13 research outputs found

    Management of formation of intercultural communicative competence of future heads of general secondary education institutions

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    The article considers the approaches to managing the formation of intercultural communicative competence in general secondary education future leaders’ intercultural communicative competence. The state of the problem elaboration regarding managing the formation of intercultural communicative competence in future heads of general secondary education institutions in pedagogical theory and practice is also analyzed; the specifics of the need for international cooperation are determined; criteria, indicators, components are singled out; levels of the specified problem are characterized; pedagogical conditions for managing the formation of intercultural communicative competence is theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested. An analysis of the concept of “management of the formation of intercultural communicative competence in future leaders of general secondary education” is carried out. The introduction of the special course “Management of the formation of intercultural communicative competence of modern leaders of school” into the process of professional training of the future heads is substantiated. It is built on the basis of educational material’s synthesis and integration of fundamental and professionally-oriented disciplines of intercultural communicative competence’s problem. The main special course's theoretical provisions have practical orientation related to the introduction of teaching and training interactive methods that contribute to the implementation of a person-centered approach to higher education. Analysis of the research and experimental work’s results showed that the experimental group manifested the level of readiness of general secondary education’s future leaders to the process of managing the intercultural communicative competence formation cut from low to high; in the control group, this figure increased from low to medium

    Кластерный анализ компаний нефтяной промышленности по параметрам налоговой нагрузки

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    The oil industry occupies an important place in Russian economy and in the global energy supply system. The industry has recently been facing a number of internal and external problems, for example, the deteriorating quality and structure of the product base and an increase in the share of tight oil reserves. Confronting these challenges will inevitably incur costs, which will directly affect oil companies’ financial performance. The Russian government uses taxation to incentivize oil companies to improve their efficiency, which renders the question of tax burden particularly salient. This study aims to analyze the tax burden on the Russian oil industry in the period from 2010 to 2017 and to identify the key factors that shape the structure and dynamics of oil companies’ tax payments. The article provides an overview of Russian and international research literature on the problem of tax burden. The role of oil and gas revenues in the structure of the Russian federal budget is shown. The analysis demonstrates that there has been a steady decline in the tax burden on oil companies in recent years due to the changes in the method of calculating the mineral extraction tax and export duties as well as the expanding range of preferential categories of subsurface use objects. The factor analysis combined with quantitative analysis reveals the factors that determine the dynamics and structure of oil companies’ tax payments. The method of cluster analysis is applied in this study to compare the performance of Russian oil companies according to a set of tax burden parameters. The companies are divided into three clusters and specific recommendations are provided for each cluster. For example, Gazprom Neft and LUKOIL have a low tax burden and can be seen, therefore, as potential donors of tax revenues; Rosneft, Bashneft and Tatneft need to increase their efficiency through non-tax optimization; a suitable strategy for Surgutneftegaz, RussNeft, and Slavneft, in our view, would be to adjust the structure of their production activities to increase the share of the domestic crude oil market. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, the authors propose guidelines for reforming taxation of the oil industry and describe the main stages of this process.For citationFilimonova I. V., Provornaya I. V., Shumilova S. I., Zemnukhova E. A. Cluster analysis of Russian oil companies based on tax burden parameters. Journal of Tax Reform. 2019;5(1):42–56. DOI: 10.15826/jtr.2019.5.1.059Article infoReceived September 24, 2018; accepted March 20, 2019  Нефтяная отрасль занимает важное место в экономике России и мировой системе энергоснабжения. В настоящий момент отрасль столкнулась с рядом внутренних и внешних проблем, например, ухудшение качества и структуры товарной базы, увеличение доли трудно извлекаемых запасов нефти. Затраты, направленные на решение этих и многих других проблем, оказывают воздействие на финансовые показатели нефтяных компаний. Налогообложение является инструментом государственного стимулирования и повышения эффективности работы нефтяных компаний России. Целью исследования является определение налогового бремени российской нефтяной промышленности и выявление ключевых факторов, влияющих на структуру и динамику налоговых платежей нефтяных компаний и деление на кластеры по параметрам налогового бремени. В статье проведен анализ налоговой нагрузки компаний нефтяной отрасли за период с 2010 по 2017 г. и с дифференциацией по видам налогов и крупнейшим компаниям отрасли. Выделены основные этапы совершенствования налогообложения нефтяной отрасли России, цели и главные ориентиры реформирования. Показана роль нефтегазовых доходов в структуре доходов федерального бюджета. Исследованы методические подходы отечественных и зарубежных авторов к определению налоговой нагрузки. Авторами предложена методика определения налоговой нагрузки компаний, учитывающая специфику налогообложения нефтяной отрасли. В результате апробирования методики наблюдается устойчивая тенденция снижения налоговой нагрузки нефтяных компаний в последние годы в следствии изменения метода расчета налога на добычу полезных ископаемых и экспортной пошлины, а также расширения спектра льготных категорий объектов недропользования. В рамках исследования был проведен факторный анализ налоговых платежей компаний и выявлены ключевые факторы, влияющие на их структуру и динамику. Дана количественная оценка влияния этих факторов на изменение налоговых платежей компаний. В заключении на основе выполненных расчетов, нефтяные компании разделены на три кластера по показателям налоговой нагрузки и даны рекомендации. Таким образом, Газпром нефть и ЛУКОЙЛ с низким налоговым бременем являются потенциальными донорами налоговых поступлений. Стратегия роста Роснефти, Башнефти и Татнефти заключается в повышении эффективности за счет неналоговой оптимизации. «Сургутнефтегаз», «РуссНефть», «Славнефть», могут скорректировать структуру производственной деятельности в направлении увеличения доли на внутреннем рынке сырой нефти.Для цитированияФилимонова И. В., Проворная И. В., Шумилова С. И., Земнухова Е. А. Кластерный анализ компаний нефтяной промышленности по параметрам налоговой нагрузки // Journal of Tax Reform. 2019. Т. 5, № 1. С. 42–56. DOI: 10.15826/jtr.2019.5.1.059Информация о статьеДата поступления 24 сентября 2018 г.; дата принятия к печати 20 марта 2019 г

