3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown in the Clinical Course of Migraine

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    Objective: Previous studies have demonstrated that emotional stress, changes in lifestyle habits and infections can worsen the clinical course of migraine. We hypothesize that changes in habits and medical care during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown might have worsened the clinical course of migraine. Design: Retrospective survey study collecting online responses from migraine patients followed-up by neurologists at three tertiary hospitals between June and July 2020. Methods: We used a web-based survey that included demographic data, clinical variables related with any headache (frequency) and migraine (subjective worsening, frequency, and intensity), lockdown, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Results: The response rate of the survey was 239/324 (73.8%). The final analysis included 222 subjects. Among them, 201/222 (90.5%) were women, aged 42.5 ± 12.0 (mean±SD). Subjective improvement of migraine during lockdown was reported in 31/222 participants (14.0%), while worsening in 105/222 (47.3%) and was associated with changes in migraine triggers such as stress related to going outdoors and intake of specific foods or drinks. Intensity of attacks increased in 67/222 patients (30.2%), and it was associated with the subjective worsening, female sex, recent insomnia, and use of acute medication during a headache. An increase in monthly days with any headache was observed in 105/222 patients (47.3%) and was related to symptoms of post-traumatic stress, older age and living with five or more people. Conclusions: Approximately half the migraine patients reported worsening of their usual pain during the lockdown. Worse clinical course in migraine patients was related to changes in triggers and the emotional impact of the lockdown. © 2021 The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Academy of Pain Medicine

    La autoestima y su relaciĂłn con la ansiedad social y las habilidades sociales

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    Este trabajo examina la autoestima y sus dimensiones utilizando la “Escala Janis-Field de sentimientos de inadecuación-Revisada” (RJFFIS) y la “Escala Rosenberg de autoestima” (RSES) en una muestra mayoritariamente universitaria (n= 826). Analizamos su relación con la ansiedad social (AS) y las habilidades sociales (HHSS), evaluadas con el “Cuestionario de ansiedad social para adultos” (CASO), el “Cuestionario de habilidades sociales” (CHASO) y el “Inventario de asertividad de Rathus” (RAS). La solución heptafactorial de la RJFFIS explica el 59, 65% de la varianza común y apoya un concepto multifactorial de la autoestima, incluyendo facetas que tienen que ver con la apariencia y habilidades físicas, relaciones sociales y habilidades académicas o laborales. Las correlaciones moderadas con la RSES apoyan la validez convergente de la RJFFIS. Por otra parte, la autoestima se relaciona de forma moderada con la AS y las HHSS. Los sujetos con alta AS muestran una autoestima significativamente más baja que aquellos con baja AS y lo opuesto ocurre respecto a las HHSS. Existen diferencias de sexo en cuanto a la autoestima, mostrando los hombres puntuaciones más altas que las mujeres. Estos resultados sustentan la naturaleza multidimensional de la autoestima y la necesidad de investigar su papel en las áreas tanto de la AS como de las HHSS. This paper examines self-esteem and its dimensions using the Revised Janis-Field Feelings of Inadequacy Scale (RJFFIS) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) in a sample comprising mostly university undergraduates (n= 826). We analyzed their relationship with social anxiety (SA) and social skills (SS), assessed with the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for adults (SAQ), the Social Skills Questionnaire (CHASO) and the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS). The hepta-factorial solution for the RJFFIS explains 59.65% of the common variance and supports a multifactorial concept of self-esteem, including facets that have to do with physical appearance and abilities, social relationships, and academic or work skills. The moderate correlations with the RSES support the convergent validity of the RJFFIS. On the other hand, self-esteem is moderately related to SA and SS. Subjects with high SA show significantly lower self-esteem than those with a low SA and the opposite occurs regarding SS. There are gender differences in terms of self-esteem, with men showing higher scores than women. These results support the multidimensional nature of self-esteem and the need to investigate its role in the areas of both SA and SS

    Measuring Social Anxiety in 11 Countries Development and Validation of the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis paper reports on two studies conducted to develop and validate a new self-report measure of social phobia/anxiety - the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (SAQ-A) (Cuestionario de ansiedad social para adultos, CASO-A). A diary-item recording procedure was used to generate the initial pool of items. In Study 1, data from 12,144 participants provided 6 factors with moderate intercorrelations. Estimates of internal consistency reliability were adequate (range = .86 to .92) for the 6 factors included in the final confirmatory factor analysis. In Study 2, data provided by 10,118 nonclinical participants were used to explore preliminary reliability and validity estimates for a revised version of the SAQ-A - the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults Revised (SAQ-AR). Approximately 106 researchers from 10 Latin American countries and Spain contributed to this data collection process. Specific comments are made on the structure of the new questionnaire as regards some commonly-used self-report measures of social phobia/anxiety