143 research outputs found

    The enhancement of the concept of liveability and inclusive community in relation to sustainable development

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    The primary focus of this paper's discussion is the enhancement of the concept of liveability (KDH) in relation to development of a country in terms of economic growth, and the environment. This paper addresses liveability concept (KDH) as one of the crucial elements in the formation of Inclusive Communities (KI). It relates to the development of a country with a quality and good atmosphere, as well as unity amongst communities, in order to ensure the community's well-being in a country. Among the issues debated are (i) the transformation of rural development in developing and building competitive rural communities on par with urban communities, (ii) the formation of inclusive and liveable communities, (iii) the realisation of the national liveability index, and (iv) well-being & sustainability of life. This paper uses secondary sources, such as study results published in journals, scholarly literature, internet news sources, and public forums, to employ a qualitative methodology. According to the findings of the study, the measures employed by a country to measure its liveability, such as the liveability index, have a significant role in ensuring the health and sustainability of communal life. The focus of the future study is on the importance of a country's agenda being sensitive to the balance between developing and increasingly developed nations. This is consistent with the issues, difficulties, and strategies of a country undergoing a phase or process of implementing the liveability index framework

    The relevance of implementing comprehensive security concept (COMSEC) towards the endemic era of covid-19

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    The discussion in this paper refers to Comprehensive Security (COMSEC) as a continuous effort that is balanced, integrated at every level of government administration and societal structure and across all fields. In order to maintain the Federation of Malaysia’s sovereignty, peace and prosperity, it is necessary to protect the country from all internal and external dangers. This paper discusses COMSEC and its relationship to the sovereignty and security of our nation, Malaysia. The discussion’s focus has shifted when a number of issues were brought up, including the problem of cross-border crime and the current digital threat, where it is important to comprehend COMSEC in order to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak and build public awareness and resilience in order to ensure national security and sustainable development, which is the key to sustainable development. The primary objective of this discussion is to identify the issues that play a significant role in the government’s attempts to implement COMSEC, as well as the challenges faced by the government in addressing the contested issues. The qualitative approach used in this writing uses secondary sources such published study findings, academic writing, online news sources, and public forums. The issue of cross-border crime, such as smuggling, human trafficking, and the invasion of illegal Immigrants (PATI) continues to plague the majority of developing nations, including Malaysia. The problem of digital threats also sparked alarm among the public and the government, since it is one of the issues the government faces in ensuring the security and sovereignty of the nation. In the meantime, there are doctrines regarding the implementation of COMSEC that are still applicable in the current day, but they should be modified to reflect the changing patterns of the times. According to the findings of the study, the government also had a crucial role in preventing the growth of the Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia. However, other parties also play a crucial role in breaking the chain of the Covid-19 epidemic. Especially in this epidemic period, all parties must work together to realise the government’s goals so that the safety of the people and the nation can be ensured through the application of the COMSEC concept

    Recognizing, appreciating and preserving women's rights: issues, rationales and challenges for women in facing social responsibility

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    The discussion in this paper focuses on issues that increase the awareness and understanding of society on the importance of achieving common equality in a fair way to optimize women's ability to provide a sustainable future for the country. Among issues discussed (i) Career issues halt for highly educated women with families, (ii) The issue of women as victims of domestic violence, (iii) Elimination of gender discrimination in an effort to dignify women, (iv) Confusion over the issue of women's human rights labelled as a family, community and welfare, and (v) Denial of women's entrepreneurial potential and leadership credibility in the national political arena. This paper uses secondary sources, such as research results published in journals, scholarly writing, online news sources, and public forums, to employ a qualitative methodology. The results of the study present information regarding (a) Gender discrimination, cultural clashes and community perceptions, (b) Implementation & enforcement of the Domestic Violence Act 1994, (c) Viability of the National Women's Policy 2009, (d) Strengthening the functions and jurisdictions of the Affairs Unit Woman (EVE). The rationale for preserving women's rights is for the society to be aware of the importance of women in mobilizing the economy, social, and culture. In addition, the recognition and appreciation of women's contributions must continue to ensure a more prosperous, peaceful and prosperous future for the country. The direction for the future undertaking should focus on the significance of women's empowerment in guaranteeing the development of the country which no longer refers solely to economic development but covers development in terms of social, personality and community unity

