50 research outputs found

    The Combined Method of Forecasting the Investments within the Framework of Panel Data Models

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    The article is devoted to the panel data modeling of the firm's investments depending on its market value and the size of fixed assets. The Grunfeld's investment data as provided in R package were used as the initial data. The data frame contains annual observations for 11 firms over 20 years. The main econometric models for panel data (pooled model, fixed effects model, random effects model) were estimated. To make choice the most effective specification of the model the character of effects was tested. The heterogeneity of firms was explained by individual random factors. The comparative analysis of parameters' estimates was performed using the basic panel data models and their optimal combination in the framework of combined assessment (forecasting). Weight coefficients of hybrid forecasts are assigned as directed by the combined model list in accordance with standard optimality requirements. It was shown that the results of the combined assessment coincided with the estimates of the random effects model

    Instrumental Variables Estimation of Systems of Simultaneous Equations: Interrelation of Methods

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    The article is devoted to the interrelation between methods of estimating parameters of simultaneous equations. Simultaneous equations model (SEM) is commonly used to model complex socio-economic phenomena. SEM is a set of linear simultaneous equations in which response variables are among explanatory variables in each equation of regression. This causes the problem of endogeneity and leads to biased and inconsistent estimation of parameters. There is a number of special methods to solve the problem of endogeneity of regressors: method of instrumental variables (IV), indirect least squares method (ILS), two-stage least squares method (2SLS), and three-stage least squares method (3SLS). In this article, the relationship between 2SLS and IV, ILS and 2SLS, ILS and OLS with restrictions on structural parameters, as well as the equivalence of point estimates of parameters and autocovariance matrices, is shown using empirical example

    Formação de habilidades de auto-controle em estudantes no conceito de educação linguística

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation of self-control skills in students in the study of a foreign language. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the problem in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation on higher professional education, as well as diagnostic techniques, including observation, questioning, testing and data processing methods. To solve the problem of developing self-control skills, a pedagogical experiment was carried out. The analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed that the development of self-control mechanisms in students studying a foreign language is possible when designing the learning process and using educational strategies.El artículo está dedicado al estudio del problema de la formación de habilidades de autocontrol en estudiantes en el estudio de una lengua extranjera. Los principales métodos de investigación son el análisis de la literatura científica sobre el problema en los trabajos de científicos nacionales y extranjeros, los actos reglamentarios y legislativos de la Federación de Rusia sobre la educación profesional superior, así como las técnicas de diagnóstico, que incluyen la observación, el interrogatorio, las pruebas y el procesamiento de datos. métodos. Para resolver el problema del desarrollo de las habilidades de autocontrol, se llevó a cabo un experimento pedagógico. El análisis de los resultados del experimento pedagógico confirmó que el desarrollo de mecanismos de autocontrol en los estudiantes que estudian una lengua extranjera es posible al diseñar el proceso de aprendizaje y utilizar estrategias educativas.O artigo é dedicado ao estudo do problema da formação de habilidades de autocontrole em alunos no estudo de uma língua estrangeira. Os principais métodos de pesquisa são a análise da literatura científica sobre o problema nas obras de cientistas nacionais e estrangeiros, atos regulamentares e legislativos da Federação Russa sobre o ensino profissional superior, bem como técnicas de diagnóstico, incluindo observação, questionamento, teste e processamento de dados métodos. Para resolver o problema de desenvolver habilidades de autocontrole, um experimento pedagógico foi realizado. A análise dos resultados da experiência pedagógica confirmou que o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de autocontrole nos alunos de língua estrangeira é possível no desenho do processo de aprendizagem e na utilização de estratégias educacionais


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    In this work attempt of system approach to the analysis of labor market of youth is made, the place and a role of youth labor exchange are dened, opportunities and methods of state regulation are opened, contradictions in the analysis of the main market indicators are designated.Within system approach to the analysis of dynamics of market processes modeling of the main indicators of labor market in regional scale is shown.This approach can be useful when developing effective and economically reasonable mechanisms of employment of youth, both at the level of regional services of employment, and in the state scaleВ данной работе сделана попытка системного подхода к анализу рынка труда молодежи, опре-делены место и роль молодежной биржи труда, раскрыты возможности и методы государственного регулирования, обозначены противоречия в ана-лизе основных рыночных показателей.В рамках системного подхода к анализу динамики рыночных процессов продемонстрировано моде-лирование основных показателей рынка труда в региональном масштабе.Данный подход может быть полезен при разработ-ке эффективных и экономически обоснованных механизмов трудоустройства молодежи, как на уровне региональных служб занятости, так и в государственном масштаб


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    The article considers methods of estimating the values of the common factors for individual observations, make a choice between the three most used methods in practice evaluation of factor values: the regression method, Bartlett method and the method of "ideal settings" Harman. However, these methods cannot be used if the variance of some specific factors equal to zero. A method is proposed for solving the problem in this case. The meaning of the method consists in adding to the original artificially generated variables specific factors, in order to transformed data it was possible to apply the methods of evaluation of factor values. The proposed method is suitable for use in the case of collinearity initial signs that extends the application of factor analysis. More other method considered "ideal settings" Harman. We prove the extreme properties of the method.В статье рассматриваются методы оценки значений общих факторов для отдельных наблюдений, делается выбор между тремя наиболее применяемыми на практике методами оценки значений факторов: регрессионным методом, методом Бартлетта и методом «идеальных параметров» Хармана. Однако этими методами нельзя пользоваться, если дисперсии некоторых специфических факторов равны нулю. Предлагается метод решения задачи в этом случае. Смысл метода состоит в добавлении к исходным переменным искусственно сгенерированных специфических факторов, с тем, чтобы к преобразованным данным можно было применить рассматриваемые методы оценки значений факторов. Предлагаемый метод пригоден к использованию и в случае коллинеарности исходных признаков, что расширяет возможности применения факторного анализа. Подробнее других рассмотрен метод «идеальных параметров» Хармана. Доказаны экстремальные свойства метода


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    In the article, the paper classifies the regions of the Central Federal district level indicators of their socio-economic and demographic situation. Defined the typology of the clusters identified problems of the regions and groups of regions on the basis of what identifies key threats to internal development of the Central Federal district.В статье проведена кластеризация регионов Центрального федерального округа по уровню показателей их социальноэкономического и демографического положения. Определена типология полученных кластеров, выявлены проблемы регионов и групп регионов, на основании чего обозначены ключевые внутренние угрозы развития Центрального федерального округа


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    In this paper we propose a method toimprove the accuracy of the trend-factormodel on the assumption that the increasein endogenous variable-screens dependnot only on time but also deviations fromtheir trend of exogenous variables, provedby the corresponding formulas that reflect the structure of the dispersion, these remnants of the trend-factor model.В статье предложен метод повышения точноститрендово-факторноймоделив предположении, чтоприращениеэндогенной переменной зависит не только отвремени, ноиототклоненийотсвоих трендовэкзогенныхпеременных, доказанысоответствующиеформулы, отражающиеструктурудисперсииостатков трендово-факторной модели