45 research outputs found

    Svetimkraščių elninių genetinis poveikis vietinėms rūšims, įtaka bendrijų biologinei įvairovei ir stabilumui : daktaro disertacija : biomedicinos mokslai, ekologija ir aplinkotyra (03 B)

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    Disertacija rengta 2010-2014 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universiteteBibliografija: p. 100-112Biologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    European beaver (Castor fiber) genetic diversity based on an RAPD analysis

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    The European beaver (Castor fiber) from 4 populations of Lithuania (Kintai, Rusnė, Širvintos and Molėtai) were analyzed by RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The liver and muscle tissues homogenate was used for the investigations. C. fiber were analyzed using ten primers (ROTH-180-01, ROTH-180-02, ROTH-180-03, ROTH-180-04, ROTH-180-05, ROTH-180-06, ROTH-180-07, ROTH-180-08, ROTH-180-09, ROTH-180-10). Electrophoresis gels showed that the number of polymorphic loci are 121. TREECON programm was used for the estimatiom of genetic variability. Genetic variability among separate individual varied from 0,11 to 0,84Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Genetic diversity of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Lithuania

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    Sika deer (Cervus nippon) is considered to be an invasive species in Europe. The main problem that the European free-living sika deer pose is damage to forests as well as hybridisation with the local red deer (Cervus elaphus). The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic diversity of the sika deer and the red deer in Lithuania. 30 individuals of sika deer from enclosures and 33 hunted free-ranging red deer were studied by using tissue samples. Genotyping was based on seven microsatellites loci (STR) of nuclear DNA. The STR loci were variable, with 1 to 17 alleles and higher than intermediate values of heterozygosity (sika deer: Ho = 0.695, He = 0.694; red deer: Ho = 0.626, He = 0.624). Inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and probability of significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P) ranged between -0.229 and 0.205 (mean = - 0.025, SE = 0.093). The PCoA analysis showed that the sika deer samples differed from the red deer samples; however, two red deer individuals from the free-ranging population (harvested in Panevėžys and Ukmergė regions) which mixed with the individuals of the sika deer were identified. According to the phenotype, these animals were attributed to the red deer; however, according to a fixed genotype, they were closer to the sika deer. Moreover, three sika deer individuals mixed in a 2D space with the red deer individuals. Therefore, it can be concluded that population of free- ranging red deer in Lithuania contains also the hybrids between the red deer and the sika deerBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Genetic variability of American mink Neovison vison in Lithuania

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    The genetic diversity of American mink Neovison vison (Schreber, 1777) was studied in order to understand the processes of invasion and the possible influence of multiple introductions on American mink populations in Lithuania. The diversity of 6 microsatellite loci, according to several authors [1, 2, 3, 4], was examined to estimate the genetic variability of American mink in Lithuania. Twenty American mink individuals, collected between 2012–2014, sampled from 5 localities in 3 populations (Alytus and Varena, Silute, Anyksciai and Zarasai). At each examined American mink population the expected heterozygosity (HE) was lower than the observed heterozygosity (HO). Alytus and Varena population showed the lowest genetic diversity and Silute population showed the greatest genetic diversity of analysed populations. The Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCA) approach revealed distinct genetic diversity among populations. Individuals from Anyksciai - Zarasai demonstrated the greatest genetic distances among analysed populations, especially Alytus - Varena population. Results showed that some genotypes of Silute population have some degree of affinity to those genotypes of both Alytus-Varena and Anyksciai-Zarasai populations, even when considering those which are farther apart and separated by different river basins (respectively Nemunas River and Dauguva River Basins)Biologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Lietuvos stirnų (capreolus capreolus l.) genetinis kintamumas remiantis atsitiktinai pagausintos polimorfinės DNR ir izofermentų analize

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    Pastaraisiais metais buvo tiriama kanopinių žvėrių biologija, morfologija ir jų poveikis kraštovaizdžiui, tačiau duomenų apie Lietuvoje gyvenančių stirnų genetinę įvairovę beveik nėra. Norint nustatyti Lietuvos stirnų genetinę įvairovę, buvo atlikti APPD (atsitiktinai pagausintos polimorfinės DNR) ir izofermentų tyrimai. Iš 39 stirnų raumenų ir kepenų pavyzdžių iš- skirta DNR. Naudojant penkis ROTH-180 molekulinius žymenis Lietuvos stirnų populiacijoje nustatyti 57 polimorfiniai APPD lokusai, kurių fragmentų dydžiai svyravo nuo 150 iki 3 000 bazių porų. Įvertinus įvairių vietovių stirnas, genetinis kintamumas buvo skirtingas: genetinės distancijos pagal Nei svyravo nuo 0,04 iki 0,76. Panaudojant keturias izofermentų sistemas (NSP, EST, MDH ir ME) tarp trijų rajonų stirnų nustatytas 0,468 heterozigotiškumas ir 9 polimorfiniai lokusai: Est-2, Est-3, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Me-1, Me-2, Nsp-1, Nsp-2, Nsp-3In recent decades, ungulate biology, morphology and ecology as well as the significance of roe deer in the cultural landscape have been studied but data on the genetic diversity of roe deer in Lithuania is still sparse. To determine the genetic diversity of roe deer in Lithuania RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and enzyme studies were performed. DNA from the total of 39 roe deer individuals were extracted. Five ROTH-180 primers were used and fifty-seven RAPD polymorphic loci ranging from 150 to 3 000 base pair were found. The evaluation of different locations roe deer genetic variability was different: the genetic distances according to Nei ranged from 0.04 to 0.76. Using four isoenzyme systems (NSP, EST, MDH and ME) between roe deer of three districts were analysed. Observed average heterozygosity was 0.468 and 9 polymorphic loci: Est-2, Est-3, MDH-1, MDH-2, Me-1, Me-2, NSP -1, NSP-2, NSP-3 were detectedBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Genetic analysis of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) using DNA markers

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    DNA markers play a major role in genetic analysis of mammals. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic structure of roe deer in Lithuania using microsatellite and D-loop sequences analysis. Seven microsattelite derived from rein deer (Rangifer tarandus) with published primer sequences were used. Total number of alleles per locus varied from 2 to 9 and number of effective alleles varied from 2,0 to 7,5. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that genetic diversity of the populations yielded 79 % of the total genetic diversity and among populations 21 % of the total genetic diversity. Mitochondrial DNA was amplified using L-Pro and H-493 primers, which amplify a 436 bp fragment from the first hypervariable domain of the mtDNA control region. Six haplotypes and two haplogroups were identified in population of roe deer in Lithuania. A total 41 variable sites were detected in mtDNA variable region. H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 haplotypes were specific in roe deer from Lithuania. Haplotype diversity Hd = 0.854 and nucleotide diversity Pi = 0.01981 were calculated. Results of DNA markers analysis revealed high level molecular genetic variation in roe deer population in LithuaniaBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Genetic analysis roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Lithuania

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    Biologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Genetic diversity of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Lithuania

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    Mammalian biology 2011, vol. 76, supplement: 85th annual meeting of the German society of mammalogy, Luxembourg (L), 13 – 17 September 2011 : abstracts of oral communications and poster presentationsBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta