97 research outputs found

    Latent variable models for mixed manifest variables

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    Latent variable models are widely used in social sciences in which interest is centred on entities such as attitudes, beliefs or abilities for which there e)dst no direct measuring instruments. Latent modelling tries to extract these entities, here described as latent (unobserved) variables, from measurements on related manifest (observed) variables. Methodology already exists for fitting a latent variable model to manifest data that is either categorical (latent trait and latent class analysis) or continuous (factor analysis and latent profile analysis). In this thesis a latent trait and a latent class model are presented for analysing the relationships among a set of mixed manifest variables using one or more latent variables. The set of manifest variables contains metric (continuous or discrete) and binary items. The latent dimension is continuous for the latent trait model and discrete for the latent class model. Scoring methods for allocating individuals on the identified latent dimen-sions based on their responses to the mixed manifest variables are discussed. ' Item nonresponse is also discussed in attitude scales with a mixture of binary and metric variables using the latent trait model. The estimation and the scoring methods for the latent trait model have been generalized for conditional distributions of the observed variables given the vector of latent variables other than the normal and the Bernoulli in the exponential family. To illustrate the use of the naixed model four data sets have been analyzed. Two of the data sets contain five memory questions, the first on Thatcher's resignation and the second on the Hillsborough football disaster; these five questions were included in BMRBI's August 1993 face to face omnibus survey. The third and the fourth data sets are from the 1990 and 1991 British Social Attitudes surveys; the questions which have been analyzed are from the sexual attitudes sections and the environment section respectively

    Non-equivalence of measurement in latent variable modeling of multigroup data: a sensitivity analysis

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    In studies of multiple groups of respondents, such as cross-national surveys and cross-cultural assessments in psychological or educational testing, an important methodological consideration is the comparability or \equivalence" of measurement across the groups. Ideally full equivalence would hold, but very often it does not. If non-equivalence of measurement is ignored when it is present, substantively interesting comparisons between the groups may become distorted. We consider this question in multigroup latent variable modeling of multiple-item scales, specifically latent trait models for categorical items. We use numerical sensitivity analyses to examine the nature and magnitude of the distortions in different circumstances, and the factors which affect them. The results suggest that estimates of multigroup latent variable models can be sensitive to assumptions about measurement, in that non-equivalence of measurement does not need to be extreme before ignoring it may substantially affect cross-group comparisons. We also discuss the implications of such findings on the analysis of large comparative studies

    Pairwise likelihood ratio tests and model selection criteria for structural equation models with ordinal variables

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    Correlated multivariate ordinal data can be analysed with structural equation models. Parameter estimation has been tackled in the literature using limited-information methods including three-stage least squares and pseudo-likelihood estimation methods such as pairwise maximum likelihood estimation. In this paper, two likelihood ratio test statistics and their asymptotic distributions are derived for testing overall goodness-of fit and nested models respectively under the estimation framework of pairwise maximum likelihood estimation. Simulation results show a satisfactory performance of type I error and power for the proposed test statistics and also suggest that the performance of the proposed test statistics is similar to that of the test statistics derived under the three-stage diagonally weighted and unweighted least squares. Furthermore, the corresponding, under the pairwise framework, model selection criteria, AIC and BIC, show satisfactory results in selecting the right model in our simulation examples. The derivation of the likelihood ratio test statistics and model selection criteria under the pairwise framework together with pairwise estimation provide a flexible framework for fitting and testing structural equation models for ordinal as well as for other types of data. The test statistics derived and the model selection criteria are used on data on `trust in the police' selected from the 2010 European Social Survey. The proposed test statistics and the model selection criteria have been implemented in the R package lavaan

    Bounded-Bias Robust Estimation in Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models

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    This paper proposes a robust estimator for a general class of linear latent variable models (GLLVM) (Moustaki and Knott 2000, Bartholomew and Knott 1999). It is based on a weighted score function that is simple to implement numerically and is made consistent using the basic idea of indirect inference. The need of a robust estimator for these models is motivated by the study of the effect of model deviations such as data contamination on the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). This is done with the use of the influence function (Hampel 1968, 1974) and the gross error sensitivity (Hampel, Ronchetti, Rousseeuw, and Stahel 1986). Simulation studies show that the MLE can be seriously biased by model deviations. The performance of the robust estimator in terms of bias and variance is compared to the MLE estimator with simulation studies and with a real example from a consumption survey.latent variable models, mixed items, influence function, robust estimation, indirect inference

    A note on likelihood ratio tests for models with latent variables

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    The likelihood ratio test (LRT) is widely used for comparing the relative fit of nested latent variable models. Following Wilks’ theorem, the LRT is conducted by comparing the LRT statistic with its asymptotic distribution under the restricted model, a χ 2 distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the difference in the number of free parameters between the two nested models under comparison. For models with latent variables such as factor analysis, structural equation models and random effects models, however, it is often found that the χ 2 approximation does not hold. In this note, we show how the regularity conditions of Wilks’ theorem may be violated using three examples of models with latent variables. In addition, a more general theory for LRT is given that provides the correct asymptotic theory for these LRTs. This general theory was first established in Chernoff (J R Stat Soc Ser B (Methodol) 45:404–413, 1954) and discussed in both van der Vaart (Asymptotic statistics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000) and Drton (Ann Stat 37:979–1012, 2009), but it does not seem to have received enough attention. We illustrate this general theory with the three examples

