30 research outputs found

    Gender Approach to the Difference in the Health Status of Women and Men, Riskesdas 2013

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    Chronic diseases. Differences in health and illness patterns of men and women are not primarily technical or medical innature, but also attributable to social factors such as powerlessness, access to resources, and constrained roles. Usingthe latest data of Riskesdas 2013, this analysis intends to use gender approach analyzing and interpreting health statusdifference between female and male to get inputs for the appropriate measures to reduce the gap between female and malemorbidity on NCD. Methods: Riskesdas 2013 data was analyzed using gender framework which stressed the importance ofsocio economic factors on health status defi ned as prevalence of chronic diseases. Results: With the exception of youngerage, women have higher prevalence of non communicable/chronic diseases. High education appears to benefi t only middleage women to achieve equal health status with men. Conclusion: Education, access to information is important factors toreduce the gap of female and male health status, however biological factor remains as primary factor. Recommendation:Since improving health status of women needs comprehensive approach, government policy should facilitate access toeducation and economic resources to women. Gender approach should be implemented for analysing health data

    Quality of Life of Indonesian Senior Citizens: Living in Extended Family as a Determinant Factors of Mental Health Status

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    Objective: To determine contribution of socio-demography determinants and functional status associated with the mental health among the Indonesian geriatric population. Methods: The study was composed of 52,223 individuaIs aged 65 years and older from the 2007 Riskesdas (Indonesian National HousehaId Health Survey) conducted by the National Institute of Health Research and Development, and covering the entire Indonesian archipelago. The dependent variable was "psychological well being" defined by mental health question from the Self Report Ouestionnaire (SRO) by score less than 6. The independent variables were: demographic characteristic, and individual functional status. Cox regression model was applied to identify the most determinant variable of "psychological well being" of the geriatric population. Results: The "psychological well-being" of the geriatric population of lndonesia was associated with status as househaId head (RR = 1.47; 95% CI = 1.4-1.6), have occupation (RR = 1.14: 95% CI = 1.9-1.37) living in extended family (RR = 1.22; 95% CI = 1.18-1.4), with at least one under five kid in house (RR = 1.16; 95% CI = 1.1-1.23) and functioning (RR = 1.12; 95% CI = 1.06-1.33). Living arrangement emerged as significant determinant of "psychological well being." Conclusions: living in extended family provides significant contribution to the sense of" psychological well-being" among the Indonesian geriatric population

    Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal dan Distress Emosional sebagai Kontributor Hipertensi Perempuan Indonesia : Tinjauan Perspektif Jender

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    Contrary to the common assumption that pre-menopause women are protected from hypertension by estrogen, blood pressure measurement Riskesdas 2007 showed that the hypertension prevalence of women begin to catch up that of male on the age of 35 years. This article intends to discuss the increasing of hypertension prevalence among women using gender perspective on government policy of family planning program which place women as central target and inequality on social economywhich could lead to emotional distress as risk for early hypertension. Conducting theoritical review of gender and health, gender and hypertension, risk factor of hypertension. Then performing situationalanalysis of Indonesian data from 2010 Population Census, 2007 and 2010 Riskesdas report. The next step is to analyse the Indonesian situation from the data using the teoretical perspectives to explain the Indonesian female early hypertension phenomena. In addition to the common risk factors, hormonal contraceptive use and emotional distress could trigger hypertension. The prevalence of hormonal contraceptive use is around 30 40% among female 10 29 years. Female education and working status as proxy for social economy is relatively lower than male which could lead to emotional distress then hypertension. Indonesian female hypertension phenomena could be influenced by government policy on family planning program which place women as central target and inequality toward resources for women which lead to emotional distress. Recommendation To conduct regular monitoring on the impact of hormonal contraceptive use and to provide non pharmalogical intervention on hypertension management in addition to the pharmalogical intervention.Keywords : contraception, hypertension, emotional distress, gender, IndoneisaAbstrakBerbeda dengan teori yang menyatakan prevalensi hipertensi perempuan lebih rendah pada usia premenopause karena perlindungan hormon estrogen, hasil pengukuran hipertensi Riskesdas 2007 menunjukkan prevalensi hipertensi perempuan mulai menyusul lelaki pada usia 35 tahun. Artikel bertujuan membahas peningkatan prevalensi hipertensi perempuan menggunakan sudut pandang jender menekankan pada kebijakan program keluarga berencana yang menempatkan perempuan sebagai target serta ketimpangan sosial ekonomi yang dapat menyebabkan distress emosional berdampak pada kejadian hipertensi dini pada perempuan. Melakukan kajian teori tentang jender dan kesehatan, jender dan hipertensi, dan faktor risiko hipertensi. Selanjutnya melakukan analisis situasi berdasarkan laporan Riskesdas 2007, 2010 dan Sensus Penduduk (SP) 2010. Kemudian dilakukan analisis situasiberdasarkan data menggunakan perspektif jender untuk menjelaskan kejadian hipertensi dini perempuan Indonesia. Selain faktor risiko utama, kejadian hipertensi dapat dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dan distress emosional. Tiga hingga empat dari sepuluh perempuan Indonesia usia 10 - 29 tahun menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal. Pendidikan dan status pekerjaan perempuan sebagai proksikeadaan sosial ekonomi lebih rendah dibanding lelaki. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan distres emosional menuju hipertensi. Fenomena hipertensi perempuan Indonesia dapat disebabkan oleh kebijakan KB pemerintah yang mejadikan perempuan sebagai target utama dan ketimpangan perempuan terhadap akses sumberdaya yang menyebabkan distress emosional. Pemantauan teratur dilakukan terhadap penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dan memberikan intervensi non farmakologis untuk penanganan hipertensi sebagai pelengkap intervensi farmakologi.Kata kunci : kontrasepsi, hipertensi, distress emosional, jender, Indonesi

