10,190 research outputs found

    Getting Ahead or Losing Ground: Economic Mobility in America

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    Combines earlier research to present a comprehensive analysis of relative mobility, absolute mobility, and changes in income inequality. Focuses on intergenerational mobility, immigrants, comparisons by gender and race, and the role of education

    Inflation meets neutrinos

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    Constraints on inflationary models typically assume only the standard models of cosmology and particle physics. By extending the neutrino sector to include a new interaction with a light scalar mediator (mϕ∌m_{\phi}\simMeV), it is possible to relax these constraints, in particular via opening up regions of the parameter space of the spectral index nsn_s. These new interactions can be probed at IceCube via interactions of astrophysical neutrinos with the Cosmic Neutrino Background for nearly all of the relevant parameter space.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    Good internal communication increases productivity

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    Internal communication has become an important factor in today's business world. The increased use of electronic media can, despite their obvious advantages, cause communication problems, i.e. information overload. By avoiding communication problems, the productivity of a company can be increased. The relation between internal communication and productivity has been subject of a number of surveys. Although different survey approaches have been used, all found that there is a positive impact of communication on productivity. Since different communication dimensions have a different impact on an employee's perceived productivity, effective and efficient internal communication has to be managed, therefore, in accordance with the situation of each company and its employees. -- In der heutigen GeschĂ€ftswelt gewinnt interne Kommunikation als Wettbewerbsfaktor eine zunehmende Bedeutung. Die vermehrte Anwendung von elektronischen Medien kann jedoch trotz ihrer Vorteile auch zu Kommunikationsproblemen, speziell zu Informationsflut, fĂŒhren. Indem Kommunikationsprobleme vermieden werden, ist es möglich im Unternehmen die ProduktivitĂ€t zu erhöhen. Dieser Zusammenhang ist Gegenstand verschiedenster Studien, die trotz unterschiedlicher AnsĂ€tze alle einen positiven Einfluss von Kommunikation auf die ProduktivitĂ€t herausstellten. Aufgrund verschiedener Stellencharaktere und der damit verbundenen Nutzen bestimmter Informationen, beeinflussen vielfache Arten von Kommunikation die ProduktivitĂ€t von Angestellten unterschiedlich. Ebenso sind Unterschiede zwischen den Angestellten und verschiedenen Unternehmenstypologien zu verzeichnen. Folglich ist das Management von interner Kommunikation auf das spezielle Unternehmen und seine Mitarbeiter zuzuschneiden.Productivity,Internal Communication,Communication Methods,Communication Problems,Information Overload,ProduktivitĂ€t,Interne Kommunikation,Kommunikationsmethode,Kommunikationsprobleme,Informationsflut

    The Discrete Markus-Yamabe Problem for Symmetric Planar Polynomial Maps

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    We probe deeper into the Discrete Markus-Yamabe Question for polynomial planar maps and into the normal form for those maps which answer this question in the affirmative. Furthermore, in a symmetric context, we show that the only nonlinear equivariant polynomial maps providing an affirmative answer to the Discrete Markus-Yamabe Question are those possessing Z2 as their group of symmetries. We use this to establish two new tools which give information about the spectrum of a planar polynomial map

    The entropy of elliptical galaxies in Coma: a clue for a distance indicator

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    We have fitted the surface brightness of a sample of 79 elliptical galaxies pertaining to the Coma cluster of galaxies using the Sersic profile. This model is defined through three primary parameters: scale length (a), intensity (\Sigma_0), and a shape parameter (\nu); physical and astrophysical quantities may be computed from these parameters. We show that correlations are stronger among primary parameters than the classical astrophysical ones. In particular, the galaxies follow a high correlation in \nu and a parameters. We show that the \nu and a correlation satisfies a constant specific entropy condition. We propose to use this entropy relation as distance indicator for clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letter