    The stages of national education system operation: Issues, rationale, and challenges for the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) in facing post pandemic norms of covid-19

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    In the context of this paper, the discussion on the operation of the national education system to be implemented in stages is highlighted through the issues, rationale and challenges of Malaysia facing the post-pandemic norms of Covid-19. The objective of this writing is to debate the relationship between the Covid-19 pandemic and the efforts of the education sector in transforming Teaching and Learning sessions. Secondary data analysis methods utilise the acquisition of journals, reports, books, interviews, online news and current printed materials. The findings include (i) New Norms of Education, (ii) Mandatory Student Ownership of e-Learning Devices and Gadgets, (iii) Educator Mastery of Online Learning Delivery Methods, (iv) Accessibility of Digitisation of Education Along with the Demands of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) in Society 5.0, (v) Examination Rescheduling Issues and Fee Payment Rate Reduction, and (vi) Career Prospects of Post-Covid Graduates. The goal of this research looks into (i) the direct impact of school closures created huge learning gaps on children in the country, as well as (ii) rehabilitating the higher education system following the Covid-19 pandemic, enhancing digitalisation of education, empowering up-to-date teacher training, and providing better educational facilities in line with the Covid-19 post-pandemic future education concept

    The visibility of the enforcement agency integrity commission (EAIC) in strengthening the public sector’s culture

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    As a Federal Statutory Body established by an Act of Parliament and gazetted on 3 September 2009 under Section 3 of the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission Act 2009 [Act 700], the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) is viewed as having a prominent role in enhancing the culture of integrity. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues of integrity leakage currently facing by the EAIC including (i) Issues Concerning the Cultivation of Bribery Rewards and Corrupt Practices Among Civil Servants, (ii) Issues of Empowering Integrity Education in Sustainable Public Sector Governance, (iii) The Issue of Bureaucracy in Impairing the Efficiency of Human Resources and weakening the Organisational Administrative System, and (iv) The Issue of Exploitation by the Department’s Top Management for Personal Gain, and (v) The Issue of Cartels in Preventing the Loss of National Treasures. This paper applies secondary sources, such as research results published in journals, scholarly writing, online news sources, and public forums, to employ a qualitative methodology. According to the findings of the study found that civil servant’s breach of integrity is a serious concern if corruption and malpractice continue to occur. The study suggests that if the present system in the organisation is plagued by bureaucracy-related issues, it will worsen the situation of integrity in the government, resulting in the paralysis of the country’s governance delivery system. Hence, the crisis of integrity resulting from abuse of power, corruption, and breach of trust which can be interpreted as a frequent betrayal of trust among governments, civil servants, the private sector, and the general public places the nation at risk of having governance systems that are unreliable

    Corruption offences education literacy in preventing the loss of national treasures a review of challenges and concerns

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    This paper’s primary objective is to deconstruct the concerns and challenges that are related with the culture of corruption or viewed as the underlying cause of corruption problems in our country. In light of this circumstance, corruption offences education literacy plays a crucial role in educating the community against corruption. The topics discussed in this article include (i) Integrity, (ii) Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), (iii) Community Role, and (iv) Youth Awareness Efforts. The results of the study present eight (8) mandatory measures to combat corruption, namely 1. Understanding the Characteristics of Corrupt Acts and Gift Giving, 2. Eliminating the Corruption Culture and Abuse of Power as a Standard of Living in the Community, 3. Shaping Public Perception against Corruption in Politics, 4. Educating the Public about the Consequences of Corruption on the National Administrative System, 5. Developing Institutions and Strategies to Combat Corruption, 6. Stressing the Importance of Fighting Corruption Through Experiential Learning, 7. Diverse Methods of Combating Corruption in the Past and Present, and 8. Corruption Law Enforcement and Punishment. The goal of the future study should be to demonstrate that corruption will not be eradicated in the near future whereby education must emphasise learning via the experience of the younger generation in order to instil the nature of integrity, strong spirit, and ethical values, as well as high discipline, so that individuals can build a strong sense of self and fight all sorts of corruption, thus should be prominent in society so as to abolish the culture of corruption in Malaysia

    Memanfaat pengalaman akademik ekspatriat : dasar dan polisi pengantarabangsaan Universiti Malaysia Sabah

