3 research outputs found

    Peranan pengurusan masjid dan ahli jemaah dalam mengimarahkan institusi masjid pasca wabak Covid-19 : satu sorotan

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    Masjid merupakan sebuah tempat berkumpulnya masyarakat umat Islam sama ada untuk menunaikan ibadah ataupun urusan-urusan lain yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan seharian. Pada asasnya umat Islam berkumpul di masjid sekurang-kurangnya lima kali sehari iaitu pada waktu solat berjemaah. Namun pada hari, dunia dikejutkan dengan penyebaran pandemik COVID-19. Penyebaran wabak ini turut menjejaskan aktiviti pengimarahan institusi masjid. Kehadiran jemaah di masjid pada hari ini bergantung sepenuhnya kepada SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berwajib. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memperincikan peranan serta tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil oleh pihak pengurusan masjid serta peranan ahli jemaah dalam menghadapi wabak COVID 19 supaya institusi masjid sentiasa diimarahkan seterusnya selamat dikunjungi oleh para jemaah. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan reka bentuk analisis kandungan. Data dikumpulkan daripada analisis dokumen ke atas situasi semasa COVID-19 serta SOP yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak KKM dan diaplikasikan di institusi masjid kemudiannya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan institusi masjid terus diimarahkan walaupun dengan SOP yang telah ditetapkan. Pihak pengurusan masjid dan ahli jemaah perlu mematuhi segala SOP dikeluarkan oleh pihak berwajib untuk memastikan syiar terbesar umat Islam ini terus diimarah walaupun pandemik COVID-19 ini masih belum pulih sepenuhnya

    Watermarking in protecting and validating the integrity of digital information: a case study of the holy scripture

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    This paper presents digital watermarking for validating and protecting the integrity of digital Holy Quran in Portable Document Format (PDF). The need arises as minute alteration to text or content of Holy Scriptures could result in a devastating situation in the belief of the owners. By this research we have designed and evaluated a simple yet fragile and fidel image PDF digital watermarking technique using 2 and 4 level Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in order to protect and detect the authenticity of a digital Holy Quran. A 512ร—512 PDF Quran was used as cover image and DWT carried out on it following the watermark image embedding process of a 128ร—128 and 32ร—32 on different trials. The Inverse DWT then carried out to obtain the watermarked Quran PDF. Imperceptibility test using Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) were used to evaluate the fidelity and fragility of the watermark scheme over four different embedding gain (k) of 0.001, 0.002, 0.003 and 0.004 for a more robust system. The experimental results demonstrated that our system was indeed effective

    Factors influence female purchase intention towards local cosmetics product among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students

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    This paper aimed to study the effect between attitude, brand awareness, consumer experiences and price on female purchase intention towards local cosmetics products among Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) students. This study reviewed the literature of past research of factors that influence female purchase intention towards local cosmetics product. The main factor of consumer behaviour that used in this study was to analyse customer female purchase intention were attitude, brand awareness, consumer experience and price. We used a survey questionnaire to collect 226 valid responses from female student of Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Retailing) with Honours in UMK. These collected data were analysed using SPSS version 24 and the result gathered through Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression. The findings revealed that attitude, brand awareness, consumer experiences and price emerged with significant influence on female intention toward local cosmetics at UMK. The implication from this study is for female consumer who is wearing a cosmetic product, an industry or organization who involve in produce local cosmetic product and retailer who sale a local cosmetic product. Finally, the result shows that attitude influence female purchase intention the most compared to brand awareness, consumer experiences and price