11 research outputs found


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    Purposes: The crisis in modern humanitarian science testifies to the need to search for a new approach that goes beyond the boundaries of the natural-science approach, which in its turn involves addressing to the origins of our culture, expanding the categorical apparatus and methodological basis of psychology. In individual consciousness, the spiritual crisis is expressed in the loss of the ideals of life. Therefore, at the present stage of the development of society, the need for a philosophical and psychological analysis of spiritual and moral ideas and their role in the formation of the individual is felt with particular severity. Methodology: In the framework of the activity approach embodied in the works of S. L. Rubinstein, the main provisions were formulated, which are of special methodological importance for the solution of this problem. In particular, these are provisions on the study of the human psyche through its manifestations in the main types of activity and the influence on the activities of external causes, not directly, but indirectly, through its internal, psychological conditions. Results: This article is devoted to the description of the results of an empirical study carried out from the position of the activity approach and aimed at revealing the level of ethical behavior of adolescence and youth ages. The urgency of the study is due to the fact that the tendency of the transition from the theoretical-descriptive to the experimental-developing technology of research of ethical characteristics is clearly manifested in the work. Implications/Applications: This article could be practical in predicting the problems regarding the study of Ethical Characteristics of person and help the audience to broaden their information in this vein. Novelty/Originality: In one case, the individual in the process of communicating with other people, assimilates universal values, the experience of moral relations, develops beliefs and moral ideals, in the other can under the influence of communication become attached to completely opposite values, degrade morall

    Improving the Efficiency of Production Process Organization in the Resource Saving System of Petrochemical Enterprises

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    The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that the issues of resource-saving technology implementation in the petrochemical complex have not been fully addressed yet and require further study and systematization of the determining factors, which is especially important on the back of the emergence and development of "green" industries and the digital economy in Russia. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors of the resource saving system and the extent, to which digital technologies are used by petrochemical enterprises. The main research methods underlying the article include the method of description used to identify trends in the waste production and consumption in petrochemical facilities; component analysis method, which helped to identify three groups of criteria factors affecting the resource saving system of the petrochemical industry, depending on the level of its digitalization; factor analysis method used to compile the indicators of digital technologies application in the petrochemical complex into three groups;  and production function modeling for the petrochemical industry, taking into account the digital physical and digital human capital. The paper analyzes the resource saving system in the Russian petrochemical complex; the resource saving system of the petrochemical industry has been modeled, depending on the level of its digitalization; also the study provides a production function model for the petrochemical industry, which may be used to model the parameters and the resulting indicators of the resource saving system in the petrochemical industry. The information contained in the article can be used to develop strategies and programs aimed at the improvement of the resource-saving system efficiency in petrochemical enterprises, taking into account the requirements for production digitalization and the ratio of digital physical to digital human capital. Keywords: resource saving, petrochemical enterprise, petrochemical complex, production efficiency, digital technologies JEL Classifications: D24; Q43; M31 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.796

    System management and labour relations transformation in relation with talented, healthy and sportsman staff

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    The relevance of this article is to study new principles of work and interaction with staff. Currently, there is a transformation of labour relations. All these forces employers to actively search for talented employees inside and outside their companies, and then ensure their development and worthy use in solving priority business tasks. There is a need for system personnel management. The aim of the research is to explore ways to manage successful effective employees in information technology companies as an approach to human resources management. Research methods: as a research method, the questionnaire method was used to analyse the organization of the employee management system in Russian companies related to information technology. Research results: the article examines the experience of applying the concept of personnel management in IT companies. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the system of personnel management in the field of information technology was studied. It is shown that being an actively developing field related to information technologies - it is constantly in need of personnel. It is determined that not all employees of information technology companies are highly qualified, which may be due to the high demand for labour resources. It is revealed that the activities carried out in almost all companies include staff motivation and the formation of a remuneration system (compensation and incentives); recruitment; evaluation of company personnel; training management. It is determined that the need for changes may be due to such factors as changing the company's work profile, the arrival of a new boss, setting new tasks for the HR Department. It is revealed that representatives of companies see the need to make changes in the company's motivation in the remuneration system, training and development of personnel, career management and performance management, creating an effective team and evaluating personnel. It is shown that the system of motivation of ordinary employees and successful employees does not differ critically in most companies. They are motivated by additional payments (bonuses) and gratitude for the work done. It is determined that the motivating factors are corporate sports, individual types of incentives, additional payments for work experience. It is shown that the main motives for work from the point of view of employees are decent and guaranteed financial remuneration, the presence of certain job responsibilities and clear company policy, as well as the presence of diversity in work and interest in it. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing, management, Economics, personnel management, management psychology

