214 research outputs found

    Junior high school students’ consultation behavior with teachers: Relationship with teachers’ images in “Nine-in-One Drawing Method”

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    There are many advantages to conducting educational counseling in schools, where teachers are an effective support resource for junior high school students. However, junior high school students are often hesitant to share their issues with their teachers. This study examines how junior high school students’ “teachers’ images” are linked to “intent of consultation behavior” and “expected costs/benefits of consulting behavior.” To examine “teachers’ images,” we used the “Nine-in-One Drawing Method (NOD)” that allows capturing multiple images at once. For analysis, we divided students into four groups based on the teachers’ images indicated by the NOD. The result showed that students who have positive teachers’ images were more likely to present consultation behavior. In contrast, students who have negative teachers’ images feared that consultation would lead to disclosure of secrets and/or a poor evaluation. Therefore, positive images of teachers are considered important in promoting consultation behavior from students

    キブン ショウガイシャ ノ ヒ ノ アル フウケイ ビョウシャホウ Fire in Landscape Technique ニ カンスル イチコウサツ

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    The purpose of the present study is to examine the meaning of drawing content and style of Mood Disorders Cleints in “Fire in Landscape Technique (FLT ,for short)". In this study,the subjects were divided into the groups with Bipolar Disorders and with Depressive Disorders. The differences of drawing features were found in the flaring of “Fire",and in its coloring and size. The results indicated that the difficulty to control affection in Bipolar Disorders Clients was projected on those drawing features. In addition, some drawing features of Bipolar and Depressive groups were contrastively analyzed with Normal group,Personality Disorders group and Schizophrenia group. As a result, some peculiar drawing features to Bipolar and Depressive groups were found to significantly reflect their pathology. In conclusion, it was suggested that dividing Mood Disorders Clients in Bipolar and Depressive groups was important in the study on Clinical Drawings for Mood Disorders Clients

    ヒ ノ アル フウケイ ビョウガホウ オ ヨム タメ ノ ヒント 2 : ELT ニオケル タイヨウ ト ヒ ト ミズ ノ カンレン ガ ショウチョウ スル モノ ニツイテ

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    In “Fire in Landscape Technique" (hereafter abbreviated as FLT), we can often see cases where clients draw “the Sun" as the representation of “Fire" and something else related to“Water". At first,literature in the fields of folklore,cultural anthropology, mythology and psychology is reviewed. Then the symbolic meanings of“the Sun" and of “the interrelations between Fire and Water" in FLT are examined on the basis of the reviewed literature. As a result,“Fire" and “the Sun" are found out to be in close relation with each other. Especially in the case of schizophrenic patients,“the Sun" is found to indicate the transition of their disease. In addition,it is also revealed that the conflicting and/or cooperative meanings between “Fire" and“Water"may delineate clients' inner worlds and may project their inner conflicts and recovery processes. Finally,examining the symbolic meanings of“the Sun" and “the interrelations between Fire and Water" in FLT can provide various useful hints understand clients' inner worlds

    インセイ ガイショウ オ モツ クライエント ニ タイスル シジ ヒョウシュツ モデル ノ ココロミ

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    The number of divorce cases has been increasing. Weak emotional ties and discord between parents can make their children feel uneasy,hinder the development of their personality and affect their future personal relations. A female client had been mentally suffered from such parental discord and the shortage of the empathy of her parents. The therapist administered "Supportive-Expressive Model" (Okano,1995). He sometimes became sick at the client weeping with her sorrow and troubles about her personal relations. But this act of "weeping" was found to bring out the "self object" of the therapist,giving her an opportunity to heal her,satisfying her desire of "amae" and encouraging her development. By accepting her "Narcissistic Weeping",he worked together to make her deepen insight into herself. In this process,she recollected some traumatic memories with intensive emotion and gradual improvements in the relations with her parents and colleagues were found. Likewise,this study makes some suggestions on the psychotherapy for the clients with "Negative Trauma"(Okano, 1995) due to the shortage of empathy of their parents

    ヒ ノ アル フウケイ ビョウガホウ オ ヨム タメ ノ ヒント 1 : ヒ ノ モツ ショウチョウテキ イミ ニツイテ

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    Prior to understanding the inner worlds of clients by using “Fire in Landscape Technique"(ELT), which the author has developed,we need to clarify various symbolic meanings of“Fire". In this paper,several such meanings are examined by referring to the collected notions of“Fire" in the fields of folklore,cultural anthropology,religion, psychology,and philosophy. As a result,some historical and universal associations between “Fire" and our inner worlds are revealed. In particular,the following three features,“Bilateral Character of Fire" (e.g.,Sexual drive vs. Aggressive drive in psychoanalysis),"Fire as the Instrument of Change" and “Fire as the Conversion Agent," are found to reflect our various inner experiences. In addition,these symbolic meanings of “Fire" are found as well in the themes of clients' drawings collected in FLT. Finally,the present paper suggests a useful application of FLT to the field of clinical psychology,more specifically psychological assessment and psychotherapy

