344 research outputs found

    Teaching effectiveness and students' performance in conventional schools and coaching centres in Lagos state.

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    There has been a proliferation of coaching centres in Lagos State. These run side-by-side conventional schools offering general education. Stakeholders in the education industry have raised questions on the relevance of these coaching centres particularly in terms of students' academic performance, teaching effectiveness, leadership and supervisory activities of super-ordinates and the availability and utilization of basic infrastructure and teaching/learning resources. This study therefore sought to compare conventional schools with coaching centres on each of these four variables. It was considered rather ironic that coaching centres, which were rated inferior to conventional schools in terms of teaching effectiveness and leadership and supervisory activities would be adjudged by same respondents as superior in enhancing better academic performance of students. The implications of these for the continued existence of these centres were explored. Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 4 () 2007: pp.45-5

    Analysis of Class 1 Integrons and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains from Benin City, Nigeria

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    The presence of integrons and antibiotic resistance genes in the genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pose a serious problem in the treatment and control of infections caused by this pathogen in hospitals. This study was carried to analyse the presence of class 1 integrons and some antibiotic resistance genes on selected clinical and environmental strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A total of 120 strains were employed for this study.The strains were confirmed using molecular method and species-specific primers targeting the 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of class 1 integrons and resistance genes using appropriate primers and conditions. The strains were analysed for the presence of the following antibiotic resistance genes - aadA, blaPSE, blaAMPC, blaIMP and tetC encoding  aminoglycosides, betalactamases, metallo-beta-lactamases (MBL) and tetracylines resistance respectively. On screening the isolates for the presence of class 1 integrons, 50/60 (83.3 %) clinical isolates and 46/60 (76.7 %) environmental isolates showed positive results (P > 0.05). In both clinical and environmental isolates, the highest occurring resistance genes were blaAMPC and tetC (encoding beta-lactamases and tetracylines respectively), while the least was observed in blaIMP (encoding metallo-beta-lactamases). In comparison, there was high significance difference (at P<0.01 significance level) in the resistance gene blaPSE between the clinical and environmental strains. The high prevalence of these resistance genes is a great threat in the treatment of Pseudomonas infections. Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Resistance genes, Integrons, Beta-lactamases

    Sexual risk behavior and HIV infection among adolescents in secondary schools in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: In adolescents sexual risk behaviours are believed to enhance the transmission of HIV infection. This study, therefore aims to examine prevalent sexual risk behaviours of adolescents in secondary schools in a town in northern Nigeria and its relation to HIV infection.Method: A total of 883 subjects drawn from 10 schools out of 37, were recruited for the study. Structured self administered questionnaire was given to each subject. Consenting subjects received group pretest counseling and had HIV screening using Determine HIV test kits. HIV positive subjects had confirmatory test using Unigold test kit.Result: Males accounted for 42.5% (374) out of the 883 students studied. Of this, 169 (19.2%) were sexually active. Mean age at sexual debut was 13.8±2.9 years; 13.3±2.7 years for males and 14.6±3.2 years for females, p=0.006. Males 101 (27%) were more sexually experienced as against 13.4% of the females, p<0.0001. Among the sexually active37.6% had two or more sex partners, and 63.9% of them never used condoms. In the sexually active, 54 (42.5%) had nonconsensual sex (NCS), with more of NCS occurring in younger subjects p<0.0001, more females p<0.0001, associated with less condom use (p=0.02). Nine (eight females and one male) of the 883 subjects tested HIV positive. among the sexually active subjects, only four tested HIV positive. Condom use among the sexually active, HIV positive subjects was 25%.Conclusion: Prevalent sexual risk behaviors noted were early sexual debut, nonconsensual sex, unprotected sex and multiple sex partners.Key words: Adolescents, Sexual risk behavior, HIV infection, Jo

    Corporate Governance Parctices and Chanllenges in Africa

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    This paper examined the practice of corporate governance in developing countries, and specifically in Africa. To carry out the exercise, the efficacy of corporate governance mechanisms and legal (legislation) framework were examined. The paper observed a weak or non-existing compliance and/or enforcement of corporate governance legislation. It concludes that corporate governance in most African countries is ineffective, inefficient and has ultimately failed. The paper therefore, recommends that for African countries to reap the benefits of effective corporate governance there is the need to review existing legislations and to strengthen the enforcement mechanism of the regulatory institutions. Key Words: Governance, Stewardship, Stakeholders, Ethics, Accountability

    Unitary and Vilenkin's wave functions

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    It is remarkably difficult to reconcile unitary and Vilenkin's wave function. For example, the natural conserved inner product found in quantum unimodular gravity applies to the Hartle-Hawking wave function, but fails for its Vilenkin counterpart. We diagnose this failure from different angles (Laplace transform instead of Fourier transform, non-Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian, etc) to conclude that ultimately it stems from allowing the connection to become imaginary in a section of its contour. In turn this is the unavoidable consequence of representing the Euclidean theory as an imaginary image within a fundamentally Lorentzian theory. It is nonetheless possible to change the underlying theory and replace the connection's foray into the imaginary axis by an actual signature change (with the connection, action and Hamiltonian remaining real). The structural obstacles to unitarity are then removed, but special care must still be taken, because the Euclidean theory {\it a priori} has boundaries, so that appropriate boundary conditions are required for unitarity. Reflecting boundary conditions would reinstate a Hartle-Hawking-like solution in the Lorentzian regime. To exclude an incoming wave in the Lorentzian domain one must allow a semi-infinite tower of spheres in the Euclidean region, wave packets travelling through successive spheres for half an eternity in unimodular time. Such "Sisyphus" boundary condition no longer even vaguely resembles Vilenkin's original proposal.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Increasing uptake of Basic Breast Examination Procedures through Breast Cancer Awareness in Jos, Nigeria