    Single and multiple-group penalized factor analysis: a trust-region algorithm approach with integrated automatic multiple tuning parameter selection

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    Penalized factor analysis is an efficient technique that produces a factor loading matrix with many zero elements thanks to the introduction of sparsity-inducing penalties within the estimation process. However, sparse solutions and stable model selection procedures are only possible if the employed penalty is non-differentiable, which poses certain theoretical and computational challenges. This article proposes a general penalized likelihood-based estimation approach for single and multiple-group factor analysis models. The framework builds upon differentiable approximations of non-differentiable penalties, a theoretically founded definition of degrees of freedom, and an algorithm with integrated automatic multiple tuning parameter selection that exploits second-order analytical derivative information. The proposed approach is evaluated in two simulation studies and illustrated using a real data set. All the necessary routines are integrated into the R package penfa

    DIF Analysis with Unknown Groups and Anchor Items

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    Measurement invariance across items is key to the validity of instruments like a survey questionnaire or an educational test. Differential item functioning (DIF) analysis is typically conducted to assess measurement invariance at the item level. Traditional DIF analysis methods require knowing the comparison groups (reference and focal groups) and anchor items (a subset of DIF-free items). Such prior knowledge may not always be available, and psychometric methods have been proposed for DIF analysis when one piece of information is unknown. More specifically, when the comparison groups are unknown while anchor items are known, latent DIF analysis methods have been proposed that estimate the unknown groups by latent classes. When anchor items are unknown while comparison groups are known, methods have also been proposed, typically under a sparsity assumption - the number of DIF items is not too large. However, there does not exist a method for DIF analysis when both pieces of information are unknown. This paper fills the gap. In the proposed method, we model the unknown groups by latent classes and introduce item-specific DIF parameters to capture the DIF effects. Assuming the number of DIF items is relatively small, an L1L_1-regularised estimator is proposed to simultaneously identify the latent classes and the DIF items. A computationally efficient Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm is developed to solve the non-smooth optimisation problem for the regularised estimator. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation studies and an application to item response data from a real-world educational tes

    Generalised Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling

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    We propose a generalised framework for Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) that can be applied to a variety of data types. The introduced framework focuses on the approximate zero approach, according to which parameters that would before set to zero (e.g. factor loadings) are now formulated to be approximate zero. It extends previously suggested models by \citeA{MA12} and can handle continuous, binary, and ordinal data. Moreover, we propose a novel model assessment paradigm aiming to address shortcomings of posterior predictive p−p-values, which provide the default metric of fit for Bayesian SEM. The introduced model assessment procedure monitors the out-of-sample predictive performance of the fitted model, and together with a list of guidelines we provide, one can investigate whether the hypothesised model is supported by the data. We incorporate scoring rules and cross-validation to supplement existing model assessment metrics for Bayesian SEM. We study the performance of the proposed methodology via simulations. The model for continuous and binary data is fitted to data on the `Big-5' personality scale and the Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence respectively

    Analysis of multivariate longitudinal data subject to nonrandom dropout

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    Longitudinal data are collected for studying changes across time. We consider multivariate longitudinal data where multiple observed variables, measured at each time point, are used as indicators for theoretical constructs (latent variables) of interest. A common problem in longitudinal studies is dropout, where subjects exit the study prematurely. Ignoring the dropout mechanism can lead to biased estimates, especially when the dropout is nonrandom. Our proposed approach uses latent variable models to capture the evolution of the latent phenomenon over time while also accounting for possibly nonrandom dropout. The dropout mechanism is modeled with a hazard function that depends on the latent variables and observed covariates. Different relationships among these variables and the dropout mechanism are studied via 2 model specifications. The proposed models are used to study people’s perceptions of women’s work using 3 questions from 5 waves from the British Household Panel Survey

    Sampling of pairs in pairwise likelihood estimation for latent variable models with categorical observed variables

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    Pairwise likelihood is a limited information estimation method that has also been used for estimating the parameters of latent variable and structural equation models. Pairwise likelihood is a special case of composite likelihood methods that uses lower order conditional or marginal log-likelihoods instead of the full log-likelihood. The composite likelihood to be maximized is a weighted sum of marginal or conditional log-likelihoods. Weighting has been proposed for increasing efficiency but the choice of weights is not straightforward in most applications. Furthermore, the importance of leaving out higher order scores to avoid duplicating lower order marginal information has been pointed out. In this paper, we approach the problem of weighting from a sampling perspective. More especially, we propose a sampling method for selecting pairs based on their contribution to the total variance from all pairs. The sampling approach does not aim to increase efficiency but to decrease the estimation time, especially in models with a large number of observed categorical variables. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed methodology using simulated examples and a real application
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