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    Pelan Strategik Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 2013-2017 dirangka menggariskan tujuh (7) Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Universiti iaitu UMS-KRAs (UMS Key Result Areas), MMS-KRA3 bersandarkan objektif strategik iaitu “Mempertingkatkan Keterlihatan Reputasi di Peringkat Antarabangsa” (Enhancing International Visibility and Reputation)(UMS, 2013). Bagi mencapai matlamat tersebut, UMS menekankan keperluan untuk meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan tinggi dalam menyumbang ke arah pembangunan pendidikan negara. Bersandarkan kepada hasrat yang diwarwarkan, penglibatan kakitangan akademik bertaraf antarabangsa dilihat perlu bagi menjadikan UMS relevan dan berdaya saing. Kajian ini bersandarkan dua objektif iaitu (i) mengenalpasti pengalaman ekspatriasi akademik ekspatriat di UMS dan (ii) mengemukakan cadangan terhadap dasar dan polisi pengantarabangsaan UMS berdasarkan pengalaman ekspatriasi akademik ekspatriat tersebut. Hasil kajian yang diperolehi berupaya menyumbang kepada (i) kefahaman refleksi diri pengalaman ekspatriasi perorangan bagi ahli akademik yang berkeinginan berekspatriat secara berdikari dan (ii) input yang signifikan kepada majikan dengan menyumbangkan data empirikal serta perspektif berguna bakal majikan berhubung isu pengambilan dan pemilihan kakitangan antarabangsa untuk diimplementasikan secara khusus ke dalam dasar dan polisi pengantarabangsaan UMS

    Simulation Single Phase Active Filter Based on p-q technique using MATLAB/Simulink Development Tools Environment

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    This paper presents a single phase shunt active power filter based on instantaneous power theory. The active filter will be connected directly to utility in order to reduce THD of load current, in this case the utility is TNB.The instantaneous power theory also known as p-q theory is used for three phase active filter and this paper proves that the p-q theory can also be implemented for single phase active filter. Since the system has only single phase signal for both voltage and current, thus the dummy signal with 120Âş different angels must be generated for input of the p-q theory. The p-q technique will generate six signals PWM for switching IGBT, but only two of the signals will be used to control the switching IGBT. The simulation results are on MATLAB/Simulink environment tools presented in order to demonstrate the performance of the current load on single phase shunt active power filter

    Simulation single phase shunt active filter based on P-Q technique using matlab simulink development tools environment

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    This paper presents a single phase shunt active power filter based on instantaneous power theory. The active filter will be connected directly to utility in order to reduce THD of load current, in this case the utility is TNB. The instantaneous power theory also known as p-q theory is used for three phase active filter and this paper proves that the p-q theory can also be implemented for single phase active filter. Since the system has only single phase signal for both voltage and current, thus the dummy signal with 120 o different angels must be generated for input of the p-q theory. The p-q technique will generate six signals PWM for switching IGBT, but only two of the signals will be used to control the switching IGBT. The simulation results are on MATLAB/Simulink environment tools presented in order to demonstrate the performance of the current load on single phase shunt active power filter

    Democratization and mature elections a study of youth political participation in voters 18 and automatic voter registration

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    The discussion in this paper pertains to the issue of Voters 18 and Automatic Voter Registration (AVR). The issues refined in this debate include: (1) The efforts of democratization that is mature, fair, and equitable elections to advance social and political development; (2) Studies on the impact of youth political participation in the General Election (GE); (3) Justification of the enforcement & implementation of Vote 18; (4) Improvisation of the work of the election series; and (5) Jurisdiction and responsibility of the Election Commission (EC). This paper uses secondary sources, such as research results published in journals, scholarly writing, online news sources, and public forums, to employ a qualitative methodology. The results of the study indicate that the participation of 18-year-old voters is an important factor in the formation of a government capable of representing the interests of all age groups and the community as a whole. It is hoped that the young generation or youth will now exercise their rights with maturity, discernment, and efficiency. Voting is a personal decision, and there is no incorrect vote, but all young Malaysians should have the right to vote. The future of the nation can be influenced by the rationale behind efforts to involve the youth in political power determination. Thus, the elaboration research of this study should concentrate on the significance of political system, state government, and the federal constitution education for the young generation in order to prepare them to participate in general elections
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