3 research outputs found


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    Pendahuluan: Tulang sotong merupakan bahan limbah pengolahan makanan laut yang berlimpah dengan nilai ekonomi yang rendah. Beberapa studi telah memperlihatkan potensi tulang sotong dalan proses peyembuhan tulang pada penelitian dengan hewan. Penelitian lanjutan dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi lebih mengenai pelet hydroxyapatite dari tulang sotong yang diintegrasikan dengan gelatin sebagai bone graft dalam aplikasi klinis dibandingkan dengan bovine hydroxyapatite. Material dan metode: Pelet Hydroxyapatite dibuat dari bahan dasar tulang sotong dan tulang sapi (bovine). Selanjutnya dilakukan uji karakteristik fisik dan kimia secara in vitro. Uji karakteristik kimia dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan FTIR dan XRD, sedangkan karakteristik fisik didapatkan dari uji kompresi, uji porositas dengan SEM, dan uji biodegradasi. Hasil: Hasil uji karakteristik kimia menunjukkan sampel CHA merupakan suatu Hydroxyapatite yang ditandai dengan gugus fungsi OH dan PO4 3- pada uji FTIR serta pola difraksi pada uji XRD, sedangkan sampel BHA merupakan suatu Aragonite berdasarkan uji XRD. Uji karakteristik fisik menunjukkan nilai rerata porositas pada BHA sebesar 4,92 μm, sedangkan pada CHA sebesar 4,55 μm dengan kekuatan kompresi sebesar 288,99 MPa pada BHA dan 247,69 MPa pada CHA. Uji biodegradasi menunjukkan degradasi biomaterial BHA dalam 4 jam dan CHA dalam 11 jam. Kesimpulan: Tulong sotong dapat menjadi alternatif bahan untuk Hydroxyapatite bone graft dengan ketahanan biodegradasi dan ketahanan kompresi yang jauh lebih sesuai sebagai bone graft dibandingkan bovine hydroxyapatite. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mendukung tulang sotong ini menjadi alternatif produk bone graft

    A Comparison of Osteoblast Cell Proliferation and Osteocalcin Expression in Cuttlefish Bone and Bovine Bone Xenograft

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    Background: Cuttlefish bone Xenograft, calcium phosphate (CaP)-based biomaterial graft, offers an alternative and has been accepted for osteoconductive and probable osteo-inductive attributes. This study aims to compare the bone healing potential between the bovine-derived (BHA) and cuttlefish bone-derived (CHA).Materials and Methods: The study compared osteoblast cell proliferation of 27 New Zealand rabbits in 2.5 mm bone defect made in the femoral bone. The samples were divided into three groups, which were control, BHA and CHA group. The chemical and physical characteristics of BHA and CHA were determined for the content of hydroxyapatite by FourierTransform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), then tested by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the porosity. In the end of the second week, histopathologic and immunohistochemistry examinations were performed to evaluate the amount of osteoblast and osteocalcin expression.Results: The FTIR, XRD and SEM analysis showed both BHA and CHA samples were hydroxyapatite according to Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS). The CHA was significantly higher (297.22±19.772) compared to BHA (258.22±30.926) and control (131.67±34.213). Osteocalcin expression in CHA (7.82±2.230) compared to BHA (6.09±3.724) and control (4.07±3.606), was not significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: CHA group has the highest osteoblast cell proliferation and osteocalcin expression, meaning has a good potential as future source of bone graft.Keywords: cuttlefish bone, bovine, bone graft, osteoblast cel

    A Comparison of Osteoblast Cell Proliferation and Osteocalcin Expression in Cuttlefish Bone and Bovine Bone Xenograft

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    Abstract Background: Cuttlefish bone Xenograft, calcium phosphate (CaP)-based biomaterial graft, offers an alternative and has been accepted for osteoconductive and probable osteo-inductive attributes. This study aims to compare the bone healing potential between the bovine-derived (BHA) and cuttlefish bone-derived (CHA). Materials and Methods: The study compared osteoblast cell proliferation of 27 New Zealand rabbits in 2.5 mm bone defect made in the femoral bone. The samples were divided into three groups, which were control, BHA and CHA group. The chemical and physical characteristics of BHA and CHA were determined for the content of hydroxyapatite by FourierTransform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), then tested by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the porosity. In the end of the second week, histopathologic and immunohistochemistry examinations were performed to evaluate the amount of osteoblast and osteocalcin expression. Results: The FTIR, XRD and SEM analysis showed both BHA and CHA samples were hydroxyapatite according to Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS). The CHA was significantly higher (297.22±19.772) compared to BHA (258.22±30.926) and control (131.67±34.213). Osteocalcin expression in CHA (7.82±2.230) compared to BHA (6.09±3.724) and control (4.07±3.606), was not significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: CHA group has the highest osteoblast cell proliferation and osteocalcin expression, meaning has a good potential as future source of bone graft