44 research outputs found

    Some algebraic invariants of the edge ideals of some qq-fold bristled graphs

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    In this paper, we compute the exact values of regularity of the quotient rings of the edge ideals associated to multi triangular snake and multi triangular ouroboros snake graphs. Also we compute the exact values of depth, Stanley depth, regularity and projective dimension of the quotient rings of the edge ideals associated to qq-fold bristled graphs of multi triangular snake and multi triangular ouroboros snake graphs.Comment: Pages 18, figures


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    Background; Macroscopic haematuria is a commonly seen condition in the emergency department (ED), which has a variety of causes. This study was performed to ascertain frequency of macroscopic hematuria among patients undergoing native renal biopsy using free hands ultrasound assisted renal biopsy technique within first 24 hours, as there is no such study done in Pakistan on this topic. Objective: To determine frequency of macroscopic haematuria after native renal biopsy using free hands ultrasound assisted renal biopsy technique within first 24hours. Material and Methods: A total of 138 patients from Department of Nephrology; Shalamar hospital, Lahore, Pakistan were taken for macroscopic hematuria. Data was analyzed by SPSS. Results; Of these 138 study cases, 91 (65.9 %) were male patients while 47 (34.1%) were female patients. Mean age of our study cases was 47.57 ± 7.26 years (with minimum age of our study cases was 35 years while maximum age was 60 years). Of these 138 study cases, 56 (40.6%) belonged to rural areas and 82 (59.4%) belonged to urban areas. Monthly family income up to Rs. 350000 was noted in 67 (48.6%) while more than 35000 rupees 71 (51.4%) of our study cases. Obesity was present in 41 (29.7 %) of our study cases. Chronic kidney disease (un-explained renal failure) was noted in 77 (55.8%), proteinuria in 46(33.3%) and unresolved AKI in 15 (10.9%) of our study cases. Mean needle size was noted 17.15 ± 0.59 and 86 (62.3%) had needle size with gauge 18. Macroscopic hematuria was noted in 30 (21.7%) of our study case. Conclusion; High frequency of macroscopic hematuria after native renal biopsy using free hands ultrasound assisted renal biopsy technique was noted in our study. Macroscopic hematuria was significantly associated with male gender, increasing age, residential status, monthly family income and indications for renal biopsy. The early diagnosis followed by corrective/preventive measures can help decrease disease morbidity among targeted population. This will help decrease disease burden and improve quality of life of these patients. Keywords; Macroscopic Hematuria, Native Renal Biopsy, Chronic Kidney Disease


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    Background; Spinal tuberculosis is a very serious kind of skeletal tuberculosis which occurs very frequently in adults. The basic objective of the study is to trace out the chances of safety and efficacy by treating the monosegmental lumbar tuberculosis in adults through one-stage posterior debridement and transpedicular screw fixation. Material and Methods; About 41 patients were observed retrospectively during this study. The imagery data, numerical data for mean surgery time, loss of blood during surgery, VAS Score, preoperative complications, bony fusion time and preoperative & postoperative neurological function was gathered. Results; Mean follow up period was observed about 13.6 ±2.7 months. The rate of cure after surgery was maximum in patients and no chances of recurrence were observed. Neurological outcome did not change in one case with grade A and increased by 1 to 3 grades in other patients with nerve deficit. The mean preoperative VAS score was 9.2 ± 2.13 and mean postoperative VAS score was 2.5 ± 1.32, respectively; and the difference was also significant

    High-Performance Corrosion-Resistant Polymer/Graphene Nanomaterials for Biomedical Relevance

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    Initially, pristine polymers were used to develop corrosion-resistant coatings. Later, the trend shifted to the use of polymeric nanocomposites in anti-corrosion materials. In this regard, graphene has been identified as an important corrosion-resistant nanomaterial. Consequently, polymer/graphene nanocomposites have been applied for erosion protection applications. Among polymers, conducting polymers (polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, etc.) and nonconducting polymers (epoxy, poly(methyl methacrylate), etc.) have been used as matrices for anticorrosion graphene nanocomposites. The corrosion-resistant polymer/graphene nanocomposites have found several important applications in biomedical fields such as biocompatible materials, biodegradable materials, bioimplants, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. The biomedical performance of the nanomaterials depends on the graphene dispersion and interaction with the polymers and living systems. Future research on the anti-corrosion polymer/graphene nanocomposite is desirable to perceive further advanced applications in the biomedical arenas

    Some algebraic invariants of the edge ideals of perfect [h,d]-ary trees and some unicyclic graphs

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    This article is mainly concerned with computations of some algebraic invariants of quotient rings of edge ideals of perfect [h,d]-ary trees and unicyclic graphs. We compute exact values of depth and Stanley depth and consequently projective dimension for above mentioned quotient rings, except for the one special case of unicyclic graph for which best possible bounds of Stanley depth are given

