1,772 research outputs found

    Subsidi Bibit Tanaman pada Dinas Pertanian dan Kelautan di Kota Medan Sumatera Utara Tahun 2013-2015

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    The government of agriculture as a institution who give the some field at the worl, and some many things to atheror than a rice field. Many people in Medan City has a land to the agriculture and how to make the sand as a needly to our life. The simple our agriculture in this contrueiron, and how to the thaenme in the Medan City. As usully many things in other than our contry to add mire the agriculture.This research is to begin the government science to get the rice field and soon. Government of Agriculture has a program BLBU. In this research how to make the simple of agriculture of sand and land of the other in Medan City. As a student and research the simple of agriculture giving some reason to lay them publik of interst. The agriculture not giving to them. The agriculture is in Government at Amplas District in Medan City North Sumatera Province. As the result of this research is not giving to all them about BLBU

    Analisis Perimbangan Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah : Studi Kasus Tuntutan Provinsi Riau terhadap Dana Bagi Hasil Sub Sektor Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

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    This study aimed (1) to find out why the emergence of demands Balance fund and the Regional Financial Center in the form of profit sharing fund (DBH) of oil palm sub-sector. The study also aimed (2) to determine the basis for determining why there needs to be funding the Central and Regional Financial Balance of oil palm sub-sector. In addition, this study also aims. (3) To know how the implementation of the financial balance between the Central Government and the Local Government sub-sector of oil palm plantations located in Riau Province.This study is a qualitative research, the data collection techniques in this research is descriptive analysis. This study uses the documentation and interview with key informants as an object of information that aims to achieve the goal in order to obtain the information in the study. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained through documentation, and interviews with key informants in this study.The results showed that (1) the motivation of Riau Province to obtain DBH of CPO export duties is, a sense of injustice, in the distribution management of state revenues, especially from sectors this CPO export tax. (2) By adopting the sixth fiscal transfer eligibility criteria commonly used by many countries in the world. namely, otonomi (Autonomy), penerimaan yang memadai (revenue adequacy), keadilan (equity), Transparansi dan stabilitas (transparance and stability), sederhana (simplicity) dan insentif (incentif),, then the states revenue from export tax for CPO worthy been distributed. (3) since the implementation of the financial balance of the sub-sectors of oil palm plantations, has not reflected the sense of justice of the area.Keywords: balancing funds, revenue-sharing (DBH), fiscal transfers, sub-sector oil palm plantations, CPO export duties

    Kebijakan Optimalisasi Penerimaan Pajak Warnet di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Tahun 2012-2014)

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    Entertainment tax income from the internet cafes at the region of Simpang Baru, Tampan Regency has not been at maximum level because in the past 3 years of administration, only Rp. 7.354.898 that has been stored to the goverment as entertainment tax from internet cafes .The income of tax is not proportional with the amount of internet cafes that are in the refion of Simpang Baru, Tampan Regency. The main cause of this case is tax infringement by many of the internet cafes that was explained beforehand by the state goverment.The issue of this research is: how does the city administration reacts to the internet cafe phenomenon thats happening in Pekanbaru (Simpang Baru, Tampan Regency Research 2012-2014)?The type of this research is quantitative research, and using interviews, documentation reviews, observation to gather data that is used in this research. The source of data in this research is from primary and secondary datas.The results of this research is, PP No. 5 Year 2011, concerning the Entertainment Tax, is a form of goverment regulation for internet cafes in Pekanbaru City by administration. With this regulation, state goverment can optimize the state income from the entratainment tax. Optimization of the entertainment tax in Simpang baru, Tampan Regency, Pekan Baru is to discipline the tax evading internet cafes by doing pengsan. Techically, the goverment has supervised and has been doing soscialization about the regulation to the community especially internet cafe owners that are residing in Pekan baru, particulary in Simpang baru, because 2 of the biggest universities in Riau is at Simpang Baru, therefore Simpang Baru is a big potential place for internet cafes to thrive

    A radiographic study on the visualization of the anterior loop in dentate subjects of different age groups

