107 research outputs found

    Approaches of Russian oil companies to optimal capital structure

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    Oil companies play a vital role in Russian economy. Demand for hydrocarbon products will be increasing for the nearest decades simultaneously with the population growth and social needs. Change of raw-material orientation of Russian economy and the transition to the innovative way of the development do not exclude the development of oil industry in future. Moreover, society believes that this sector must bring the Russian economy on to the road of innovative development due to neo-industrialization. To achieve this, the government power as well as capital management of companies are required. To make their optimal capital structure, it is necessary to minimize the capital cost, decrease definite risks under existing limits, and maximize profitability. The capital structure analysis of Russian and foreign oil companies shows different approaches, reasons, as well as conditions and, consequently, equity capital and debt capital relationship and their cost, which demands the effective capital management strategy

    Штукатурки на будівлях Києво-Печерської лаври

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    The analysis of expert reports of restorers from scientific research institutes in Ukraine, which were formed on the basis of the results of surveys of monuments of national importance of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, determined the component composition of authentic and repair plasters on the buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries with the aim of further research on the creation of sanitation and restoration plaster mortar mixtures for Lavra structures.Аналізом експертних звітів реставраторів із спеціалізованих науково-дослідних та проектних інститутів України, що були сформовані за результатами обстежень пам’яток національного значення Києво-Печерської Лаври встановлено компонентний склад автентичних та ремонтних штукатурок на будівлях 18 та 19 ст. з метою подальших досліджень створення санаційних та реставраційних штукатурних розчинних сумішей для споруд Лаври