    Borderline personality traits and the mediation effects of humor: The effects of maternal borderline personality traits

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    Borderline personality traits of mothers impact those in their adolescent children. This study seeks to identify whether adolescent humor mediates this influence and whether a humorous home environment cultivates humor in adolescents. To this end, I conducted a questionnaire urvey of 347 people (96 men and 251 women; M age=20.55, SD=1.30) and conducted a structural equation model based on the results. The higher the mothers' borderline personality traits that adolescents reported, the higher the adolescents' borderline traits that adolescents reported. Positive humor (one subcategory of humor) negatively impacted borderline personality traits of adolescents, while negative humor (the other humor subcategory) positively impacted it. Positive humor and a humorous home environment mediated the levels of maternal and adolescent borderline traits. Negative humor also mediated between them by increasing adolescent borderline traits. This study demonstrated the importance of humor for adolescent children of mothers with borderline personality traits

    The relationships of rumination of negative experiences with resilience and social support

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    Rumination is repetitive thinking about past events and emotions. It is believed to contribute to depression and its prolongation. By using Matsumoto's (2008) two classes of rumination, this study aimed to identify the social support and resilience factors that affect the way that individuals ruminate about past negative experiences. A questionnaire survey was administered to 143 university students (average age: 20.7 years, SD = 1.41), and then, a model was developed on the basis of the survey results. The results reveal that social support after a negative experience influences reflections thereof through acquired resilience. Further, interviews were conducted with eight university students (average age: 20.8 years, SD = 1.20), and a model was developed using threat and error management. The results indicate that the social support received by participants after a negative experience promoted the transformation of their self-evaluation and self-recognition and enhanced their objective understanding of events. Furthermore, it is evident that their transformation of self-evaluation and self-recognition and deeper objective understanding of events influence changes in the quality of rumination through acquired resilience

    ボディ ワーク ケイケン オ トオシタ アサーション ノ ヘンカ : フェルト センス ジコ ノ ナイテキ カンカク ト ジソン カンジョウ オ バイカイ トシテ

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    This study investigated the effectiveness of Bodywork to become more assertive. Bodywork helps us relax body and mind, and also pay attention to felt sense. Furthermore Bodywork helps us raise self-esteem.This study examined the hypothesis that Bodywork helps us raise assertiveness with felt sense and self-esteem as mediators. 25 undergraduate students participated in three weekly sessions of Bodywork program. Each session lasted 90minutes.Three questionnaires on felt sense,self-esteem, and assertiveness were administered three times; pre,post,and a follow-up. Results suggested that Bodywork helped catch felt sense,and raise self-esteem,and that Bodywork tended to help raise assertiveness especially in forming connections with friends

    The meaning of reviewing photographs taken by self: Aim at features of arts therapy and awareness of self.

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    Photo therapy is one of the arts therapies advocated by Yamanaka (1976). Much of the clinical usefulness of photography has been demonstrated in case studies. In this study, I conducted two pieces of research that focused on the action of an individual reviewing her/his photographs and her/his thoughts and emotions while taking those photographs. In Research 1, I examined what type of experiences would occur while an individual reviewed her/his photographs and her/his thoughts and emotions while taking those photographs in terms of arts therapy by using the Scale of Experiencing with Regard to Arts Therapy (Kato/Imamura/Nisato, 2014). The result suggests that an individual's review of her/his photographs and her/his thoughts and emotions while taking those photographs is an opportunity for self-reflection and to form an emotional attachment to the photographs or increase her/his feelings of satisfaction associated with self-expression. In Research 2, I divided the awareness self-gained by an individual reviewing her/his photos and her/his thoughts and emotions while taking those photographs into two categories—reconfirmation and new discovery—and examined the awareness of self in terms of the number of persons who gained the awareness and its content. Results suggest that an individual who reviews her/his photographs and her/his thoughts and emotions while taking those photographs promotes the reconfirmation of her/his interest and these aspects are characteristic features rather than a new self-discovery

    Understanding of family support for junior high school student's tendency to school refusal: An attempt using questionnaire method and Kinetic Family Drawing

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    In this study, we used Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD) and question sheets to examine the influence family support had on stress and the tendency toward school refusal for 254 junior high school students. Results suggest that family support indirectly reduced the students' tendency toward school refusal by alleviating stress in their everyday lives. Next, we dividedthe students into groups by the degree of family support they received, the stress they felt, and their tendency toward school refusal. Then, we looked at the unique features of each group's KFD and examined whether KFD was useful for understanding how the students felt about the support they received from their families. The results indicate that the factors "omission of the father's image", "intercommunication of the family's image" and "intercommunication of the family's image through talking" were useful for understanding how the students felt about the support they received from their families. We believe that providing support to junior high school students based on the presence or absence of these indicators may help prevent students' tendency toward school refusal