, to be among potential target promoters in neuronal systems. Our overall results indicate that rather than early stages of neurite extension and axonal guidance, Pea3 is more involved in target identification and synaptic maturation

    Adult-onset hyperthyroidism impairs spatial learning: possible involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways

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    Given evidence that mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is part of the nongenomic actions of thyroid hormones, we investigated the possible consequences of hyperthyroidism for the cognitive functioning of adult rats. Young adult rats were treated with L-thyroxine or saline. Twenty rats in each group were exposed to Morris water maze testing, measuring their performance in a hidden-platform spatial task. In a separate set of rats not exposed to Morris water maze testing (untrained rats), the expression and phosphorylated levels of p38-MAPK and of its two downstream effectors, Elk-1 and cAMP response element-binding protein, were evaluated using quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR and western blotting. Rats with hyperthyroidism showed delayed acquisition of learning compared with their wildtype counterparts, as shown by increased escape latencies and distance moved on the last two trials of daily training in the water maze. The hyperthyroid rats, however, showed no difference during probe trials. Western blot analyses of the hippocampus showed that hyperthyroidism increased phosphorylated p38-MAPK levels in untrained rats. Although our study is correlative in nature and does not exclude the contribution of other molecular targets, our findings suggest that the observed impairments in acquisition during actual learning in rats with hyperthyroidism may result from the increased phosphorylation of p38-MAPK. Copyright (C) 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

    Ternary Complex Factor-Serum Response Factor Complex-Regulated Gene Activity Is Required for Cellular Proliferation and Inhibition of Apoptotic Cell Death

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    Members of the ternary complex factor (TCF) subfamily of the ETS-domain transcription factors are activated through phosphorylation by mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in response to a variety of mitogenic and stress stimuli. The TCFs bind and activate serum response elements (SREs) in the promoters of target genes in a ternary complex with a second transcription factor, serum response factor (SRF). The association of TCFs with SREs within immediate-early gene promoters is suggestive of a role for the ternary TCF-SRF complex in promoting cell cycle entry and proliferation in response to mitogenic signaling. Here we have investigated the downstream gene regulatory and phenotypic effects of inhibiting the activity of genes regulated by TCFs by expressing a dominantly acting repressive form of the TCF, Elk-1. Inhibition of ternary complex activity leads to the downregulation of several immediate-early genes. Furthermore, blocking TCF-mediated gene expression leads to growth arrest and triggers apoptosis. By using mutant Elk-1 alleles, we demonstrated that these effects are via an SRF-dependent mechanism. The antiapoptotic gene Mcl-1 is identified as a key target for the TCF-SRF complex in this system. Thus, our data confirm a role for TCF-SRF-regulated gene activity in regulating proliferation and provide further evidence to indicate a role in protecting cells from apoptotic cell death