20 research outputs found

    Fuzzy-Logical model for analysis of sustainable development of fuel and energy complex enterprises

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    The purpose of this article is to build a mathematical model for analyzing the sustainability of the development of an enterprise in the fuel and energy complex, integrated into an information management system. It is noted that one of the strategic dominants in achieving the national goal of accelerating the technological development of any country is to ensure the effective functioning of enterprises in the fuel and energy complex. It is substantiated that these enterprises represent the basis of the material life of society, thus, ensuring their sustainable development is a significant factor for the formation of the structure of sectoral and inter-sectoral industrial complexes. In order to analyze the sustainable development of enterprises, an integral indicator is proposed, the components of which are the vectors of production, organizational, economic, environmental and social characteristics. Due to the weak structure of some characteristics, to solve the problem of their synthesis with quantitatively defined indicators, it is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic. Weakly structured indicators are formally described by linguistic variables. To establish the dependence of the integral indicator of sustainable development on production, organizational, economic, environmental and social indicators, a fuzzy-logical model has been built, which makes it possible to use the knowledge of experts by constructing rules of fuzzy inference. The fuzzy logic model is implemented using MATLAB tools. On the constructed model, experiments were carried out to assess the impact of each of the local indicators of sustainable development of an enterprise on the integral indicator. The advantage of the constructed model is its adaptability to changes in the operating conditions of enterprises


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    In the conditions of dynamism and uncertainty of social processes, the issues of safety are of particular relevance, since the need for it is the basic, motivational mechanism of human life. Alcoholism is a complex of medical and social pathologies which have an extremely negative impact on the normal functioning of Russian society. This issue exists as much as humanity itself. However, it is in the present conditions of instability of socio-economic processes and phenomena that it becomes particularly important. Alcoholism is a threat to social safety, as it causes not only moral, but also social and economic damage.The aim of study: to reveal the issue of the population alcoholization of the Voronezh region in the context of social safety.Materials and methods. The main methodological approach was a systematic one, which makes it possible to consider the phenomenon of alcoholization of the population depending on external and internal factors of its occurrence, as well as social changes caused by it.Results. The main trends related to alcoholism in the Voronezh region have been revealed. The dynamics and tendency of morbidity by alcoholism of the population of the Voronezh region has been shown. The classification of municipalities of the region by “territories of risk” has been carried out.The conclusion. In modern conditions of the Russian society development the issue of social safety is very acute. Alcoholism is one of the threats to the social well-being of the population. The analysis of the situation in the Voronezh region shows the need to develop a number of measures by regional authorities to prevent alcoholization of the population, taking into account the negative, destructive consequences and threats to the social safety of the region.В условиях динамичности и неопределенности социальных процессов особую актуальность приобретают проблемы обеспечения безопасности, так как потребность в ней является базисным, мотивационным механизмом человеческой жизнедеятельности. Алкоголизм представляет собой комплекс медико-социальных патологий, которые крайне негативно влияют на нормальное функционирование российского общества. Эта проблема существует столько же, сколько существует само человечество. Однако именно в нынешних условиях нестабильности социально-экономических процессов и явлений она приобретает особую значимость. Алкоголизм представляет собой угрозу для социальной безопасности, так как наносит не только моральный, но социальный и экономический ущерб.Цель исследования: раскрыть проблему алкоголизации населения Воронежской области в контексте социальной безопасности.Материалы и методы. Основным методологическим подходом выступил системный, который дает возможность рассмотреть феномен алкоголизации населения в зависимости от внешних и внутренних факторов его возникновения, а также социальных изменений, обусловленных им.Результаты. Раскрыты основные тенденции, связанные с алкоголизмом в Воронежской области. Показаны динамика и тенденция заболеваемости алкоголизмом населения Воронежской области. Проведена классификация муниципальных образований региона по «территориям риска».Заключение. В современных условиях развития российского общества проблема социальной безопасности стоит очень остро. Алкоголизм выступает одной из угроз социального благополучия населения. Анализ ситуации в Воронежской области показывает необходимость разработки ряда мероприятий региональными органами власти с целью профилактики алкоголизации населения с учетом негативных, деструктивных последствий и угроз для социальной безопасности региона