    A Model of the Civil Participation in the Context of the Specificities of the Political Space of the Russian Federation's Regions

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    The structure of political opportunities was the study basis for determining the type of civil subjectivity based on the parameters of political competence (awareness) of the population living in the regions of Russia. The representatives of the expert groups from Belgorod region, Moscow region, the city of Moscow, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Lipetsk region, Orel region, Ivanovo region, Ryazan region, Yaroslavl region, Kostroma region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region took part in the research. This study has enabled the researchers to determine the preferred model of the political participation for each type of the region in the Russian Federation.Consequently, to suggest for recommendations, which will help to synchronise the structure of the political opportunities with the parameters of constructive political participation, which will lead to increasing the consolidation of the elite and mass groups and to deradicalisation of political interactions. It was proved, that it could be methodologically justified to view the category “political participation” in connection with the category “political activity”. On the basis of the main attributes of the activity, an operationalisation of the concept of “political participation” was conducted. Taking into account that the regions of the Russian Federation even within the boundaries of one Federal District differ from each other in levels of social and economic development, “structure of political possibilities”, types of the elite and mass value systems, the forms, directivity and effectiveness of the local initiatives also vary considerably. The complex research enabled the authors to verify the validity of the conclusions. The research employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of the expert survey demonstrated that the specificity of any form of political participation is determined by several factors: the political context, the social context, culture, a historical process and a level of political consciousness

    Subclinical infection caused by a recombinant vaccine-like strain poses high risks of lumpy skin disease virus transmission

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    Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a transboundary viral infection, affecting cattle with characteristic manifestations involving multiple body systems. A distinctive characteristic of lumpy skin disease is the subclinical disease manifestation wherein animals have viremia and shed the virus through nasal and ocular discharges, while exhibiting no nodules but enlarged lymph nodes that are easily oversighted by inexperienced vets. Further research on the role of subclinically ill animals in the transmission of LSD virus (LSDV) can contribute to the development of more effective tools to control the disease worldwide. Thus, this study aims to determine the potential role of subclinical infection in virus transmission in a non-vector-borne manner. To achieve this, we inoculated animals with the recombinant vaccine-like strain (RVLS) Udmurtiya/2019 to cause clinical and subclinical LSDV infection. After the disease manifestation, we relocated the subclinically ill animals to a new clean facility followed by the introduction of another five animals to determine the role of RVLS-induced subclinical infection in the virus transmission via direct/indirect contact. After the introduction of the naïve animals to the relocated subclinically ill ones in a shared airspace, two introduced animals contracted the virus (clinically and subclinically), showing symptoms of fever, viremia, and seroconversion in one animal, while three other introduced animals remained healthy and PCR-negative until the end of the study. In general, the findings of this study suggest the importance of considering LSDV subclinical infection as a high-risk condition in disease management and outbreak investigations

