13 research outputs found

    Path diagram of the factorial structure of the GTS-QOL-French-Ado from the exploratory factor analysis.

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    Factor latent variables are represented by ellipses. Measured variables (items of the GTS-QOL-French-Ado) are represented by rectangles. The curved double-headed links represent the correlations among factors. The directed links from factors to items represent the factor loadings estimates. The path diagram displays only the links that have loadings equal or greater than 0.32.</p

    Convergent validity for GTS-QOL-French-Ado.

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    Correlations represented on a HEATMAP: in red, positive correlations and in blue, negative correlations. Graduation in the colour indicates the strength of the correlation.</p

    Effect size of sociodemographic and clinical factors on GTS-QOL-French-Ado subscales.

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    Effect sizes (ES) are presented as forest plot with 95% confidence interval [95% CI] for each GTS-QOL-French-Ado subscale. The ES are given for ‘Yes’ versus ‘No’ values of the sociodemographic and clinical factors. Positive ES indicates worse HRQoL and negative ES better HRQoL. Dotted lines represent the threshold for small (0.2), moderate (0.5) and large (0.8) ES.</p