    Regenerative therapy for the nonhealing cutaneous wounds

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    Regenerative medicine therapy is inspired by current research advances in cellular biology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, material sciences and so far contributes to the traditional therapy, making resistant diseases curable. Nowadays, chronic wound healing is possible due to cell-based regenerative technologies and recent non-cell therapeutic approaches. Here we review clinical applications of human stem cells, as well as cellular and tissue products as alternatives to the traditional therapy of non-healing wounds. The cell-based technologies for tissue regeneration and bioengineering utilize stem cells that are either injected into bloodstream or positioned directly into the target area. Cell-free regeneration technologies require either stem cell products, i.e., secretomes or their separate components, extracellular membrane vesicles, or tissue products. The stem cell therapies are designed to replace critically absent components of wounded or degenerative tissue. The stem cell secretome can promote the repair of damaged tissues independently of parent cells. Extracellular membrane vesicles mimic and recapitulate the mechanisms of stem cells in tissue regeneration and therefore might be promising for chronic wound and severe burns healing. The tissue products traditionally remain efficient wound healing remedies along with emerging advanced technologies. © 2018 I. V. Orlovska et al

    Fuzzy Stochastic Automation Model for Decision Support in the Process Inter-Budgetary Regulation

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    The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical foundations of the concept of fiscal decentralization, as the main path of self-development of the national economy of any country, and to develop mathematical tools that support decision-making in the aspect of “hard” budget constraints. The study of the problems of fiscal policy formation in foreign countries presented in modern scientific literature has revealed that the degree of application of the concepts of “soft” and “hard” budget restrictions is an actual topic in the theory of fiscal federalism. It has been substantiated that decision-making within the framework of “soft” budget constraints (financial assistance) leads to low tax autonomy of territories and limited liability of regional and municipal authorities for the results of their financial policy. As a research hypothesis, we put forward the thesis that it is necessary to create conditions for encouraging subnational authorities to support the territorial economy by granting them the possibility to use part of the taxes collected in the respective territories. The implementation of this thesis has given rise to the problem of quantifying decisions made regarding the establishment of standards for the distribution of tax revenues between budgets of different levels of the hierarchy of the country’s budget system. In terms of solving this problem, the author has constructed mathematical models based on the use of synthesis of mathematical apparatus of the theory of stochastic automata, fuzzy algebra, and simulation. In terms of solving this problem, the author proposed the use of mathematical modeling methods. The article presents the results of constructing economic and mathematical models to support decision-making in the vertical distribution of tax revenues between budgets. The models include stochastic automata, as mathematical abstractions, describing the expedient behavior of an economic agent when choosing management alternatives for territories of different levels of economic development. The transition functions of automaton models are formally described on the basis of the synthesis of mathematical apparatus of the theories of stochastic automata operating in random environments and fuzzy sets. The expediency property of the behavior of automaton models is justified by proving the corresponding theorems. The random environment in which stochastic automata are immersed is formed by a simulation model. The article demonstrates the results of experiments carried out on models, as well as a conceptual scheme of interaction between the automaton and simulation models

    Vine landscapes in Crimea: evolution, problems, prospects

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    The conditions and factors of development of the vine landscapes in Crimea and their evolution are considered for the ancient, medieval, imperial, Soviet (first and second halves of the 20th century), and post-Soviet periods. The characteristics of the vineyard landscape zones (South Coast, Foothills and Steppe) are presented. Having reached their maximum areas in the period 1955-1970, the area of the vineyards in Crimea decreased steadily until 2017. The main causes of degradation were the spread of phylloxera, the campaign against alcoholism in 1985, the deterioration of sales after the collapse of the USSR, and the ineffective system of cultivation technology. The current ways of reviving grape landscapes – the introduction of innovative methods of farming, greening and cluster forms of viticulture and winemaking – are addressed

