47 research outputs found

    Earnings of young doctorates in private jobs after participation to post-doctoral programs

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    Document de travail LEST. 20 p.JEL classification : J31, C35In this paper, we address the question of destination of post-doctorates for young French PhD graduated in exact sciences in 1996. The creation of post-doctoral program was firstly designated to PhD willing to embark on a public career. However, an important part of post-doctorates rather get to the private sector, particularly outside research positions. The question that occurs is that of the value of post-doctoral experience. We propose here to estimate earnings of young doctorates in private jobs had they participated to a post-doctoral program. To control for selection bias arising in the case where unobservable elements are correlated between participation and earnings, we estimate a treatment effect model. The main finding is that when selection bias is not control for, post-doctoral participation increases earnings, however, when controlling for selection bias, there is no more a positive effect of the participation. As regards to this finding we point out that post-doctoral program play much more the role of a signal in the first-stage career. This finding is also strengthened when using a bivariate selection rule. In that case, we also control for the endogenous nature of having been recruited in the private sector.Dans cet article, nous nous intĂ©ressons au devenir professionnel des jeunes diplĂŽmĂ©s de doctorat, ayant obtenu leur diplĂŽme dans des disciplines relevant des sciences exactes en 1996. La crĂ©ation des programmes post-doctoraux visait Ă  son origine les jeunes docteurs souhaitant poursuivre une carriĂšre acadĂ©mique. Cependant, une part non nĂ©gligeable de jeunes passĂ©s par un post-doctorat sont recrutĂ©s dans le secteur privĂ©, et en particulier sur des positions professionnelles hors du domaine de la recherche. La question qui se pose dĂšs lors est celle de la valeur sur le marchĂ© du travail de cette expĂ©rience post-doctorale. Nous proposons ici d'estimer une fonction de gains pour les jeunes docteurs en emploi dans le secteur privĂ© en contrĂŽlant de leur participation Ă  un post-doctorat. Afin de contrĂŽler le biais de sĂ©lection qui survient dans le cas oĂč des dimensions individuelles inobservĂ©es sont corrĂ©lĂ©es entre la participation au post-doctorat et le niveau de salaire perçu, nous estimons un modĂšle Ă  effet de traitement. Le principal rĂ©sultat est que lorsque le biais de sĂ©lection n'est pas contrĂŽlĂ©, la participation Ă  un post-doctorat a un effet positif sur les gains, cependant, lorsque l'effet de sĂ©lection est contrĂŽlĂ©, ce rendement positif disparaĂźt. Ce rĂ©sultat nous conduit Ă  supposer que le stage post-doctoral joue davantage le rĂŽle d'un signal dans le dĂ©but de carriĂšre des docteurs. Ce rĂ©sultat est par ailleurs renforcĂ© lorsque nous contrĂŽlons en plus du possible effet de sĂ©lection produit par le fait que notre Ă©chantillon de travail ne prend en compte que les docteurs en emploi dans le secteur privĂ©

    Academic careers : the effect of participation to post-doctoral program

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    This paper is devoted to assessment of post-doctoral programs for young PhD awarded in French Universities. Using longitudinal from the French Ministry of Education, our question lead to the econometric evaluation of post-doctoral participation on the probability to obtain a job as researcher in the public sector of research. Based on the estimation of a conditional bivariate Probit model and computation of marginal effects, we demonstrate that going through a post-doctoral program increases of around 10% then chances to get an academic job. This result is reinforced by the effect of financial support, especially standard academic grant, which rises of more than 20% the probability to be recruited as researcher in the French public sector.Post-doctoral program; PhD graduated; Bivariate Probit; Marginal effects

    Earnings of young doctorates in private jobs after participation to post-doctoral programs

