613 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of a Factor Xa-Based Clotting Time Test for Enoxaparin: A Proof-of-Concept Study

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    A well-accepted test for monitoring anticoagulation by enoxaparin is not currently available. As inadequate dosing may result in thrombosis or bleeding, a clinical need exists for a suitable test. Previous in silico and in vitro studies have identified factor Xa as an appropriate activating agent, and the phospholipid Actin FS as a cofactor for a Xa clotting time (TenaCT) test. A proof-of-concept study was designed to (1) explore the reproducibility of the TenaCT test and (2) explore factors that could affect the performance of the test. In vitro clotting time tests were carried out using plasma from 20 healthy volunteers. The effect of enoxaparin was determined at concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 IU/mL. Clotting times for the volunteers were significantly prolonged with increasing enoxaparin concentrations. Clotting times were significantly shortened for frozen plasma samples. No significant differences in prolongation of clotting times were observed between male and female volunteers or between the 2 evaluated age groups. The clotting times were consistent between 2 separate occasions. The TenaCT test was able to distinguish between the subtherapeutic and therapeutic concentrations of enoxaparin. Plasma should not be frozen prior to performing the test, without defining a frozen plasma reference range. This study provided proof-of-concept for a Xa-based test that can detect enoxaparin dose effects, but additional studies are needed to further develop the test

    “I just let him cry...”: Designing socio-technical interventions in families to prevent mental health disorders

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    Interventions that help children develop protective factors against mental health disorders are an inherently social endeavour, relying on a number of actors from within the family as well as the school context. Little work thus far in CSCW and HCI has examined the potential of technology to support or enhance such interventions. This paper provides the first steps to unpacking this socio-technical design space, focusing on emotional regulation (ER) as a specific instance of a protective factor. We combine a user-centred approach to understanding lived experiences of families (interviews, design workshops) with an expert-led understanding of what makes interventions psychologically effective. Our findings suggest the potential of technology to enable a shift in how prevention interventions are designed and delivered: empowering children and parents through a new model of ‘child-led, situated interventions’, where participants learn through actionable support directly within family life, as opposed to didactic in-person workshops and a subsequent ‘skills application’. This conceptual model was then instantiated in a technology probe, which was deployed with 14 families. The promising field study findings provide an initial proof-of-concept validation of the proposed approach

    Prospective study of the safety and effectiveness of droperidol in elderly patients for pre-hospital acute behavioural disturbance

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    Objective: Acute behavioural disturbance in the elderly (≥65 years) is a significant issue for emergency medical services with increasing prevalence of dementia and aging populations. We investigated the pre-hospital safety and effectiveness of droperidol in the elderly with acute behavioural disturbance. Methods: This was a pre-hospital prospective observational 1-year study of elderly patients with acute behavioural disturbance. The primary outcome was proportion of adverse events (AEs) (airway intervention, oxygen saturatio

    Lyapunov Exponent Pairing for a Thermostatted Hard-Sphere Gas under Shear in the Thermodynamic Limit

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    We demonstrate why for a sheared gas of hard spheres, described by the SLLOD equations with an iso-kinetic Gaussian thermostat in between collisions, deviations of the conjugate pairing rule for the Lyapunov spectrum are to be expected, employing a previous result that for a large number of particles NN, the iso-kinetic Gaussian thermostat is equivalent to a constant friction thermostat, up to 1/N1/\sqrt{N} fluctuations. We also show that these deviations are at most of the order of the fourth power in the shear rate.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Rapid Comm., Phys. Rev.

    Funnel-web spider bite: a systematic review of recorded clinical cases

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia (09 January 2008). An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Objective: To investigate species-specific envenoming rates and spectrum of severity of funnel-web spider bites, and the efficacy and adverse effects of funnel-web spider antivenom. Data sources: Cases were identified from a prospective study of spider bite presenting to four major hospitals and three state poisons information centres (1999–2003); museum records of spider specimens since 1926; NSW Poisons Information Centre database; MEDLINE and EMBASE search; clinical toxinology textbooks; the media; and the manufacturer’s reports of antivenom use. Data extraction: Patient age and sex, geographical location, month, expert identification of the spider, clinical effects and management; envenoming was classified as severe, mild–moderate or minor/local effects. Data synthesis: 198 potential funnel-web spider bites were identified: 138 were definite (spider expertly identified to species or genus), and 77 produced severe envenoming. All species-identified severe cases were attributed to one of six species restricted to NSW and southern Queensland. Rates of severe envenoming were: Hadronyche cerberea (75%), H. formidabilis (63%), Atrax robustus (17%), Hadronyche sp. 14 (17%), H. infensa (14%) and H. versuta (11%). Antivenom was used in 75 patients, including 22 children (median dose, 3 ampoules; range, 1–17), with a complete response in 97% of expertly identified cases. Three adverse reactions were reported, all in adults: two early allergic reactions (one mild and one with severe systemic effects requiring adrenaline), and one case of serum sickness. Conclusions: Severe funnel-web spider envenoming is confined to NSW and southern Queensland; tree-dwelling funnel webs (H. cerberea and H. formidabilis) have the highest envenoming rates. Funnel-web spider antivenom appears effective and safe; severe allergic reactions are uncommon.Geoffrey K Isbister, Michael R Gray, Corrine R Balit, Robert J Raven, Barrie J Stokes, Kate Porges, Alan S Tankel, Elizabeth Turner, Julian White and Malcolm McD Fishe

