21 research outputs found

    Seroconversion rates of human cysticercosis in function of sex for both circulating antigen and specific antibody analyses.

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    <p>P1 stands for period 1 (between Round 1 and Round 2, 6 months), P2 for period 2 (between Round 2 and 3, 6 months) and P3 for period 3 (between Round 1 and 3, 12 months). Ag-ELISA: detection of circulating cysticercus antigen in serum; EITB: detection of specific antibodies in serum.</p

    Sero- antigen and antibody conversion and -reversion for the three periods.

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    <p>SC and SR stand for seroconversion and seroreversion, respectively. P1 stands for period 1 (between Round 1 and Round 2, 6 months), P2 for period 2 (Round 2–3, 6 months) and P3 for period 3 (Round 1–3, 12 months). Ag-ELISA: detection of circulating cysticercus antigen in serum; EITB: detection of specific antibodies in serum.</p

    Cohort composition and changes during the three sampling rounds.

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    <p>(Format adapted from Garcia <i>et al</i>., 2003 <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0002142#pntd.0002142-Garcia2" target="_blank">[18]</a>). R1, R2 and R3 stand for first, second and third round of sampling. Ag-ELISA: detection of circulating cysticercus antigen in serum; EITB: detection of specific antibodies in serum; HH QS = household questionnaire; Coprology: coproscopy and Copro-Ag-ELISA. *Only carried out on a randomly selected sample of 161. **Carried out on stool samples collected at R3.</p

    Infection/exposure status changes based on sero-antigen and sero-antibody analysis throughout the study period.

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    <p>R1, R2 and R3 stand for first, second and third rounds of sampling. N and P stand for negative and positive test result, respectively. Ag-ELISA: detection of circulating cysticercus antigen in serum. “No.” expresses the number of participants that presented the given statuses (e.g. N N N) during the follow up (e.g. 680 participants tested negative at all three sampling rounds, N N N); EITB: detection of specific antibodies in serum “No.” expresses the number of participants that presented the given statuses during the follow up (e.g. 72 participants of the 161 tested negative at all three sampling rounds, N N N. This number is independent of the Ag-ELISA result).</p

    Sero-antigen and sero-antibody cysticercosis prevalences for the three sampling rounds.

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    <p>R1, R2 and R3 stand for first, second and third round of sampling. Ag-ELISA: detection of circulating cysticercus antigen in serum; EITB: detection of specific antibodies in serum.</p

    Taeniosis prevalence per age group.

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    <p>Results of the copro-Ag ELISA in a function of the 10 age groups of 10 years each. The upper and lower 95% exact binomial confidence intervals for the prevalence in each age group are represented through error bars. The proportion of positives and number of individuals sampled in each age group are also shown.</p