    Increasing social anxiety in the context of globalization of migration processes as a problem of international relations

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    Research background: Increasing inward and outward labor migration flows between Central Asian countries and Russia are very significant for both sides. Migration processes in the Central Asian region play an important role in stabilizing international relations, because their economic, political and social results are important for all the countries in the region. The Russian Federation is one of the countries which receives the most immigrants, along with the United States, Germany, France and Canada. Migrants with different ethnicities from Central Asia constitute most of the migratory flows to Russia. Purpose of the article: The authors aimed to analyze the growing social anxiety about the rising influx of migrants from Central Asian countries in Russia, as an indicator of the risk of developing damaging social processes. Methods: The authors draw their conclusions from the results of a questionnaire survey given to residents of Yekaterinburg in 2016 (N=485) and 2019 (N=476), and a comparison of comments on the internet from Russians in 2019 and 2020 about the behavior of migrants from Central Asian countries. The methods for analysis include a descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, content analysis, comparative analysis, words clustering analysis and quantitative word frequency calculation. Findings & Value added: The authors conclude that the increasing social anxiety from residents of Yekaterinburg about the rising influx of migrants from Central Asian has moved to the next stage of latent conflict, which R. Darendorff describes as the stage of “awareness of latent interests”. The obtained results are important for the regulation of processes inter-country relations in the field of migration exchanges

    New approaches to the development of spiritual and moral education of the youth

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    The article presents the results of the research of new approaches to the development of spiritual and moral education of the youth held by Armavir City Youth Public Organization “Club of Role-Playing Theatrical Games” with the support of the Department of Theory, History of Pedagogy and Educational Practice of Armavir State Pedagogical University within the framework of socio-pedagogical Project “Russia is my Motherland!”. The authors developed recommendations on changing the leading approaches to the implementation of patriotic and spiritual and moral education in the context of a specific educational situation in the region

    Comparison of Gross Pathology between Classical and Recombinant Lumpy Skin Disease Viruses

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    The pathology caused by three different isolates of lumpy skin disease virus, classical field cluster 1.2 strain Dagestan/2015, recombinant vaccine-like cluster 2.1 strain Saratov/2017, and cluster 2.2 strain Udmurtiya/2019, in cattle was compared from experimental infections. The infection of cattle was performed using intravenous administration of 2 mL of 105 TCID50/mL of each specific LSDV. Both classical and recombinant forms of LSDV cause pathological changes in the skin and lymph nodes, as well as the trachea and lungs. Due to circulatory disorders in the affected organs, multiple areas of tissue necrosis were observed, which, with the resurgence of secondary microflora, led to the development of purulent inflammation. Observed pathological changes caused by the recombinant vaccine-like strain Udmurtiya/2019 were characterized by a more pronounced manifestation of the pathoanatomical picture compared to the classical field strains Dagestan/2015 and Saratov/2017. Interestingly, Dagestan/2015 and Udmurtiya/2019 caused damage to the lymph nodes, characterized by serous inflammation and focal purulent lymphadenitis caused by purulent microflora. “Saratov/2017” did not cause pathology in the lymph nodes. All LSDVs were virulent and caused pathology, which was not distinguishable between viruses. This data set will serve as the experimentally validated basis for the comparative examination of novel LSDV strains in gross pathology

    The Live Attenuated Vaccine Strain “ARRIAH” Completely Protects Goats from a Virulent Lineage IV Field Strain of Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus

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    Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a transboundary viral disease that affects small ruminants, such as goats and sheep, in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, causing substantial damage to livelihoods and disrupting livestock trade. Although Russia is PPR virus (PPRV)-free, controlling PPRV in neighboring countries is the top national priority. Recent PPR outbreaks in Mongolia and other countries in the Middle East caused by a lineage IV virus represent a risk of transboundary emergence in neighboring countries, including China, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In the present study, we assessed the potency and safety of the ARRIAH live attenuated PPRV vaccine (lineage II) in Zaannen and Nubian goat breeds by challenging them with a virulent lineage IV Mongolia/2021 isolate. For comparison, two commercial vaccines of Nigeria75/1 strain were used. The ARRIAH-vaccinated animals showed an increase in body temperature of 1–1.5 °C above the physiological norm, similar to the animals vaccinated with Nigeria75/1 vaccines. In all vaccinated groups, the average rectal temperature never exceeded 39.4–39.7 °C throughout the infection period, and no clinical signs of the disease were observed, demonstrating vaccine efficacy and safety in the current experimental setting. However, the control group (mock vaccinated) challenged with Mongolia/2021 PPRV exhibited moderate-to-severe clinical signs. Overall, the findings of the present study demonstrate that the ARRIAH vaccine strain has a promising protective phenotype compared with Nigeria75/1 vaccines, suggesting its potential as an effective alternative for curbing and controlling PPR in affected countries. Although the ARRIAH vaccine against PPR is not currently endorsed by the World Organization for Animal Health due to its incomplete safety and potency profile, this study is the first step to provide experimentally validated data on the ARRIAH vaccine