    Polymer/Fullerene Nanocomposite for Optoelectronics—Moving toward Green Technology

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    Optoelectronic devices have been developed using the polymer/fullerene nanocomposite, as focused in this review. The polymer/fullerene nanocomposite shows significant structural, electronics, optical, and useful physical properties in optoelectronics. Non-conducting and conducting polymeric nanocomposites have been applied in optoelectronics, such as light-emitting diodes, solar cells, and sensors. Inclusion of fullerene has further broadened the methodological application of the polymer/fullerene nanocomposite. The polymeric matrices and fullerene may have covalent or physical interactions for charge or electron transportation and superior optical features. Green systems have also been explored in optoelectronic devices; however, due to limited efforts, further design innovations are desirable in green optoelectronics. Nevertheless, the advantages and challenges of the green polymer/fullerene nanocomposite in optoelectronic devices yet need to be explored

    Willingness to Pay for Community-Based Healthcare Insurance Schemes in Developing Countries: A Case of Lahore, Pakistan

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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare costs and poverty are significant barriers to achieving universal access to healthcare. Thus, Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes (CBHIS) are regarded as an influential instrument for providing access to healthcare. For this purpose, this study was carried out in order to assess the community’s Willingness to Pay (WTP) for CBHIS and its determinants among the residents of Lahore City.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was adopted during the period of May 2018 to August 2018 to conduct a standardized questionnaire survey among targeted population of Lahore. A total of 250 households from lower, middle and upper-middle-class areas were approached randomly from which 200 participated in the survey, rendering a response rate of 90.9%. Sample size was determined by using single population proportion formula assuming 5% margin of error and 95% Confidence Interval (CI). Moreover, multiple regression analysis, Pearson’s correlation and t-test were employed to determine relationships between different variables affecting WTP.RESULTS: Sixty-four percent of the respondents were willing to pay for CBHIS. Among the remaining thirty-six% of unwilling the community, income level (p< 0.05, CI=0.34 to 1.11) and education level (p< 0.05, CI=0.52-1.37) were significant predictors of WTP. Moreover, strong positive relation (p<0.05) between people’s awareness and WTP for CBHIS was witnessed. The findings further suggested that the larger population of the willing community was not willing to pay more than 5000 Rs annually.CONCLUSION: Henceawareness level of the community regarding the benefits of CBHIS is a major hindrance. The key policy priority is to increase the community’s awareness regarding the benefits of CBHIS and to increase willingness to pay rate among public.&nbsp

    Green-Synthesized Graphene for Supercapacitors—Modern Perspectives

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    Graphene is a unique nanocarbon nanostructure, which has been frequently used to form nanocomposites. Green-synthesized graphene has been focused due to environmentally friendly requirements in recent technological sectors. A very important application of green-synthesized graphene-based nanocomposite has been observed in energy storage devices. This state-of-the-art review highlights design, features, and advanced functions of polymer/green-synthesized graphene nanocomposites and their utility in supercapacitor components. Green graphene-derived nanocomposites brought about numerous revolutions in high-performance supercapacitors. The structural diversity of conjugated polymer and green graphene-based nanocomposites has facilitated the charge transportation/storage capacity, specific capacitance, capacitance retention, cyclability, and durability of supercapacitor electrodes. Moreover, the green method, graphene functionality, dispersion, and matrix–nanofiller interactions have affected supercapacitance properties and performance. Future research on innovative polymer and green graphene-derived nanocomposites may overcome design/performance-related challenging factors for technical usages

    Perspective Chapter: Beyond Delicious – The Hidden Functional Benefits of Cheese

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    Cheese; a diverse and healthy milkproduct with a long history that stretches back thousands of years. It is available worldwide in varying forms and is valued for its delicious taste and superior nutritional content. Classification of cheese is dependent on texture or moisture content, method of coagulation or coagulating agent, maturation or ripening, type of milk and manufacturing techniques. Cheese is comprised of macronutrients, micronutrients and functional nutrients; major macronutrients in cheese are proteins and fats, major micronutrients in cheese include vitamins and minerals and functional nutrients in cheese include cheese bioactive peptides, polyphenols, probiotic, prebiotic, conjugated linoleic acid, sphingolipids, phytanic acid, lactoferrin, Îł aminobutyric acid and organic acids. Other than its great taste and flavor cheese is responsible for providing many health benefits i.e. gut protecting activity, antioxidative activity, anticariogenic activity, antihypertensive, antihyperglycemic, cardioprotective and osteoprotective activity to the body. This chapter will focus on the classification, nutritional composition and health benefits of cheese