    Vine landscapes in Crimea: evolution, problems, prospects

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    The conditions and factors of development of the vine landscapes in Crimea and their evolution are considered for the ancient, medieval, imperial, Soviet (first and second halves of the 20 th century), and postSoviet periods. The characteristics of the vineyard landscape zones (South Coast, Foothills and Steppe) are presented. Having reached their maximum areas in the period 1955-1970, the area of the vineyards in Crimea decreased steadily until 2017. The main causes of degradation were the spread of phylloxera, the campaign against alcoholism in 1985, the deterioration of sales after the collapse of the USSR, and the ineffective system of cultivation technology. The current ways of reviving grape landscapes - the introduction of innovative methods of farming, greening and cluster forms of viticulture and winemaking - are addressed

    Vine landscapes in Crimea: evolution, problems, prospects

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    The conditions and factors of development of the vine landscapes in Crimea and their evolution are considered for the ancient, medieval, imperial, Soviet (first and second halves of the 20 th century), and postSoviet periods. The characteristics of the vineyard landscape zones (South Coast, Foothills and Steppe) are presented. Having reached their maximum areas in the period 1955-1970, the area of the vineyards in Crimea decreased steadily until 2017. The main causes of degradation were the spread of phylloxera, the campaign against alcoholism in 1985, the deterioration of sales after the collapse of the USSR, and the ineffective system of cultivation technology. The current ways of reviving grape landscapes - the introduction of innovative methods of farming, greening and cluster forms of viticulture and winemaking - are addressed

    Genres du discours dans le roman français moderne

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Lettres (341722103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Трансформація дифракційного спектра при кутових нахилах об’єкта

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    Проблематика. В сучасних інформаційно-вимірювальних системах для дослідження та обробки просторових сигналів різноманітної фізичної природи широке застосування має фур’є-оптика, що актуалізує проблеми, пов’язані з формуванням дифракційних спектрів когерентними оптичними системами. Перетворенням просторово-частотних координат фур’є-спектра нормально освітленого транспаранта можна отримати розв’язок задачі дослідження дифракції світла на транспаранті, що має нахил до вісі оптичної системи. Мета дослідження. За допомогою перетворення координат у просторово-частотній області, що виражається через елементи матриці повороту транспаранта, встановити зв’язок дифракційного фур’є-спектра транспа­ранта, який має нахил до оптичної вісі, з фур’є-спектром нормально освітленого транспаранта. Методика реалізації. Методика базується на основі перетворення фур’є-спектра нормально освітленого транспаранта (модельованого як хвилею, що проходить, так і хвилею, що відбивається) при його довільних кутових нахилах у просторі та в різноманітних часткових випадках виродження двовимірного спектра. Результати дослідження. Отримані результати і обґрунтовані практичні рекомендації можуть бути використані для реалізації практичних задач із використанням когерентних оптичних спектроаналізаторів. Висновки. Відомі фундаментальні дослідження дифракції світла на транспаранті, що має нахил до вісі оптич­-ної системи, дають розв’язок цієї задачі через перетворення просторово-частотних координат фур’є-спектра нормально освітленого транспаранта. Цей результат узагальнено за допомогою теореми Ван-Ціттерта–Церніке на випадок частково-когерентного освітлення. Проте у цих дослідженнях розглянуто лише частковий випадок нахилу плоского транспаранта відносно лише однієї з координатних осей, а в практичних застосуваннях мають місце двокоординатні нахили і поздовжні зсуви, що наразі не досліджено. Оптична система, яка реалізує фур’є-перетворення функції пропускання (відбиття) транспаранта, що має нахил до оптичної вісі, є частотно-неінваріантною, оскільки при лінійному зсуві просторових частот на вході спостерігаються нелінійний зсув і спотворення форми імпульсного відгуку, які є наслідком нахилу транспаранта і виражаються через елементи матриці повороту