    The Future of Human-Food Interaction

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    There is an increasing interest in food within the HCI discipline, with many interactive prototypes emerging that augment, extend and challenge the various ways people engage with food, ranging from growing plants, cooking ingredients, serving dishes and eating together. Grounding theory is also emerging that in particular draws from embodied interactions, highlighting the need to consider not only instrumental, but also experiential factors specific to human-food interactions. Considering this, we are provided with an opportunity to extend human-food interactions through knowledge gained from designing novel systems emerging through technical advances. This workshop aims to explore the possibility of bringing practitioners, researchers and theorists together to discuss the future of human-food interaction with a particular highlight on the design of experiential aspects of human-food interactions beyond the instrumental. This workshop extends prior community building efforts in this area and hence explicitly invites submissions concerning the empirically-informed knowledge of how technologies can enrich eating experiences. In doing so, people will benefit not only from new technologies around food, but also incorporate the many rich benefits that are associated with eating, especially when eating with others

    Patient Blood Management Bundles to Facilitate Implementation.

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    More than 30% of the world's population are anemic with serious economic consequences including reduced work capacity and other obstacles to national welfare and development. Red blood cell transfusion is the mainstay to correct anemia, but it is also 1 of the top 5 overused procedures. Patient blood management (PBM) is a proactive, patient-centered, and multidisciplinary approach to manage anemia, optimize hemostasis, minimize iatrogenic blood loss, and harness tolerance to anemia. Although the World Health Organization has endorsed PBM in 2010, many hospitals still seek guidance with the implementation of PBM in clinical routine. Given the use of proven change management principles, we propose simple, cost-effective measures enabling any hospital to reduce both anemia and red blood cell transfusions in surgical and medical patients. This article provides comprehensive bundles of PBM components encompassing 107 different PBM measures, divided into 6 bundle blocks acting as a working template to develop institutions' individual PBM practices for hospitals beginning a program or trying to improve an already existing program. A stepwise selection of the most feasible measures will facilitate the implementation of PBM. In this manner, PBM represents a new quality and safety standard

    Improving outcomes for hospital patients with critical bleeding requiring massive transfusion: The Australian and New Zealand Massive Transfusion Registry study methodology

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    Background: The Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Massive Transfusion (MT) Registry (MTR) has been established to improve the quality of care of patients with critical bleeding (CB) requiring MT (≥ 5 units red blood cells (RBC) over 4 h). The MTR is providing data to: (1) improve the evidence base for transfusion practice by systematically collecting data on transfusion practice and clinical outcomes; (2) monitor variations in practice and provide an opportunity for benchmarking, and feedback on practice/blood product use; (3) inform blood supply planning, inventory management and development of future clinical trials; and (4) measure and enhance translation of evidence into policy and patient blood management guidelines. The MTR commenced in 2011. At each participating site, all eligible patients aged ≥18 years with CB from any clinical context receiving MT are included using a waived consent model. Patient information and clinical coding, transfusion history, and laboratory test results are extracted for each patient’s hospital admission at the episode level. Results: Thirty-two hospitals have enrolled and 3566 MT patients have been identified across Australia and New Zealand between 2011 and 2015. The majority of CB contexts are surgical, followed by trauma and gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Validation studies have verified that the definition of MT used in the registry correctly identifies 94 % of CB events, and that the median time of transfusion for the majority of fresh products is the ‘product event issue time’ from the hospital blood bank plus 20 min. Data linkage between the MTR and mortality databases in Australia and New Zealand will allow comparisons of risk-adjusted mortality estimates across different bleeding contexts, and between countries. Data extracts will be examined to determine if there are differences in patient outcomes according to transfusion practice. The ratios of blood components (e.g. FFP:RBC) used in different types of critical bleeding will also be investigated. Conclusions: The MTR is generating data with the potential to have an impact on management and policy decision-making in CB and MT and provide benchmarking and monitoring tools for immediate application

    Kinetic energy conserving integrators for Gaussian thermostatted SLLOD

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    A new integration scheme is developed for nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations where the temperature is constrained by a Gaussian thermostat. The utility of the scheme is demonstrated by its application to the SLLOD algorithm which is the standard nonequilibrium molecular dynamics algorithm for studying shear flow. Unlike conventional integrators, the new integrators are constructed using operator-splitting techniques to ensure stability and that little or no drift in the kinetic energy occurs. Moreover, they require minimum computer memory and are straightforward to program. Numerical experiments show that the efficiency and stability of the new integrators compare favorably with conventional integrators such as the Runge-Kutta and Gear predictor-corrector methods. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)50125-6]