26 research outputs found

    A Study on the Development of the Practice in Early Childhood Care and Education to Improve Both the Way to Grasp Its Goals and the Practice Itself Qualitatively

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    How Do the Kindergarten Teachers Behave for In-School Staff Development Utilizing the KJ Method?

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the behavior of kindergarten teachers during an in-school staff development training program utilizing KJ method. The study focused on the nature of the verbal interaction between individual teachers. The study also examined how kindergarten teachers respond to criticism and comments from their colleague. We elicited feedback from the kindergarten teachers via an interview designed to examine their behavior. The SCAT method of qualitative analysis was used to decode the implicit meanings in the feedback data on a step-by-step basis. The study found that, firstly, kindergarten teachers were not retentive when presenting, asking questions, and giving opinions. This behavior pattern contradicted the social stigma against the offering of one’s opinion and contributed to a sense of security that was conducive to the eliciting of further opinions. Secondly, the kindergarten teachers exhibited behavior that was very accepting of the opinions of others. This behavior extended even to the most-senior and expert kindergarten teachers who were receptive to suggestions and opinions from less-experienced teachers. The results of this study therefore suggest that it is important to create a non-threatening environment and to behave in a receptive manner when aiming at quality improvement within the kindergarten teaching profession


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    トンネルは様々な地質条件の中に掘削されることから,設計に関する明確な基準の設定が困難である.そのため一般的には経験的に設計が行われており,地山の力学挙動を適切に再現し得る解析手法の構築が求められている.そこで本研究では,個別要素法を用いて多層地盤中におけるトンネル解析シミュレータを構築することを目的とする.その際,実際のトンネル崩落事故を対象とし,地下水やインバート支保工等の条件を設定することにより,崩落の発生の有無について検討した.掘削シミュレーションに先立って,DEMによる2軸圧縮試験シミュレーション解析を行い,解析パラメータを決定した.解析の結果,実現象と同様に地下水が存在し, インバート支保工が未閉合状態では崩壊が生じ,本手法の妥当性が確認できた.講演番号

    レッコウ ゲンセイ モウマク ハクリ ニ タイスル ジュツシキ センタク

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    目的:獨協医科大学越谷病院眼科の裂孔原性網膜剥離に対する手術成績を報告する.対象:平成17年1月から12月までの1年間に当科で初回手術を施行した裂孔原性網膜剥離101例102眼.結果:強膜内陥術施行群(50眼)では,初回で40眼(80%)が復位し,最終的には全例で復位した.硝子体手術施行群(47眼)では,初回で44眼(93.6%)が復位し,最終的には全例で復位した.気体網膜復位術施行群(5 眼)では初回で全例が復位した.全体では初回復位例は102眼中89眼(87.2%)であり,最終的には102眼全例が復位した.結論:術前・術中の裂孔部位の詳細な観察と把握は,より適切な術式選択を可能とし,初回復位率の向上につながる.PURPOSE:We studied surgical results of rhegmatogenousretinal detachment in our institution. PATIENTS:Weperformed surgery on 102 eyes from 101 patients. RESULTS:The primary retinal reattachment rate was 80.0% in the scleral buckling,and 93.6 % in the vitrectomy,and100 % in the peumatic retinopexy. The final retinal reattachmentrate with further surgery was 100 % in the scleralbuckling,and 100 % in the vitrectomy. The reattachmentrate primary in all was 87.2 %. The final retinal reattachmentrate with further surgery was 100 %. CONCLUSION:An adequate observation of retinal lesion causingthe break during preoperation and postoperattion can helpin selection of the surgical procedure appropriate to treatretinal detachment to produce better surgical results

    ミ チリョウ ゾウショク トウニョウビョウ モウマクショウ ニ タイスル ガラス タイ シュジュツ ノ チョウキ セイセキ : ガンカ チリョウ レイ トノ ヒカク

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    未治療増殖糖尿病網膜症に対する硝子体手術施行例の長期手術成績について検討した.対象は眼科未治療群19例24眼(初診時PC 未施行)で初回硝子体手術を施行し,術後3年以上経過観察できた症例とし,同期間内に初回硝子体手術を施行した眼科治療群(PC施行)30例31眼(control群)と比較検討した.内科未治療は眼科未治療群で52.6 %,control群では0%であった.初回手術時の病態では眼科未治療群で牽引性網膜剥離群(50.0%),control群で硝子体出血群(51.6%)が各群で最も多かった.術後合併症,再手術の原因は両群とも硝子体出血が最も多く認められた.術後最終視力は眼科未治療群で2段階以上の悪化例,0.1未満の視力不良例がcontrol群に比べて多く認められた.眼科未治療群はcontrol群に比べて視力予後不良のことが多いため,内科と眼科の連携を高め,早期のPCが必要であると考えられた.We evaluated long-term results of vitrectomy for untreatedproliferative diabetic retinopathy.We objected for 24 eyes of 19 patients who were untreatedgroup without PC and were underwent first-time vitrectomy,we compared with 30 eyes of 31 patients( controlledgroup)who were treated group(with PC)and were underwentfirst-time vitrectomy.54.2 % of the treated group and 0 % of the controlledgroup were treated by physician. In the status of first-timevitrectomy, traction retinal detachment group (50.0 %) inthe untreated group and vitreous hemorrhage group (51.6%) in the controlled group were the most of each group.Complications after vitrectomy and cause of reoperationshowed the most vitreous hemorrhage. In final visual acuityafter vitrectomy, it showed that untreated group was muchmore deteriorated 2 or more lines and showed 0.1 or lessthan controlled group.Untreated group was poor visual prognosis comparedwith controlled group. So we need to keep in contact withphysician and undergo PC as soon as possible