    An Attenuated Vaccine Virus of the Neethling Lineage Protects Cattle against the Virulent Recombinant Vaccine-like Isolate of the Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Belonging to the Currently Established Cluster 2.5

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    Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an emerging transboundary and highly infectious viral disease mainly affecting cattle. The fact that it was initially confined to Africa and then spread beyond its geographical range to other regions, including the Middle East, Turkey, Europe, the Balkans, Russia and Asia, is an indication of the underestimation and neglect of this disease. Vaccination is considered the most effective way to control the spread of LSDV, when combined with other control measures. LSD is now on the rise in Southeast Asia, where the circulating virus belongs to recombinant lineage 2.5. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of an attenuated LSDV strain belonging to the Neethling cluster 1.1 by challenge with a virulent recombinant vaccine-like LSDV isolate “Mongolia/2021” belonging to cluster 2.5. Some of the vaccinated animals showed an increase in body temperature of 1–1.5 °C above the physiological norm, without clinical signs, local reactions, vaccine-induced viremia or generalization, demonstrating the efficacy and safety of the vaccine strain against a recombinant strain. Furthermore, all the vaccinated animals showed strong immune responses, indicating a high level of immunogenicity. However, the control group challenged with “Mongolia/2021” LSD showed moderate to severe clinical signs seen in an outbreak, with high levels of virus shedding in blood samples and nasal swabs. Overall, the results of the present study demonstrate that the attenuated LSDV Neethling strain vaccine has a promising protective phenotype against the circulating strains, suggesting its potential as an effective tool for the containment and control of LSD in affected countries from Southeast Asia

    A Recombinant Vaccine-like Strain of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Causes Low-Level Infection of Cattle through Virus-Inoculated Feed

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    Since 1989, lumpy skin disease of cattle (LSD) has spread out of Africa via the Middle East northwards and eastwards into Russia, the Far East and South-East Asia. It is now threatening to become a worldwide pandemic, with Australia possibly next in its path. One of the research gaps on the disease concerns its main mode of transmission, most likely via flying insect vectors such as biting flies or mosquitoes. Direct or indirect contact transmission is possible, but appears to be an inefficient route, although there is evidence to support the direct contact route for the newly detected recombinant strains first isolated in Russia. In this study, we used experimental bulls and fed them via virus-inoculated feed to evaluate the indirect contact route. To provide deeper insights, we ran two parallel experiments using the same design to discover differences that involved classical field strain Dagestan/2015 LSDV and recombinant vaccine-like Saratov/2017. Following the attempted indirect contact transmission of the virus from the inoculated feed via the alimentary canal, all bulls in the Dagestan/2015 group remained healthy and did not seroconvert by the end of the experiment, whereas for those in the Saratov/2017 recombinant virus group, of the five bulls fed on virus-inoculated feed, three remained clinically healthy, while two displayed evidence of a mild infection. These results provide support for recombinant virus transmission via the alimentary canal. In addition, of particular note, the negative control in-contact bull in this group exhibited a biphasic fever at days 10 and 20, developed lesions from day 13 onwards, and seroconverted by day 31. Two explanations are feasible here: one is the in-contact animal was somehow able to feed on some of the virus-inoculated bread left over from adjacent animals, but in the case here of the individual troughs being used, that was not likely; the other is the virus was transmitted from the virus-fed animals via an airborne route. Across the infected animals, the virus was detectable in blood from days 18 to 29 and in nasal discharge from days 20 to 42. Post-mortem and histological examinations were also indicative of LSDV infection, supporting further evidence for rapid, in F transmission of this virus. This is the first report of recombinant LSDV strain transmitting via the alimentary mode