    Resource Saving Innovative Forms of the Industrial Enterprises

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    The relevance of the study is reasoned by the current economic trends which suggest that the reliability of production is possible to be provided, while preserving and enhancing of natural ecological environment, by finding of quality new, revolutionary opportunities associated with the use of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies and alternative reproducible sources of production activities, creation of favorable ecological, economic and social conditions for the accumulation and implementation of human capital. The purpose of this paper is to explore innovative forms of resource saving of the industrial enterprises, aimed at improving of the competitiveness of products, using innovative energy and resource saving technologies, minimizing the generation of waste. The leading method to the study of this problem is the modeling method that allows considering of this problem as a purposeful and organized process to improve the management of industrial enterprises. In paper gives the estimation of modern condition of mineral raw material base of hydrocarbons; scientifically substantiates recommendations on the appropriateness of innovative forms' choice of resource-saving at industrial enterprises. The practical value is in the fact that the results of the study allow better and more targeted adjusting of innovative activity of industrial enterprises through the application of innovative forms of resource saving and can be used in the framework of sector programs that are of interest for the state statistics bodies, ministries and agencies who are responsible for strategic analysis and planning. Keywords: Resource Saving, Innovation, Competitiveness, Equity Sharing of Profits. JEL Classifications: O31, P28, Q32

    Assessing the Financial Stability of Electric Power Organizations

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    Nowadays the economic processes in any world economy are carried out at a rapid pace. They have a strong influence on the activities of companies. In this regard, the electric power companies have faced the issue of increasing the efficiency of companies and reducing the degree of dependence on external factors. Moreover, the successful operation of the majority of modern branches of the national economy depends on the efficient and smooth performance of this business. The purpose of the study is to improve the financial stability indicators of electric power companies. The base of the conducted study includes both general scientific and empirical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling, observation, description, measurement, and comparison and the case method, which allow broadening the authors' understanding of the financial stability of the business, proposing its main criteria, and studying the aspects of the financial stability of business exemplified by electric power companies. The study carried out by the authors shows that the financial stability of the country is inextricably linked to the financial stability of organizations. Therefore, they need to be evaluated jointly. The relationship between macroeconomic indicators and the financial stability of business is defined by the authors. The concept of financial stability at the macro and micro levels is generalized. The indicators of financial diagnostics of organizations, characterizing their financial stability have been revealed. A model has been developed that allows determining the degree of the financial stability of electric power companies. The proposed model enables the selection of the most stable and steadily functioning electric power companies out of the significant number of ones in conditions of the uncertainty of the external environment. The results obtained by the authors will give an opportunity to identify not only the most stable business in the electric power industry but also, as a consequence, to determine the most attractive business model that should be adapted to other regions to minimize the adverse effects of situations related to uncertainty. Keywords: financial stability, indicators, financial conditions, business model, electric power companies. JEL Classifications: D24; Q43; M31 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.772

    State Priorities in the Petrochemistry of Russia: Sustainable Development, “Green” Industry and Energy Efficiency

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    This research aims at diagnosing such priority areas for the development of petrochemicals in Russia as sustainable development and energy efficiency, at identifying trends and forecasting the development of the industry, taking into account the greening of the industry. Achieving the goal is based on the use of methods such as graphical, comparative, economic and mathematical (neural network modeling, correlation regression analysis), and prognostic. The article contains an assessment of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals focused on energy saving and environmental protection; forecasting the level of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia based on the construction of a neural network and a regression model; comparative analysis of the rates of transition to sustainable development of chemical production and production of coke and petroleum products in the Russian economy. The scientific results of the research are a neural network model trained on the indicators of sustainable and energy efficient development of the Russian economy, on the basis of which the relationship between the level of greenhouse gas emissions, the energy intensity of GDP and the share of electricity from renewable energy sources is formalized; a predictive model that made it possible to calculate future values of greenhouse gas emissions depending on the target values of predictive variables; features of the greening of petrochemical industries in Russia.Keywords: petrochemical industry, state priorities, sustainable development, green industry, energy efficiency, Russia.JEL Classifications: О14, D24, С41DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11364</p

