3,183 research outputs found

    Development and progress of aquaculture in Egypt with special reference to cage and pen culture

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    After a brief review of Egypt's present annual production of wild fish, the idea of increasing this production by means of cage and pen culture is discussed, as it would utilize vast aquatic areas of good water quality. A preliminary experiment on cage culture of the carp, Cyprinus carpio is briefly reported

    Spectroscopic source redshifts and parameter constraints from weak lensing and the cosmic microwave background

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    Weak lensing is a potentially robust and model-independent cosmological probe, but its accuracy is dependent on knowledge of the redshift distribution of the source galaxies used. The most robust way to determine the redshift distribution is via spectroscopy of a subsample of the source galaxies. We forecast constraints from combining cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies with cosmic shear using a spectroscopically determined redshift distribution, varying the number of spectra Nspec obtained from 64 to [infinity]. The source redshift distribution is expanded in a Fourier series, and the amplitudes of each mode are considered as parameters to be constrained via both the spectroscopic and weak lensing data. We assume independent source redshifts, and consider in what circumstances this is a good approximation (the sources are clustered and for narrow spectroscopic surveys with many objects this results in the redshifts being correlated). It is found that for the surveys considered and for a prior of 0.04 on the calibration parameters, the addition of redshift information makes significant improvements on the constraints on the cosmological parameters; however, beyond Nspec ~ few × 10^3 the addition of further spectra will make only a very small improvement to the cosmological parameters. We find that a better calibration makes large Nspec more useful. Using an eigenvector analysis, we find that the improvement continues with even higher Nspec, but not in directions that dominate the uncertainties on the standard cosmological parameters

    Probing Cosmic Acceleration Beyond the Equation of State: Distinguishing between Dark Energy and Modified Gravity Models

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    If general relativity is the correct theory of physics on large scales, then there is a differential equation that relates the Hubble expansion function, inferred from measurements of angular diameter distance and luminosity distance, to the growth rate of large scale structure. For a dark energy fluid without couplings or an unusual sound speed, deviations from this consistency relationship could be the signature of modified gravity on cosmological scales. We propose a procedure based on this consistency relation in order to distinguish between some dark energy models and modified gravity models. The procedure uses different combinations of cosmological observations and is able to find inconsistencies when present. As an example, we apply the procedure to a universe described by a recently proposed 5-dimensional modified gravity model. We show that this leads to an inconsistency within the dark energy parameter space detectable by future experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; expanded paper; matches PRD accepted version; corrected growth rate formula; main results and conclusion unchange

    The relationships between corporate meeting planner's personality traits and their choices of meeting places

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    This study is to determine the influence of personality on the novelty preference for corporate meeting destination choice. The Big-Five model of personality which consists of five traits namely openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,agreeableness, and neuroticism was employed to operationalise the personality construct. A total of 75 corporate meeting planners drawn from public listed service organisations were involved. The main method of data collection was questionnaire survey and multiple regression analysis was employed as the main statistical analysis. The results revealed that only openness (positively) and agreeableness (negatively) contributed significantly to the prediction of novelty preference for corporate meeting destination choice. This study, which also seeks to determine the relationships between some demographical variables and novelty preference, found that demographical information is not a good predictor of meeting destination choice. The main implication of this study is pertaining to the segmentation and targeting of the corporate meeting market. This study also helps in bridging the gap between tourism marketing and organisational research

    Analisis Pelayanan Publik di Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir ( Studi Kasus Tentang Pengurusan Surat Izin Tempat Usaha ) Tahun 2013

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    This study aims to analyze the Public Service in the Office of IntegratedServices Rokan Hilir (Case Study On Handling Business Permit). And to knowthe obstacles - obstacles or constraints on the Public Service in the Office ofIntegrated Services Rokan Hilir. Improved Infrastructure as a new district isabsolutely necessary. To support the program, the indispensable role of the privatesector because the private sector is also a supporting actor in the implementationof development regardless of the government in control, it will encourage newbusiness climate. The emergence of a variety of businesses - the business gets theattention of the Government, so that the business - the business community and berecognized by the local government. One of the forms of government recognitionis with the location permit (SITU).This research was conducted in Rokan Hilir, defined in this study as manyas 4 key informants KPT Head, Head of Administration, Economics andAdministration Section Chief and Section Head of Development and Welfare,while people who are taking care of and has been assigned to take care of as manyas 20 people each one with data collection derived from documentations and indepthinterviews to the informant. Once the data is collected and then analyzedusing qualitative descriptive analysis. It can be concluded from the lack ofavailability of good access from OPT Rokan Hilir is not available it means thatsuch a complete lack of waiting rooms and computers for employees to performthe work. To KPT must increase facilities and infrastructures so that people feelcomfortable in the care of the maintenance of location permit (SITU).Keyword : Public Service, SITU

    Pengawasan oleh Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Riau terhadap Operasionalisasi Pelabuhan Penyebrangan Ro-ro di Kota Dumai Tahun 2012-2013

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    Problems that occur on Ro-Ro ferry ports of Dumai ie lack warships in the harbor, so that every day many crossings that can not take across in because the capacity of passengers or goods that have been filled. Supposedly with the applicable provisions fleet on Ro-Ro port of Dumai it consists of 3 (three) fleet, but now only amounts to 1 (one) fleet. It is certainly not in accordance with existing regulations. With so activity on Ro-Ro ferry ports Dumai ineffective and the practice of extortion committed by unscrupulous Riau Provincial Transport Department staff to passenger ferry ports. The purpose of this study is to find out to find out the supervision of the Riau Provincial Transport Department Operations City Harbour Crossing in Dumai and to determine the factors that influence the control of the Riau Provincial Transport DepartmentinDumai.Methods This study uses qualitative research methods research types. This research was conducted in the city of Dumai in this area where there are several ferry ports which many passengers crowded. But there are still many shortcomings that exist in some of its ports as less fleet and lack of safety for passenger ships. While the data collection by using the technique of interviewing informants who are competent in their field as well as by direct observation of the authors in the field. The results of this study conclude In monitoring indicators funds / costs, weak oversight made Riau Provincial Transport Department for the operation of ferry ports, especially on the operational budget problems in department transport. Crossing the harbor must pay for their own purposes any crossing port operations so that they do not know the practice of extortion (extortion) against unscrupulous Riau Provincial Transport Department. So here authorized agency Riau Provincial Transport Department should work hard to improve oversight of the operation of ferry ports and monitoring should be performed continuously so that no more Riau Provincial Transport Department officers who conduct illegal charges against the passenger Ro-Ro ferry ports of Dumai.Keywords: Monitoring, Ro-Ro Ferry Port
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