2 research outputs found

    Історичний нарис досліджень проблематики особистісної свободи у психологічній науці: гуманістична парадигма

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    The article deals with the analysis of the modern approaches to the problem of  personality in psychology. The phenomenon of individual freedom and the dynamics of views at the problem of internal freedom of a person are investigated in this work in Ukrainian sciences. Isolating this information into an independent scientific problem in modern Ukrainian psychology. Personal freedom is considered in the plane of self-development and self-realization, acts as the central form of the spirituality of the individual. The main feature of personal freedom is the ability to make a constructive choice and to bear responsibility for its consequences, to be guided by conscience in the exercise of this choice. Стаття присвячена аналізу сучасних теоретичних досліджень проблематики осо­бистісної свободи в психології. Прослідковується формування наукових уявлень про особис­тісну свободу серед українських вчених та виокремлення цієї інформації в самостійну наукову проблему в сучасній українській психології. Особистісна свобода розглядається у пло­щині саморозвитку та самореалізації, виступає центральним утворенням духовності особистості. Основною ознакою особистісної свободи є здатність здійснювати конст­руктивний вибір і нести відповідальність за його наслідки, керуватись совістю при здійс­ненні цього вибору

    Peculiarities of Application of Metaphor in Group Psychological Correction

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    The article analyzes the peculiarities of psychological method of metaphor application in group psychocorrective work on a theoretical and methodological level. An attempt to define metaphor in the context of the basic tasks of rendering psychological assistance, especially as a method of psychodiagnostics, neuropsychology and group psychocorrection is undertaken. The resources of metaphor in group psychocorrection are described because of its properties. The definition of metaphor as a neuropsychological means of activation of the right hemisphere of the brain is argued. The functions of fairy tale metaphors for the purpose of correction and development of personality are considered. It is underlined that metaphor is the psychological mechanism of integration of components of self-consciousness: self-understanding (the cognitive aspect), the attitude to itself (the emotional aspect), self-regulation (the behavioral aspect) in a context of group psychocorrection. Practically confirmed that the metaphor in the process of group work has a positive impact on changing the strategy of competition to a strategy of cooperation through the adoption of individuality of self and another. The criterion for the effectiveness of metaphorical psychological correction is the feedback of the group participants through trust, acceptance and self-acceptance. Recommendations for conducting group psychological correction with the use of metaphor are developed.</p