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    Document de travail LEST. 20 p.JEL classification : J31, C35In this paper, we address the question of destination of post-doctorates for young French PhD graduated in exact sciences in 1996. The creation of post-doctoral program was firstly designated to PhD willing to embark on a public career. However, an important part of post-doctorates rather get to the private sector, particularly outside research positions. The question that occurs is that of the value of post-doctoral experience. We propose here to estimate earnings of young doctorates in private jobs had they participated to a post-doctoral program. To control for selection bias arising in the case where unobservable elements are correlated between participation and earnings, we estimate a treatment effect model. The main finding is that when selection bias is not control for, post-doctoral participation increases earnings, however, when controlling for selection bias, there is no more a positive effect of the participation. As regards to this finding we point out that post-doctoral program play much more the role of a signal in the first-stage career. This finding is also strengthened when using a bivariate selection rule. In that case, we also control for the endogenous nature of having been recruited in the private sector.Dans cet article, nous nous intĂ©ressons au devenir professionnel des jeunes diplĂŽmĂ©s de doctorat, ayant obtenu leur diplĂŽme dans des disciplines relevant des sciences exactes en 1996. La crĂ©ation des programmes post-doctoraux visait Ă  son origine les jeunes docteurs souhaitant poursuivre une carriĂšre acadĂ©mique. Cependant, une part non nĂ©gligeable de jeunes passĂ©s par un post-doctorat sont recrutĂ©s dans le secteur privĂ©, et en particulier sur des positions professionnelles hors du domaine de la recherche. La question qui se pose dĂšs lors est celle de la valeur sur le marchĂ© du travail de cette expĂ©rience post-doctorale. Nous proposons ici d'estimer une fonction de gains pour les jeunes docteurs en emploi dans le secteur privĂ© en contrĂŽlant de leur participation Ă  un post-doctorat. Afin de contrĂŽler le biais de sĂ©lection qui survient dans le cas oĂč des dimensions individuelles inobservĂ©es sont corrĂ©lĂ©es entre la participation au post-doctorat et le niveau de salaire perçu, nous estimons un modĂšle Ă  effet de traitement. Le principal rĂ©sultat est que lorsque le biais de sĂ©lection n'est pas contrĂŽlĂ©, la participation Ă  un post-doctorat a un effet positif sur les gains, cependant, lorsque l'effet de sĂ©lection est contrĂŽlĂ©, ce rendement positif disparaĂźt. Ce rĂ©sultat nous conduit Ă  supposer que le stage post-doctoral joue davantage le rĂŽle d'un signal dans le dĂ©but de carriĂšre des docteurs. Ce rĂ©sultat est par ailleurs renforcĂ© lorsque nous contrĂŽlons en plus du possible effet de sĂ©lection produit par le fait que notre Ă©chantillon de travail ne prend en compte que les docteurs en emploi dans le secteur privĂ©

    Interdependence between housing mode and job access : an empirical analysis based on french data

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    JEL Classification : C33, C34, J13, J16This work aims to study the interdependence between housing mode and situation on the labor market of the young people according to the gender. To this end, we use the Center for Studies and Research on Qualifications (the CEREQ ) data which relate to a sample of young people who have altogether terminated their studies in 1998 and who have been questioned on their professional course in 2001. We defined three modes of housing (with the parents, only and in couple) and distinguished between three situations from insertion on labor market (Fixed term contract, Unlimited duration contract and Unemployment). We deviate from the work completed in the fields insofar as we explicitly take into account the simultaneous character of the realization of a mode of housing and a mode of insertion in employment. We thus estimate simultaneous equations models between these two groups of variables. The results of estimate confirm and moderate the results establish by the literature. Our results show higher effects of the parental decohabitation on the situation on the labor market for the case of the girls compared to the boys, except for the life in couple which seems to affect, in close proportions, stability on the labor market. In addition, the housing modes of the girls are slightly sensitive as well to their own situation on the labor market as to that their parents, contrary to the boys. The latter more seem to profit from the familiar support to build a residential autonomy and to live alone