    Econometric Methods for Evaluating of Open National Innovative Systems

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    The urgency of the problem stated in the paper is reasoned by the fact that the rapid acceleration of the changes of the existing economic and institutional conditions raises the need to develop new theoretical-methodological and practical approaches to the problems' solving in order to achieve sustainable growth of innovation growth. The purpose of the paper is developing of a methodology to assess the open national innovation systems through the use of econometric models. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the method of economic-mathematical modeling, allowing evaluating of the level of national innovation systems' openness using quantitative indicators and building of innovative development's forecasts. The article reveals the essence of open innovations, open national innovation systems, on the basis of production functions the forecast of the share of service sector's value added in GDP is built using additive and multiplicative models. Paper Submissions are of theoretical and practical significance for open innovation management models' development, as well as for the development of the state innovation policy's strategy. Keywords: National Innovation System, Evaluation Methods, Econometric Modeling, Production Function, Additive Model, Multiplicative Model. JEL Classifications: B23, F41, O3

    Formalization of Sustainable Innovative Development Process in the Model of Innovations Diffusion

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    The relevance of the study is reasoned by the fact that the sustainability of innovative development cannot be fully estimated by using the parameters which are traditionally observed by the official statistical bodies, so it suggests the need to improve methodological solutions and technology economic interpretation as well as scaling of indicators' values in this field. At the macro level there is a small number of indicators on the basis of which we can conclude about the stability of innovative development of economic systems at the meso - and macro level. In this regard, this article aims to formalize the process of sustainable innovation development on the basis of the parameters' set formation of the innovations' diffusion model and diagnosis of major economic systems' development level. The leading method is the parameters' set formalization of the quantitative model to estimate the level of economic systems' innovative development based on managerial interpretation of descriptive statistics' indicators of innovation activity in the framework of economic activities. A set of quantitative parameters of 9 parametric model of economic systems' innovative development level is formalized in the article, allowing to diagnose the impact of cyclical factors and the institutional environment that are not fully implemented in the existing macro-systems assessing the level of economic systems' innovative development; methods of diagnosis and economic interpretation of the relevant indices and indicators' levels are proposed. The material of this paper is of practical value for enterprises' innovative activities regulators and monitoring agencies, for regional innovation infrastructure  and transfer technology entities, for innovation-active enterprises, because on the basis of the obtained model the optimal solutions in the development of strategies for the upgrading of industries, regions, macro-economic system as a whole are possible. Keywords: innovation development, innovations' diffusion model, cycling, institutional environment, formalization of parameters. JEL Classifications: O31, O34, Q0

    Science Education and Mobile Learning: A Content Analysis Review of the Web of Science Database

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    The use of mobile technologies in education has appealed considerable interest and attention from educators and researchers in the last decade. Nonetheless, the effects of mobile learning on students’ learning outcome in science education are still ambiguous. The time and place flexibility, ubiquity and easy accessibility of mobile devices are among the features that make them valuable in m-learning, especially in science education, at present times. Despite the large number of researches conducted, no bibliometrics study has been carried out in this topic so far. The aim of this review is to assess the progress of international publications in the area of science education and mobile learning. This content analysis review shows the trends in publications regarding mobile learning and science education researches indexed in Web of Science database between years 2004-2019. Out of 57 documents related to the topic of interest found in the database of Web of Science, the results demonstrate that the publication frequency has increased after 2012 where the most productive year was 2016. Most of the published documents were proceedings papers and original articles. Taiwan and United States are the countries with most work published where Pakistan, Taiwan and China are the countries that funded the most scientific research. The top journal involving the publications associated with this topic is Computers & Education journal. A more comprehensive criteria has been used in this content analysis which has interpreted in detail. This study can provide a much clear picture of the field to researchers, educational leaders and funders to incorporate new understandings into their research