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    Breast cancer is now the leading cancer in Nigerian women with a rising prevalence of 33.6/100,000 to 116/100.000. Increased number of prominent Nigeria women dying from the disease prompted the community leader to organize a cancer prevention program and breast cancer screening. We analyzed the data obtained from three days of community based prevention awareness program consisting of Breast self examination (BSE), clinical breast examination (CBE), breast ultrasound and mammography recommended for women above 40 years of age, women found to have positive lump at CBE or Ultrasound. All the screening programs were analyzed. Data was analyzed using Epinfo version 3.4.3. A total of 2048 women participated in the community sensitization program, the mean age 34.40 +-12.98 with a range of 12-90years. Among the participants, only 55(2.7%) were not aware of breast cancer, 100(4.9%) practiced BSE, 644(31.4%) had breast related problems, 465(22.7) had family history of breast disease while 6(0.3%) previous biopsy. Lump detection: CBE 189(9.2%) 95% CI: 8.0%-10.6%, Ultrasound 314(15.3%) 95% CI: 13.8%-17.0%; Mammography: Only 320 results received at the time of analysis, lump detection 130(40.6%) lumps were detected. Community based cancer prevention is a useful tool for awareness and early detection of lumps in the breast in developing countries where other techniques are not readily available. Linkage to mammography and biopsy was done for those found to have or suspected to have a lump. All women 40years and above were encouraged on the need for regular mammography. Keywords: Breast cancer, Community, Prevention, Outreach

    Hepatitis C virus-associated porphyria cutanea tarda: A case report

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    Porhyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a rare, inherited or acquired disorder due to decreased activity or deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROD), one of the enzymes in the haem synthetic pathway. It is characterized by cutaneous manifestations such as erosions, blisters and bulae in the dorsum of the hand, forearm, elbows and knees; and painful indolent sores that heal with dyspigmented and scarring lesions. A 25 year old sales man presented with a 7 month history of recurrent blistering of the skin of the extremities- hands, elbows, knees and feet which occurred spontaneously or following trivial trauma. There was no family history of similar skin symptoms. Examination showed broken and fresh blisters of varying sizes with some healed lesions on the dorsum of the hands, over the elbow and knee joints, and toes. Serum ferritin was 360μ/L (40- 340 μ/L), urine uroporphyrinogen was positive (+++) and Hepatitis C antibodies screening was positive. Some improvement of the cutaneous lesion was noticed following commencement of therapeutic phlebotomy.Keywords: Porhyria, blisters, Hepatitis C virus, uroporphyrinoge

    Secondary prevention of cervical cancer by screen-and-treat approach among HIV negative women in Faith Alive Hospital, Jos Nigeria

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    Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in Nigeria and the leading cause of cancer-related death in sub-Saharan Africa.  In low-income settings, visual inspections with acetic acid (VIA) and Lugol’s iodine (VILI); and subsequent treatment of cervical precancerous lesions with thermal ablation remains the practical approach for secondary prevention. Objectives were to determine prevalence of pre-cancerous cervical lesions, prevalence of suspected cervical cancer, and associated risk factors. Methods: A retrospective study on sexually active HIV negative women aged 16-55 years screened for cervical cancer using VIA/VILI within 16 months period in Faith Alive Hospital Jos.  Data were analyzed using IBM-SPSS 26. Socio-demographic characteristics and screening results were presented in frequency tables; and logistic regression was performed to determine risk factors for cervical pre-cancerous lesions. Results: 1,073 HIV negative women were screened for cervical cancer using VIA/VILI. 82 (7.6%) tested positive, 30 (2.8%) had suspected cancer with modal age distribution of 36-45 years. Higher positivity yield (58.6%) was found in ages between 36 and ≥55 years while the less positivity yield (41.4%) was found ages ≤35 years. Parity ≥3 had 1.8 fold risk association with precancerous lesion. Conclusions: Our study revealed high prevalence of cervical pre-cancerous lesions among HIV negative women, modal age distribution for suspected cancer and parity ≥3 being significant risk factor. Thus, “screen-and-treat” approach to cervical cancer prevention by VIA/VILI and thermal ablation in resource constraint settings should be undertaken until widespread HPV testing to triage clients is possible

    Dark Vocation: Religion in the Life and Work of Two New Zealand Creative Artists - James K. Baxter and Colin McCahon

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    James K. Baxter and Colin McCahon are generally regarded as New Zealand's greatest poet and painter (to use the word McCahon preferred), respectively. It would not be an exaggeration to say that both were obsessed with religion, and this passionate preoccupation is central to an understanding of their work and life. Baxter was a convert, first to Anglo- Catholicism and later to Rome. McCahon was plunged in the dazzling darkness of doubt, which is quite different from an agnosticism rooted in indifference or ignorance; he never joined a church, but biblical texts and religious motifs dominate his painting to an extraordinary degree. I knew Baxter well, for a time (I left New Zealand in 1962) and met MacCahon once, at a Student Congress. I wrote a poem about it, which is appended to this paper