5 research outputs found

    Metastasis of breast cancer to the bone

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    Spinal metastases are a complex but common manifestation of primary cancer. The most common use of spinal metastases is breast, lung and prostate cancer. Management of patients suffering from spinal metastases, which take into account the characteristics of cancer and various methods of treatment consisting of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Metastatic spine cancer surgery is used with a low risk of complications because it results in significant relief of pain and long-term survival burdens. Pain relief, prevention of bone complications and maintenance of quality of life are included in the recommendations in metastatic bone disease. Knowledge related to the pathophysiology of painful metastases is changing quite quickly. However, for analyzing the pathophysiology of painful bone metastases may be the key to analgesic effects with minimal side effects

    A case-control study of the lipid profile of women with breast cancer

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    Purpose: Neoplastic diseases remain the second most common cause of death, behind cardiovascular diseases, and breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women worldwide. Increased incidence of neoplastic diseases is also known to be accompanied by lipid metabolism disorders.Method: Blood samples for lipid profile testing were taken from the two studied groups, which comprised 110 women with breast cancer and 70 healthy women. Lipid profile testing was conducted on venous blood samples collected among both groups of women on an empty stomach. Statistical analyses were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software package.Results: A statistically significant (p<0.05) majority of women with breast cancer had abnormal TC results (67.3%). A statistically significant (p<0.05) majority of control group women (90.0%) had normal HDL-C results. More women with breast cancer (87.3%) had abnormal LDL-C results than healthy women (62.9%), which represented a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Conclussions: Abnormal lipid profile significantly impacts breast cancer incidence. At the same time it is under influence of abnormal eating habits and low physical activity. Community and oncology nurses, having considerable knowledge about health and lifestyle of their patients, should be more involved in basic education to decrease cancer risk, especially by women with alarming LDL-C level

    Support received by women with breast cancer in the event of side effects of chemotherapy

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    Admission. Correct chemotherapy introduces many side effects. These effects, spread over time and in connection with a chronic disease such as breast cancer, put the patient in a crisis situation, which verifies the needs in terms of social support. Goal: Showing the type of social support expected and received by women treated with cytostatics for breast cancer. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 110 women - patients of oncology departments of two Lublin hospitals diagnosed with breast cancer and during chemotherapy. The research tool was the author's questionnaire. The results from the obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Patients expect information support about their illness and treatment from a doctor. In some respects, most of them receive such support. The respondents receive emotional support from their families, more than half of them received an offer of material support. There is a statistically significant relationship between education and the need for material assistance, and a relationship between the next cycle of chemotherapy and the demand for spiritual support. Conclusions: Patients treated with cytostatics, regardless of their level of education, expect information support from professionals. Such support cannot be provided by family or friends. They receive emotional support from loved ones, but during chemotherapy, the demand for spiritual and material support increases, regardless of education

    Coping with stress by Medical University students

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    Introduction. Stress can be defined as a physiological and psychic response to external stimuli (stressors) or as a relationship between the body and the environment that can affect the body in a negative, positive or neutral way

    Knowledge and attitudes of the young people from post-secondary schools towards HIV/AIDS-preliminary study

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    Wprowadzenie Zakażenie ludzkim wirusem upośledzenia odporności (HIV) oraz nabyty zespół upośledzenia odporności (AIDS) są poważnymi problemami współczesnego świata. Obecnie świat walczy z AIDS, którego główną bronią są: długoletnia bezobjawowość, brak szczepionki oraz przejawy dyskryminacji ludzi nią dotkniętych. Cel pracy Celem pracy jest ocena poziomu wiedzy i postaw młodzieży na temat zagadnień dotyczących HIV/AIDS. Materiał i metoda 26 W pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem techniki ankiety. Badania ostały przeprowadzone wśród 149 uczniów szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej . Wyniki Młodzież w większości wie, jakie są drogi zakażenia wirusem HIV. Badani wiedzą, że AIDS jest chorobą nieuleczalną i znają pojęcie okienka serologicznego. Młodzież zna sposoby zabezpieczenia się przed zakażeniem i wie, że pierwszy stosunek z nosicielem wirusa HIV lub osobą chorą na AIDS grozi zakażeniem HIV. Badani w większości uważają, że postawa społeczeństwa wobec założonych HIV jest negatywna. Większość badanych nie obawiałaby się chodzić do tej samej klasy, co osoba zakażona wirusem HIV, zamieszkać w jednym domu z osobą chorą lub zakażoną a połowa nie odczuwałaby dyskomfortu pracując zawodowo z tymi osobami. Tylko 1/6 uczniów dopuszcza możliwość kontaktów towarzyskich z osobą zakażoną wirusem HIV lub chorą na AIDS. Większość uczniów nie obwinia chorych na AIDS, że przyczynili się do powstania choroby. Wnioski 1. Młodzież dysponuje tylko ogólnymi informacjami na temat AIDS i HIV . 2. W życiu codziennym większość z nich chroniłaby siebie przed zakażeniem poprzez szczególne zwracanie uwagi na kontakty seksualne i stosowanie prezerwatywy. 3. Obcy nosiciele HIV i chorzy na AIDS są odbierani poprzez młodzież jako poważne zagrożenie, natomiast bliskie im osoby których dotknie ta choroba nie są przez nich odrzucani.Introduction Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are serious problems of the modern world. Currently, the world is struggling with AIDS, the main weapons of which include: long-term lack of symptoms, lack of vaccine and discrimination on the side of the people who are not affected by it. The purpose of the thesis The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the level of knowledge and attitudes of young people toward issues relating to HIV/AIDS. Material and method A diagnostic survey method using survey technique was used in the thesis. The research was conducted among 149 students from a post-secondary school. Results In most cases, young people know the ways of HIV infection. The Respondents know that AIDS is an incurable disease and they are familiar with the concept of the serological window. Young people know how to protect themselves against infection and they know that the first intercourse with a HIV carrier or someone who has AIDS constitutes a risk of infection with HIV. In most cases, the Respondents think that the attitude of the society towards people infected with HIV is negative. Most Respondents would not be afraid to be in the same class with a person infected with HIV, live in the same house with a person who is sick or infected and half of the Respondents would not feel a discomfort while working with these people. Only 1/3 of the students allow the possibility of the social contact with a person infected with HIV or a person suffering from AIDS. Most students do not blame people suffering from AIDS for that they contributed to the disease. Conclusions 1. Young people do not have comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS. 2. The Respondents show positive attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS and show a willingness to help them; 3. Most students do not blame people suffering from AIDS for that they contributed to the disease