3 research outputs found

    Underpricing In Indonesia Non Financial Companies

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of financial variables (ROE, DER, firm size) and non-financial variables (underwriter reputation, offer size, firm age) to underpricing rate. This research was conducted on non-financial companies that conduct IPO in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2010-2016. Data collection techniques used are literature study and observation. Sampling is collected by using purposive sampling method that obtained 91 companies as research sample from population 156 companies. The model used to test the relationship between independent variables with dependent variable is multiple regression model. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that firm size variables affect the underpricing rate. While other independent variable have no effect on underpricing rate

    Increasing Batik Market Share Through Optimization of Web-based Digital Marketing

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    The business continuity of MSME entrepreneurs is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those engaged in batik Fashion, where Fashion shows or exhibitions are cancelled. To support batik entrepreneurs, product and technology innovations that adapt to market conditions are needed. In order to increase sales of batik Fashion in the pandemic era through digitalization, an appropriate marketing strategy is needed to increase technological literacy that has a positive impact on increasing market share.This community service activity aims to analyze and implement strategies to increase the market share of batik MSMEs through optimizing web-based digital marketing. This type of community service is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The method of data collection was carried out by survey and observation methods. The implementation of the training uses tutorial and lecture techniques. The implementation of community service is carried out in 4 stages, namely the identification of batik UMKM partner problems, formulation of partner problem solutions, providing e-commerce training in the form of e-commerce web design training and content creation, and evaluation and assistance in the form of partner understanding and satisfaction surveys. SMEs in Kampung Batik Lemahputro, Sidoarjo have implemented several forms of web-based marketing applications into their businesses, but their level of use is limited to basic marketing applications such as e-mail and static websites. However, MSMEs already have a moderate understanding of the benefits of web-based marketing and more than 50 percent of SMEs indicated that they are aware that web-based marketing can improve overall performance and profitability