17 research outputs found
Energy consumption behaviour assessment model for student accommodations in Malaysian public uniiversities
In achieving towards sustainable campus of higher education institutions (HEIs), energy consumption behaviour assessment is one of the several issues that require attention by the facilities manager. Information on energy consumption behaviour is needed to determine potential energy savings. However, issues on the information of energy consumption behaviour such as 'direct' and 'indirect' data, pattern segregation, factors influence and modeling subsequently has inhibited the energy consumption behaviour assessment agenda. The purpose of this study is to assess energy consumption behaviour for student accommodations in Malaysian public universities. This study has two main objectives, first, to determine energy consumption patterns and analyse the factors that influence the pattern. Second, is to develop energy consumption behavioural models (ECBM) and assess the potential energy savings. The 'energy culture' framework consolidated with 'centrographic' approach and econometric analysis used to strengthen the development of ECBM. A self-administrated survey carried out involving 1,400 respondents in selected public HEIs. There are three types of energy use among students in public HEIs namely, 'high', 'low', and 'conserve'. The 'device', 'activities' and 'building regulation' are the influence factors on the pattern of energy use. The energy consumption behaviour model (ECBM) was developed at the final stage of the study. Through the model's application, there is a potential energy savings of 52 to 66 percent among the students. It is capable of assessing the energy consumption behaviour and potential energy savings
Competency requirement for effective property management in Malaysia
A knowledgeable and skilled property manager will add value to the assets and increase customer
satisfaction. Weaknesses in this aspect will affect the efficiency of a property manager in managing complex issues
in real estate. This study focuses on competency requirements for effective property management in Malaysia. The
objectives are to determine competency requirements for property manager in Malaysia and to analyse the
relationship between competency requirements with practices of property management. The quantitative method was
used through the questionnaire with 81 sheets distributed to the property manager. Descriptive statistics and
correlation analysis were used for analysing the data. Skills segment and duties and responsibility were analysed
with improved knowledge and skills, and the needs for essential skills variables. The result shows that strong
communication skills and tenant control are the most important skills for a property manager. On the other hand,
paying maintenance costs and collecting rent and property fees are the highest duties and responsibilities of the
property manager. Based on the correlation analysis between competency requirement and practice, it was found that
tenant control has the highest correlation with saved money variables in the essential skills segment
Facilities Management Service Providers Competencies Reviews for Managing Green Buildings in Malaysia
Competence can be described as an individual's aptitude or capability to perform a task effectively. Competencies utilise job-related behaviour, motivation, and technical knowledge to ensure that all employment needs are met. Therefore, there is a list of competencies reserved for managing green buildings. However, there are still green buildings that are not well managed, and this is closely related to the level of competencies of a facility manager who manages the green building. This paper aims to determine the competency elements of facilities management service providers in managing green buildings. The qualitative method through document review with content analysis was used on selected previous research related to the topic. The five main facilities management service provider competencies in managing green buildings were defined as sustainable procurement, sustainable operations, resource management, repair and maintenance, and environmental health. The results are expected to reveal evidence that a framework, guideline, or specific training is needed to improve facilities management skills in future research.
Pro-environmentalists behavioural assessment towards energy conservation among Malaysian university students
Pro-environmental are the key players in promoting environmental behaviour to the public. This behaviour covers several broader aspects, especially including energy-used behaviour. However, some career pro-environments ignore their behaviour towards the environment which has affected the public expectation towards them especially in terms of energy conservation. The past researcher believed that pro-environmental literacy should be taught from young ages, at least before they become teenagers or before they get a job placement in future. Therefore, this research was conducted on selected university students in Malaysia. Their knowledge and readiness for pro-environmental behaviour towards energy conservation are really important to ensure the sustainability of development, organization, and workplace. The objectives of this research are to identify the key drivers and pro-environmental barriers among students and to analyse the level of the influences of key drivers and barriers to pro-environmental behaviour levels. The quantitative method was used through the questionnaire with 102 sheets distributed to the students. Descriptive statistic and correlation analysis were used for analysing the data. Each student possesses all six of these categories. But what differentiates them is the level of their application in each category to the dependent variables. The results of the study found that the two categories (activist and avoider) are not too burdensome about energy-used behaviour compared to environmental behaviour. Furthermore, this study found that avoider is the least burdensome category of any behaviour while it is included in the PEB category
Framework development to identify the impact of green building attributes on rental value of commercial properties in Malaysia
Green office buildings offer maximum comfort using less energy to provide a conducive atmosphere for working which invariably encourage production. It provides adequate return on investment over a long period of time having a shorter payback time compared to non-green buildings. Researchers tried to establish the benefit and cost of maintenance of green building based on different parameters. However, this research reviewed different approaches on the issue of green building cost and benefits including building performance as it relates to supply and demand of green building, green building market value, cash flow and market competition. The inspiration for the development of such methodology arose from the need for measuring the impact of green building attributes on rental value of commercial properties in Malaysia. The paper discusses how the impact of green building attributes on rental value can be measured within the context of commercial properties in Malaysia. It further argues that critical assessment need to carried out to determine the attributes which significantly affect the rental value of commercial green buildings