    Academic careers : the effect of participation to post-doctoral program

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    http://www.sase.org/conf2003/homepage.htmlThis paper is devoted to assessment of post-doctoral programs for young PhD awarded in French Universities. Using longitudinal from the French Ministry of Education, our question lead to the econometric evaluation of post-doctoral participation on the probability to obtain a job as researcher in the public sector of research. Based on the estimation of a conditional bivariate Probit model and computation of marginal effects, we demonstrate that going through a post-doctoral program increases of around 10% then chances to get an academic job. This result is reinforced by the effect of financial support, especially standard academic grant, which rises of more than 20% the probability to be recruited as researcher in the French public sector

    Trajectories from public sector of research to private sector : an analysis using french data on young PhD graduates

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    The organisation of research is a powerful factor structuring the labour market for recent doctorate recipients. The queue for permanent research positions in the academic sector has created a specific labour market for young doctorates, characterised by a proliferation of postdoctoralprogrammes and fixed-term contracts. In that specific context, our paper deals with the way the young PhD graduates enter the labour market, the way they get a job as researcher in the private or public sector and how much the return of the job mobility from the public academic sector to the private sector is. Using a longitudinal survey provided by the Cereq, our results suggest that even if nearly the half of the cohort has a direct access to jobs in the research sector (private or public), 20% remain in trajectories dominated by under-qualifiedjobs or recurrent unemployment. Our empirical investigation show a negative or non significant returns of the job mobility from the public academic sector to the private sector.Marché du travail; Insertion professionnelle; Post Doctorant; Jeune; Mobilité professionnelle; France

    Trajectoires scolaires atypiques et conditions d'entrée sur le marché du travail : l'exemple des sortants de niveaux IV et III

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    (Document LEST. SĂ©minaire; 2004-01.2). 29 p.Il s'agira dans un premier temps de rendre compte de la diversitĂ© des parcours de formation Ă  partir de la gĂ©nĂ©ration des sortants de formation initiale en 1998. Le deuxiĂšme temps de la contribution sera rĂ©servĂ© Ă  l'analyse de l'efficacitĂ© des parcours de formation Ă  travers une mise Ă  l'Ă©preuve de quelques indicateurs d'insertion liĂ©s Ă  l'accĂšs au premier emploi (salaire d'embauche, probabilitĂ© d'ĂȘtre technicien ou dans une profession intermĂ©diaire au premier emploi ou Ă  trois ans, durĂ©e d'accĂšs Ă  un premier CDI)

    Occupational Mobility and Life Cycle

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    Opportunities for career mobility differ by age and length of service in the organisation. The propensity to change jobs declines throughout a working career, notably in the first ten years and after age 45. Taking up a job in a new organisation brings greater rewards in terms of pay and involves a lower risk of breaks in employment if the move occurs early in ones career. Positive prospects for internal mobility range over a longer time frame, levelling off at around age 45. Internal mobility proves to be more advantageous than external mobility. Employers play a significant role in mobility as they are partly responsible for more than four job changes in ten. Women are more exposed to external mobility and far more vulnerable to breaks in employment; men experience more internal mobility opportunities, and more than half of those leaving their organisations are able to control their terms of departure.Inter-firm Mobility, Internal Mobility, Promotion, Age, Tenure, Gender

    Vie en couple, densité des emplois et insertion professionnelle : quels effets selon les genres ?

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    L'insertion professonnelle des jeunes et la vie en couple

    Trajectories from public sector of research to private sector : an analysis using french data on young PhD graduates

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    The organisation of research is a powerful factor structuring the labour market for recent doctorate recipients. The queue for permanent research positions in the academic sector has created a specific labour market for young doctorates, characterised by a proliferation of postdoctoralprogrammes and fixed-term contracts. In that specific context, our paper deals with the way the young PhD graduates enter the labour market, the way they get a job as researcher in the private or public sector and how much the return of the job mobility from the public academic sector to the private sector is. Using a longitudinal survey provided by the Cereq, our results suggest that even if nearly the half of the cohort has a direct access to jobs in the research sector (private or public), 20% remain in trajectories dominated by under-qualifiedjobs or recurrent unemployment. Our empirical investigation show a negative or non significant returns of the job mobility from the public academic sector to the private sector