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    The anterior loop is defined as where the mental neurovascular bundle crosses anterior to the mental foramen then doubles back to exit the mental foramen. It cannot be seen clinically but can be detected in 11-60 of panoramic radiographs. As this anatomical structure is important in determining the placement position of endosseous implants in the mandibular premolar region, a pilot study was undertaken to determine its visibility on dental panoramic radiographs in dentate subjects of various age groups. One or more anterior loops were visible in 39 (40.2) radiographs encompassing 66 sites (34.4). Interestingly, anterior loops were most commonly observed bilaterally, followed by on the right side of the mandible only. An anterior loop on the left side only was observed in just 1 radiograph. Visibility of anterior loops reduced as the age of subjects increased. More than half (58.1) of subjects aged 20-29 years exhibited at least one anterior loop; this gradually reduced to only 15 percent of subjects aged 50 and older. There was no association between visualization of the anterior loop and subject gender

    Evaluasi Wilayah Dan Pengenalan Lokasi Untuk Keperluan Rekayasa

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    . For the scientist or people who dealing with a certain area, the landform is really important, especially for the geologist, geographer, civil engineer, urban and regional planner, architect, real estate developer and all those who will evaluate the area for the certain land use. Aerial photo and satellite image interpretation techniques applied to engineering studies have been used since more than three decades, however the use of radar imageries and Interferometric Sinthetic Aperture Radar (INSAR) methode has just begun and become one of the promising techniques for Indonesia, this is due to 20% of Indonesia region is covered by cloud all year long. This paper explained the use of aerial photo, satellite imagery and radar techniques for terrain evaluation

    Monitori Application Design by Using Vba as a Tool to Determine Waste Bank Adaptability

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    Waste banks are really important for Indonesian Government as they help the country to deal with household waste issues. And to make sure that the waste banks will continue to exist, the government has done some monitoring regarding its adaptability. Even so, the monitoring they had done wasn\u27t comprehensive enough, as it is difficult to do so. The difficulty remains on the rather complex calculation needed, which can be really tedious at times, so it deemed as time consuming and not worth the time. Monitori is designed to overcome this problem, to help the user determine the adaptability value of a waste bank. Using Microsoft Excel and its Visual Basic for Application function to design it, the application is able to do all the calculation automatically, and by doing so eliminate the calculation error possibility. The application also has some preventive measure to prevent error in the data inputting process. Monitori also designed to be flexible, so it can be used on any waste bank

    Preliminary analysis of “The Effectiveness of using Virtual Reality approach in Electromagnetic Theory Subject Courseware” in MTUN.

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    This paper is about the study of applying a virtual reality approaches on studying electromagnetic theory. It will examine the effectiveness of this approach in the field of education as some subject need high imagination to understand. This topic has cover about the surface of 3D environment and the usage plus the impact of the virtual reality approaches in this project. It also explains about the problem that has been found until the development of the courseware with virtual reality approach. This project focus for students and lecturers guideline, and will exposed them to the used of ICT and multimedia tool in learning as one of the teaching tool. Data have been collected by using questionnaire method, which four Malaysia technical universities have been chosen to prove that Electromagnetic Theory (EMT) subject is the hardest subject in engineering field as it is the fundamental subject for future engineer. At first, 16 objectives question have been given to 10% student those have took the subject before for each universities. These questions are to test their understanding about EMT subject, as before they were using traditional approach in their study. All questions are from four subtopic in the EMT subject, which are Vector calculus, Electrostatic, Magnetostatic, and Wave application. Each subtopic contains four questions. Then analysis have been done to check the most hardest subtopic so that it will be chosen as a main subtopic that will be focus on, which 3D and Virtual reality approach will be applied on it. It is believe that the effectiveness of these approaches can be seen if the method applies in the hardest part gives positives results. Not only survey on students have been done, but also to the lecturer’s and as a same method, 10 % of survey from lecturers that teach EMT subject in all Malaysia Technical Universities have been taken, and analysis have been done, as a result most lecturers agreed if 3D and Virtual reality approaches applied in studying the subject to make students easily understand about the subject as this subject need high imagination. This paper presents a summary of the experimental assessment process and findings regarding the educational value of the multimedia courseware with three dimensional and virtual reality approaches applied
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