    Inequity: Risk or Impact of Mental Health? Analysis of 2007 Indonesian Basic Health Survey

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    Background: It is well received that poor mental health can lead to social disparity and mequity indicated by unemployment and low education. However, the association between emotional distress with social disparity and in equity in population-based studies has not been well characterized. Using 2007 Riskesdas data, this analysis intend to examme reciprocal association between emotional distress with education and employment. Method: There were 659,672 respondents age above 14 in the survey which was carried out in the 33 provinces across Indonesia using probability proportion to size sample representing population until sub district level. First emotional distress is treated as risk for low education and employment. Then, emotional distress is treated as impact of unemployment and low education Four hypotheses are tested. Result: All the hypotheses confirmed reciprocal relationship between emotional distress and social disparity. Integrative intervention among ministries is necessary to improve mental health status and alleviating disparity and in equity for Indonesian

    Pendidikan Dan Pekerjaan Berdasarkan Kualitas Hidup Pada Remaja (Gambaran Deskriptif Data Riskesdas 2007)

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    Background: Not many studies explored the quality of life (QOL) of adolescence as one of the health status indicators. Their Morbidity and behavior problems received more attention. Furthermore, most health variables were treated as dependent variable, influenced by other condition, such as economic status, education or employment status. This analysis used different approach which treated the QOL of adolescence as factor that influences other factors, such as education and employment. Objective of the analysis was to explore the contribution of the QOL for schooling and employment for Indonesia youth. Methodology: Respondents for the analysis were 73,646 adolescence aged 15-19, sub-sample of Riskesdas 2007 respondents. Good QOL is defined as not having any problem in audio visual, functioning, mobility, self care, communication, participation and psychological & interaction. There was 7% of adolescence with QOL problem, defined as having at least one problem of the above categories. This analysis had been exploring how the education and employment status of adolescence with problem in their QOL as compared to those with good QOL using table descriptive analysis. Result: There was apparent difference of education and employment status between the adolescence with good QOL and those withQOL problem. Proportion of no schooling and not finished elementary school, as well as unemployed washigher for those with QOL problems (14-39.8% vs. 8%) & (27-45% vs. 22%), while education level was higher for those with good QOL (68% vs. 37.4-61%). QOL problem in audio visual and functioning had worsened the adolescence\u27s participation in schooling. Disadvantageous was experienced more by adolescence living in rural area. Conclusion: This analysis showed that the QOL had influenced the education and employment status of adolescence. But without controlling socio economic status, the strongest factors influencing education status was economic factor, represented by living in urban or rural area. This analysis showed the importance of collaboration between health sectors and other sectors to improve the quality of life of the Indonesian adolescence