7 research outputs found

    Macrocyclic Envelope Glycoprotein Antagonists that Irreversibly Inactivate HIV‑1 <i>before</i> Host Cell Encounter

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    We derived macrocyclic HIV-1 antagonists as a new class of peptidomimetic drug leads. Cyclic peptide triazoles (cPTs) retained the gp120 inhibitory and virus-inactivating signature of parent PTs, arguing that cyclization locked an active conformation. The six-residue cPT <b>9</b> (AAR029b) exhibited submicromolar antiviral potencies in inhibiting cell infection and triggering gp120 shedding that causes irreversible virion inactivation. Importantly, cPTs were stable to trypsin and chymotrypsin compared to substantial susceptibility of corresponding linear PTs

    Injectable Granular Hydrogels Enable Avidity-Controlled Biotherapeutic Delivery

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    Protein therapeutics represent a rapidly growing class of pharmaceutical agents that hold great promise for the treatment of various diseases such as cancer and autoimmune dysfunction. Conventional systemic delivery approaches, however, result in off-target drug exposure and a short therapeutic half-life, highlighting the need for more localized and controlled delivery. We have developed an affinity-based protein delivery system that uses guest–host complexation between β-cyclodextrin (CD, host) and adamantane (Ad, guest) to enable sustained localized biomolecule presentation. Hydrogels were formed by the copolymerization of methacrylated CD and methacrylated dextran. Extrusion fragmentation of bulk hydrogels yielded shear-thinning and self-healing granular hydrogels (particle diameter = 32.4 ± 16.4 μm) suitable for minimally invasive delivery and with a high host capacity for the retention of guest-modified proteins. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was controllably conjugated to Ad via EDC chemistry without affecting the affinity of the Ad moiety for CD (KD = 12.0 ± 1.81 μM; isothermal titration calorimetry). The avidity of Ad–BSA conjugates was directly tunable through the number of guest groups attached, resulting in a fourfold increase in the complex half-life (t1/2 = 5.07 ± 1.23 h, surface plasmon resonance) that enabled a fivefold reduction in protein release at 28 days. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the conjugation of Ad to immunomodulatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, and IFNγ) did not detrimentally affect cytokine bioactivity and enabled their sustained release. Our strategy of avidity-controlled delivery of protein-based therapeutics is a promising approach for the sustained local presentation of protein therapeutics and can be applied to numerous biomedical applications

    Computational Evaluation of HIV‑1 gp120 Conformations of Soluble Trimeric gp140 Structures as Targets for de Novo Docking of First- and Second-Generation Small-Molecule CD4 Mimics

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    Small-molecule CD4 mimics (SMCM’s) bind to the gp120 subunit of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) and have been optimized to block cell infection in vitro. The lack of the V1/2 and V3 loops and the presence of the β2/3 and β20/21 strands (bridging sheet) in the available structures of the monomeric gp120 core may limit its applicability as a target for further synthetic optimization of SMCM potency and/or breadth. Here, we employ a combination of binding-site search, docking, estimation of protein–ligand interaction energy, all-atom molecular dynamics, and ELISA-based CD4-binding competition assays to create, characterize, and rationalize models of first- and second-generation of SMCM’s bound to the distinct, trimeric BG505 SOSIP.664 structures 4NCO and 4TVP containing V1/2 and V3 loops with no bridging sheet. We demonstrate that the in silico neutralization of the highly conserved D368 is necessary to obtain the correct orientation of SMCM in their binding site when docking against the monomeric gp120 core. The computational results correlate with IC<sub>50</sub>’s measured in CD4 binding competition ELISA and with <i>K</i><sub>D</sub>’s measured on gp120 core monomer. This supports the hypothesis that the 4NCO trimeric structure represents a viable target for further SMCM’s optimization with advantages over both the 4TVP trimer and gp120 core monomer. Finally, the docking protocol has been optimized to screen compounds that can clearly interact with the highly conserved residue D368, increasing the likelihood of future optimizations to arrive at SMCM’s with a broader spectrum of activity

    Peptide Triazole Inactivators of HIV‑1 Utilize a Conserved Two-Cavity Binding Site at the Junction of the Inner and Outer Domains of Env gp120

