155 research outputs found

    مخطوطة بزوغ الهلال في الخصال الموجبة للظلال للسيوطي تحقيق ودراسة Crescent emergence manuscript of positive qualities in shades of Imam Suyuti - investigation and study

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    ملخص إن موضوع البحث هو تحقيق لمخطوطة بزوغ الهلال في الخصال الموجبة للظلال ، للإمام السيوطي، وقد بيّنت هذه المخطوطة أن الذين يظلهم الله Y في ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله ليس مقصوراً على سبع خصال المشهورة في حديث الصحيحين، وقد أحصاها المؤلف وعدها واستدل عليها، وهذا الجهد المبارك فيه حث على العمل، وترغيب فيه كي يحظى صاحبه بهذا الأجر العظيم. وقد تم استكمال هذا البحث بعمل دراسة للأحاديث الواردة في المخطوط والحكم عليها وفق مقاييس النقد عند أهل الحديث، وكان من أهم النتائج: أن من سيكون في الظل هم المؤمنون الصادقون، وقد ثبت لهم بأحاديث مقبولة اثنتي عشرة خصلة، وأن أربعاً وثلاثين خصلة أحاديثها ضعيفة، وأن خمساً وعشرين خصلة أحاديثها ضعيفة جداً أو موضوعة لا يصلح الاحتجاج بها. Crescent emergence manuscript of positive qualities in shades of Imam Suyuti - investigation and study Abstract The theme of the research is to achieve a manuscript, the emergence of Crescent in the qualities of positive shades, to the Imam Suyuti, have shown this manuscript that those who Allah shade them in the shade on the Day no shade but His is not limited to the seven qualities famous in modern correct, has counted the author and counted and quoted by, and this effort encourages a holy work, and sweeten it so that the owner has this great reward. Has been the completion of this research work study for the conversations contained in the manuscript and judged according to the standards criticism through Hadeeth men, and it was the most important results: it will be in the shade are the believers who will enter Paradise without reckoning as good tidings for them in the great gathering day,and has proven them by acceptable Hadith twelve quality, and thirty-four weak Hadeeths quality, and that very weak twenty-five Hadith or does not fit placed to invoke

    Poem by Al-Ilbīrī with Mandinka Glosses

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    The entire manuscript is available for download as a PDF file(s). Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact [email protected]. Fieldwork Team: Dr. Fallou Ngom (Pricipal Investigator; Director, African Studies Center), Ablaye Diakité (Local Project Manager), Mr. Ibrahima Yaffa (General Field Facilitator), and Ibrahima Ngom (photographer). Technical Team: Professor Fallou Ngom (Principal Investigator, Project Director and former Director of the African Studies Center at Boston University)), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Mandinka Ajami materials is copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. This is a joint project between BU and the West African Research Center (WARC), funded by the British Library/Arcadia Endangered Archives Programme. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are fully cited using the information below. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Ngom, Fallou, Castro, Eleni, & Diakité, Ablaye. (2018). African Ajami Library: EAP 1042. Digital Preservation of Mandinka Ajami Materials of Casamance, Senegal. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/27112. For Inquiries: please contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). For technical assistance, please contact [email protected] / Custodial history: The owner received it from Ousmane Gassama. Gassama was born in Kandialong in the region of Sedhiou. He had an advanced Islamic education.The manuscript is a copy of the Arabic original written by Abū Isḥāq al-Ilbīrī  (d.1067/1068), a poet and a Mālikī jurist, who lived in al-Andalus in the 11th century. He is well known in the Muslim world for his poem on the benefits of seeking knowledge and the conduct that seekers of knowledge must cultivate. The manuscript was copied by Ousmane Gassama, who added the extensive glosses in Ajami in order to enable Mandinka Ajami literates to access the content of the poem


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    Burhān el-muʽǧizāt

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    Sinnsprüche der Philosophen

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    Honein Ibn Ishâk ; nach der hebräischen Uebersetzung Charisi's ins Deutsche übertragen und erläutert von Dr. A. Loewenthal, Rabbiner der Synagogengemeinde in Tarnowitz O.-S.Deutsche Übesetzung des Adāb al-Falāsifa nach der hebräische Übersetzung von Yehudah Alḥarizi, Sefer musre ha-filosofi

    The book of the ten treatises on the eye ascribed to Hunain Ibn Is-Hâq (809 - 877 A.D.) : the earliest existing systematic text-book of ophthalmology

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    the Arab. text ed. from the only two known manuscripts, with an Engl. transl. and glossary by Max MeyerhofText engl. und arab. - Teilw. in arab. Schr