Green factory: is it improving environmental burden? survey result in Malaysia
Green Factory is a new and proactive approach to reduce environment burden. Physical development grew rapidly has effected major implications to environment. Environmental issues such as carbon dioxide, loss of biodiversity, degradation of natural resources, global warming, ozone layer depletion and deforestation have effected on the environment stability. Based on statistics, showing amount of carbon dioxide gas production in Malaysia was 29 million tonnes which Malaysia is ranked 26th (0.66%) of the 215 countries in the world. 110 world leaders including Malaysia has agreed to work for reducing carbon dioxide gas in the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit 2009. Accordingly, a study was conducted on companies that adopted Green Factory practices to assess its key performance criteria and practices for minimizing environmental problems. The samples were 300 companies in Malaysia. Finally, 20% response rate has been received, with 60 respondents. Five main criteria for Green Factory have been identified; (1) Solar power generation systems, (2) Fuel cells system, (3) Cogeneration systems, (4) Air conditioning units and (5) Recycling system. Based on descriptive result, recycling shows the highest level of practices, followed by solar power cogenerations system, air conditioning units and fuel cells system. This study result shows Green Factory has significant relationship with environment performance (r = 0.404, P < 0.05) and business performance (r = 0.38, P < 0.05). Overall, the survey result shows green factory practices is well implemented in Malaysia manufacturing companies. In conclusion, Green Factory can be used as effective tool for improving not only for environment performance but also for business performance
A preliminary assessment of energy consumption behaviour pattern and factors influence among Malaysian higher education institutions students
Towards sustainable campus of higher education institutions (HEIs), energy consumption behaviour is one of the several matters that require attention by the facilities manager. Information on energy consumption behaviour helps on developing a good strategy for energy management. The purpose of this study is to assess energy consumption behaviour among Malaysian HEIs student. This study has an objective to determine energy consumption patterns and analyse the factors that influence the pattern. The ‘energy culture’ framework consolidated with ‘centrographic’ approach and econometric analysis used to strengthen the findings. A self-administrated survey carried out involving 158 respondents in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor. There are three types of energy use among students in HEIs namely, ‘high’, ‘low’, and ‘conserve’. The ‘device’, ‘activities’ and ‘building regulation’ are the influence factors on the pattern of energy use
Compatibility issue related to the use of biodiesel with automotive materials
Biodiesel fuel can be used in diesel engine in accordance to the standard provided. However, a significant issue with biodiesel fuel was noted. Some of the fuel quality were outside the accepted range of the specification stated in the standard. Thus, this can be lead to the problem of utilization them in diesel engine. Moreover, material compatibility is the main concern whenever the fuel composition is altered in the fuel system. A large variety of metals and non-metals are worn as the material of construction for the various components of the fuel system. Introduction of biodiesel fuel often generate many problems in the components of the fuel system. This paper attempts to present the compatibility issue related to the use of biodiesel with automotive material
Teaching and learning space allocation in higher education institutions
Allocating space for teaching and learning is one of the facility management main elements in universities. Increased in the number of students, courses and programmes are the main contributing factors that generate teaching and learning space allocation. Lack of management will reduce the effectiveness of teaching and learning process. The faculty’s administration also does not have any computerized system that may help deliver information about teaching and learning space. A computerized system is needed for space allocation information to help the faculty to make good decisions. Thus, this research has three objectives. The first objective is to develop a conceptual framework for teaching and learning space allocation according to user’s requirements. The second objective is to develop a prototype system for teaching and learning space allocation information based on the conceptual framework of user’s requirements. The final objective is to test run the system based on the user’s requirements analysis. In developing the prototype system, firstly, this research analyses user’s requirements in teaching and learning space allocation. Next was the process for developing the system consisting of data management, analysis and presentation of teaching and learning space allocation information system. Finally, the system underwent a test run incorporating user’s teaching and learning requirement that has been determined earlier. In conclusion, the system is capable of helping the faculty’s administration in delivering the information about teaching and learning space as systematic manner. Recommendations for future research includes consideration of other aspects of user’s requirements of teaching and learning facilities, system’s technical improvement, method of determining the user’s requirements and more advanced spatial analysis for development of a better system
Competency Requirement for Effective Property Management in Malaysia
A knowledgeable and skilled property manager will add value to the assets and increase customer satisfaction. Weaknesses in this aspect will affect the efficiency of a property manager in managing complex issues in real estate. This study focuses on competency requirements for effective property management in Malaysia. The objectives are to determine competency requirements for property manager in Malaysia and to analyse the relationship between competency requirements with practices of property management. The quantitative method was used through the questionnaire with 81 sheets distributed to the property manager. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were used for analysing the data. Skills segment and duties and responsibility were analysed with improved knowledge and skills, and the needs for essential skills variables. The result shows that strong communication skills and tenant control are the most important skills for a property manager. On the other hand, paying maintenance costs and collecting rent and property fees are the highest duties and responsibilities of the property manager. Based on the correlation analysis between competency requirement and practice, it was found that tenant control has the highest correlation with saved money variables in the essential skills segment.