14 research outputs found

    Incidenţa antigenelor HLA la pacienţii cu insuficiență renală cronică supuşi transplantului renal

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    Summary. HLA the first class antigen was investigated by lymphocytotoxic test. The investigated group consists from 244 persons (from them 177-mens and 67-womens) in the age from 18 tile 50 years old. 190 patients have chronic renal failure. It is the result of chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis. 40 patients have chronic pyelonephritis and others have - poiicystic kidney disease and other diseases. The monitoring group was submitted by 201 practically healthy inhabitants of Chishinau (from them 157-mens and 44-womens) in the age of 20-60 years old. HLA-A10, B17, B35, B40 and were rearely HLA-A1, A11, B5, B7, B8 determined for ill pacients more often than for healthy ones. The criterion of relative risk that reflects the availability of associative connections between HLA - fenotip and chronic renal failure is significant.Scopul studiului a fost în evidenţierea frecvenţei apariţiei antigenelor sistemului HLA la pacienţii cu Insuficienţă Renală Cronică (IRC), care au suportat alotransplantarea grefului renal. A fost investigat un lot de 244 pacienţi, 177-barbaţi (72,5%) şi 67 femei (27,5%) în vîrsta de la 18 pîna la 50 ani. La 190 pacienţi (77,8%) - IRC a fost cauzată de glomerulonefrită cronică difuză, la 40 pacienţi (16,3%) - de pielonefrită cronică, la ceilalţi 14 pacienţi (5,7%) de polichistoză renală şi altele. Lotul de control a constituit 201 locuitori ai or. Chişinău, practic sănătoşi (157 barbaţi şi 44 femei) în vîrsta de la 20 pînă la 60 ani. Tipizarea HLA - Ag s-a efectuat cu ajutorul testului microlimfocitotoxic, folosind serurile histotipice produse de ICS HTS din or.Sankt-Petersburg Rusia. în rezultatul cercetării au fost evidenţiate cele mai frecvente locusuri a antigenelor A şi B. în lotul de control incidenţa alelele a fost următoarea: -A2(44,6%), A 1(26%), A9(24%), A3(21%); -B35 (24%), B7(20%), B8(17,5%), B5(17,5%), B12(16,5%). în lotul pacienţilor cu IRC cel mai frecvent s-au depistat antigenele HLA: -A2(48,4%), A9(25,8%), A10(23,7%), -B35(28,2%), B7(12,2%), B12(18,4%).Antigenele HLA-A1, A11, HLA-B5, B7, B8 la pacienţi cu IRC au fost depistaţi mai rar, iar cele cu HLA-A10, B17, B35, B40 - mai frecvent decît la cei sănătoşi. Criteriile riscului relativ, ce indică prezenţa legăturilor asociative între fenotipul HLA şi IRC sunt evidente

    Rezultatele testării bolnavilor şi colaboratorilor din secția de hemodializă a SCR la unii markeri ai virusurilor hepatitelor virale В şi C

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    Summary. It is, that patients and medical staff haemodialysis department are group of risk hepatitis contaminations serum on tokens of a virus hepatitis of 80 patiens (from them 42 - men, and 38 - women) and 29 - medical staff of haemodialysis section was investigated. The results of investigation show, that during the process of haemodialysis the contamination by a virus hepatitis C take place in 81,3% and HBsAg-in 16,3% of cases. A considerable part of them are infected by mixt-infection. Medical staff during their professional work infected with the virus hepatitis C in 20,7% of cases, and by virus hepatitis В in 65,5 % of cases. It is recommended the realization of the non-specific guidelines and also bacterination against the hepatitis В as patients, and medical staff

    Transplantul renal de la donatorul viu înrudit

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    Summary. Renal transplantation from living relating donors. In accordance with the Republic of Moldova low "Regarding organs and tissues transplantation», during December 2001-August 2002 in the Center of Kidney Transplantation, Republican Clinical Hospital were performed 5 transplants from living relating donors (mother, father). We initiated this program because of the drastic diminution of the kidneys from "brain dead» donors. We analyzed the results of the transplantation, time of the reestablishment of the kidney function, donor rehabilitation. The short-term results show a very good function of the kidneys from living relating donors