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    We used coordinated mutagenesis, synthetic design, and flexible docking to investigate the structural mechanism of Env gp120 encounter by peptide triazole (PT) inactivators of HIV-1. Prior results demonstrated that the PT class of inhibitors suppresses binding at both CD4 and coreceptor sites on Env and triggers gp120 shedding, leading to cell-independent irreversible virus inactivation. Despite these enticing anti-HIV-1 phenotypes, structural understanding of the PT–gp120 binding mechanism has been incomplete. Here we found that PT engages two inhibitor ring moieties at the junction between the inner and outer domains of the gp120 protein. The results demonstrate how combined occupancy of two gp120 cavities can coordinately suppress both receptor and coreceptor binding and conformationally entrap the protein in a destabilized state. The two-cavity model has common features with small molecule gp120 inhibitor binding sites and provides a guide for further design of peptidomimetic HIV-1 inactivators based on the PT pharmacophore

    Disulfide Sensitivity in the Env Protein Underlies Lytic Inactivation of HIV‑1 by Peptide Triazole Thiols

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    We investigated the mode of action underlying lytic inactivation of HIV-1 virions by peptide triazole thiol (PTT), in particular the relationship between gp120 disulfides and the C-terminal cysteine-SH required for virolysis. Obligate PTT dimer obtained by PTT SH cross-linking and PTTs with serially truncated linkers between pharmacophore isoleucine–ferrocenyltriazole-proline–tryptophan and cysteine-SH were synthesized. PTT variants showed loss of lytic activity but not binding and infection inhibition upon SH blockade. A disproportionate loss of lysis activity vs binding and infection inhibition was observed upon linker truncation. Molecular docking of PTT onto gp120 argued that, with sufficient linker length, the peptide SH could approach and disrupt several alternative gp120 disulfides. Inhibition of lysis by gp120 mAb 2G12, which binds at the base of the V3 loop, as well as disulfide mutational effects, argued that PTT-induced disruption of the gp120 disulfide cluster at the base of the V3 loop is an important step in lytic inactivation of HIV-1. Further, PTT-induced lysis was enhanced after treating virus with reducing agents dithiothreitol and tris (2-carboxyethyl)­phosphine. Overall, the results are consistent with the view that the binding of PTT positions the peptide SH group to interfere with conserved disulfides clustered proximal to the CD4 binding site in gp120, leading to disulfide exchange in gp120 and possibly gp41, rearrangement of the Env spike, and ultimately disruption of the viral membrane. The dependence of lysis activity on thiol–disulfide interaction may be related to intrinsic disulfide exchange susceptibility in gp120 that has been reported previously to play a role in HIV-1 cell infection

    Bifunctional Chimera That Coordinately Targets Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Envelope gp120 and the Host-Cell CCR5 Coreceptor at the Virus–Cell Interface

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    To address the urgent need for new agents to reduce the global occurrence and spread of AIDS, we investigated the underlying hypothesis that antagonists of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) gp120 protein and the host-cell coreceptor (CoR) protein can be covalently joined into bifunctional synergistic combinations with improved antiviral capabilities. A synthetic protocol was established to covalently combine a CCR5 small-molecule antagonist and a gp120 peptide triazole antagonist to form the bifunctional chimera. Importantly, the chimeric inhibitor preserved the specific targeting properties of the two separate chimera components and, at the same time, exhibited low to subnanomolar potencies in inhibiting cell infection by different pseudoviruses, which were substantially greater than those of a noncovalent mixture of the individual components. The results demonstrate that targeting the virus–cell interface with a single molecule can result in improved potencies and also the introduction of new phenotypes to the chimeric inhibitor, such as the irreversible inactivation of HIV-1

    Bifunctional Chimera That Coordinately Targets Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Envelope gp120 and the Host-Cell CCR5 Coreceptor at the Virus–Cell Interface

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    To address the urgent need for new agents to reduce the global occurrence and spread of AIDS, we investigated the underlying hypothesis that antagonists of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) gp120 protein and the host-cell coreceptor (CoR) protein can be covalently joined into bifunctional synergistic combinations with improved antiviral capabilities. A synthetic protocol was established to covalently combine a CCR5 small-molecule antagonist and a gp120 peptide triazole antagonist to form the bifunctional chimera. Importantly, the chimeric inhibitor preserved the specific targeting properties of the two separate chimera components and, at the same time, exhibited low to subnanomolar potencies in inhibiting cell infection by different pseudoviruses, which were substantially greater than those of a noncovalent mixture of the individual components. The results demonstrate that targeting the virus–cell interface with a single molecule can result in improved potencies and also the introduction of new phenotypes to the chimeric inhibitor, such as the irreversible inactivation of HIV-1