    Hematological and cellular immunity changes in patients with uremia undergoing different treatments

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    Centrul Dializă şi Transplant Renal IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF “N.Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Patients with chronic kidney failure suffer from severe disorders of T and B lymphocyte function. Existing data confirm the absence of intrinsic defects of T and B cells, and shows major influence of urea and uremic toxins in the development of cellular immunodeficiency. In dialysis patients was determined predominance of T- suppressor lymphocytes (25.4% in study group) and 23.8% in the control group and values below the normal for total and active T lymphocytes (46.1% and 14.92 % in the study group, 46.8% and 14.9% in the control group, respectively). Hemodiafiltration led to a statistically significant decrease (p = 0.03) of T-suppressor lymphocytes - 18.7%, increase in T helper lymphocytes up to 41.6% (p = 0.003), and the total number of T lymphocytes, which increased from 46.1% to 60.0% (p = 0.004), number of active T cells increased from 14.92% to 21.2% (p = 0.02), T-morules - from 15.6% to 24.3% (p = 0.03)

    The parameters of cellular immunity at the pacients with staghorn lithiasis

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    Secţia Urologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirugicală, IP USMF„N. Testemiţanu", Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Rezumat. Tratamentul chirurgical al litiazei coraliforme este în strânsă corelaţie cu terapia medicamentoasă a infecţiei urinare, una din cauze fiind micşorarea statusului imun. în lucrare este efectuată evaluarea preoperatorie a statusului imunologic la 17 pacienţi cu litiază renală coraliformă. Analiza statusului la această categorie de pacienţi a demonstrat că litiaza urinară decurge cu schimbări semnificative din partea sistemului imun al organismului, aceste modificări fiind mai exprimate la nivelul celular al imunităţii.Summary. Surgical treatment of staghorn lithiasis is closely related to drug therapy of urinary infection, one of the reasons being reduction of immune status. The work is performed for evaluating the immunological status preoperatively in 17 patients with staghorn lithiasis. Analysis of status in this patients demonstrated that urinary stones resulting in significant changes in the immune system, these changes being expressed at the cellular level of immunity

    Renal short term results of the Equoral® treatment in stable patients with kidney transplantation

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    Centrul Dializă şi Transplant Renal IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Second generation generic of Cyclosporine A, Equoral®, showed a significant interpatient variation of the active substance concentration in the stable patients with kidney transplant. In the same time its variation in each single patient was minimal. These data corresponds to the pharmaceutical profile as well as concentrations/ AUC in patients treated with original Cyclosporine A. We have registered no clinical or laboratory adverse effects of the evaluated medication

    Clinical and immunological aspects of patients with nephrolithiasis

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    Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Laboratorul Imunologic SCR, Centrul de Hemodializă şi Transplant renalSurgical treatment of nephrolithiasis is closely related to drug therapy of urinary infection, one of the reasons being reduction of immune status. The work is performed evaluating the immunological status preoperatively in 36 patients with corraliform lithiasis . Analysis of status in this patients demonstrated that urinary stones resulting in significant changes in the immune system, these changes being expressed at the cellular level of immunity.Tratamentul chirurgical al nefrolitiazei este în strînsă corelaţie cu terapia medicamentoasă a infecţiei urinare, una din cauze fiind micşorarea statusului imun. În lucrare este efectuată evaluarea preoperatorie a statusului imunologic la 36 pacienţi cu litiază renală, preponderent litiază coraliformă. Analiza statusului la această categorie de pacienţi a demonstrat că litiaza urinară decurge cu schimbări semnificative din partea sistemului imun al organismului, aceste modificări fiind mai exprimate la nivelul celular al imunităţii