11 research outputs found

    The effect of ultrasonic processing on physical and chemical properties of milk‐based soft, brine cheese

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    Many earlier studies have documented pasteurization problems in the dairy industry. As a result, ultrasonic processing has been researched as a non‐heat alternative to pasteurization. In this study, milk‐based soft cheese was treated using various sonication times (0, 1, and 3 min) at a set frequency (22 kHz) with an amplitude of 60% of 630 W and different ripening periods (0, 15, 30, and 60 days) in brine (15%), stored at 4 °C, to reduce heat treatment and increase yield. The physicochemical parameters of white cheeses were examined over next 60 days and compared with a control cheese. The result showed that ultrasound had no significant effect on the cheeses in terms of their fat and protein content on storage. Compared to the control sample, ultrasound treatment improved the taste and aroma ratings due to increased lipolysis and proteolysis. In terms of overall acceptability, the ultra‐filtrate cheese sonicated for 3 min received the highest marks compared to the control. Sonication for 3 min treated fresh milk showed the maximum yield (190.5 g/L milk) compared to untreated raw milk yields (150.32 g/L)


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    This study aimed to explore the influences of different storage conditions on beef texture from both micro-perspective and macro-perspective. In this study, the postmortem beef was stored under three storage conditions, i.e. (1) freezing point temperature + vacuum packaging (Cv), (2) 0 ℃ +vacuum packaging (Zv), (3) 4 ℃ + vacuum packaging (Fv). During the storage, sulfhydryl group (-SH) content, myofiber diameter, sarcomere length (SL), myofibril fragmentation index (MFI) and shear force (SF) were determined regularly. The result showed that: under above three conditions, both -SH content and myofiber diameter gradually decreased while MFI increased. With the treatment of Cv, Zv and Fv, myofiber diameter decreased by 46.67 %, 52.27 % and 57.23 % respectively on the 24th day. The SL was minimized at the 1st day with Zv and Fv condition and at the 4th day with Cv condition. The SF of three types of samples behaved in the similar pattern as increasing firstly and then decrease, however, the change of samples with Cv condition was much slower than those with Zv and Fv condition. Therefore, we conclude that Cv condition can effectively delay the rigor mortis and rigor-off processes of beef, and thus, enable the beef maintain good quality for a long time, following by Zv condition and then Fv condition


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    В последние годы проблема создания функциональных продуктов питания получила развитие в виде научных разработок, что позволяет создавать современные продукты целенаправленного действия и высокой биологической ценности. Целью данного ис-следования была разработка технологии производства йогурта на основе молока, не содержащего лактозы, и растительного компонента (экстракт альгината натрия, полученный с варьированием мощности ультразвуковой обработки) для обеспечения функциональных характеристик продукта. В рамках исследования было приготовлено 6 образцов йогурта. В исследуемых образцах оценивались такие показатели, как активная и титруемая кислотность, синерезис (0,5; 1; 1,5 часа), вязкость, определение массовой доли кефирана (экзополисахарида). Все подготовленные образцы имели неповрежденный сгусток, и на поверхности было обнаружено небольшое отделение сыворотки. Эта технология и рецептура перспективны для создания нового йогурта, обеспечивающего здоровье населения. При увеличении жирности молока, используемого для приготовления образцов йогурта, наблюдается увеличение содержания экзополисахарида кефирана. Наибольшее содержание экзополисахарида кефирана было обнаружено в йогурте образца 1, приготовленном на основе молока 3,5 % жирности с добавлением экстракта альгината натрия № 1. Содержание в 1 г йогурта (образец 1) EPS kefiran составляет 174,52 г. Эта технология и рецептура являются многообещающими для создания нового йогурта для обеспечения общественного здравоохранения.In recent years, the problem of creating functional food products has been developed in the form of scientific developments, which makes it possible to create modern products of pur-poseful action and high biological value. The purpose of this study was to develop a technology for the production of yogurt based on lactose-free milk, and a vegetable component (sodium alginate extract obtained with the variability of ultrasonic processing power) to ensure the functional charac-teristics of the product. As part of the study, 6 yogurt samples were prepared. In the studied samples, such indicators as active and titrated acidity, syneresis (0.5, 1, 1.5 hours), viscosity, determination of the mass fraction of kefiran (exopolysaccharide) were evaluated. All the prepared samples had an undisturbed clot, and a slight separation of serum was found on the surface. This technology and formulation is promising for the formation of a new yogurt to ensure the health of the population. With an increase in the fat content of milk used for the preparation of yogurt samples, an increase in the content of kefiran exopolysaccharide is observed. The highest content of kefiran exopolysaccharide was found in sample 1 yogurt prepared on the basis of milk of 3.5 % fat content with the addition of sodium alginate extract No. 1. The content in 1 g of yogurt (sample 1) EPS kefiran is 174.52 g. This technology and formulation is promising for the formation of a new yogurt to ensure public health

    Correlation with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and glomerular filtration rate in chronic renal failure patients

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    Background: One of the more significant hormonal systems, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, controls the kidney function, adrenal gland through its effect on the balance of sodium and potassium, blood pressure, fluid volume, and also manages the functions of cardiovascular. Objective: To clarify the interrelationship between renal dysfunction and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Patients and Methods: One hundred samples were collected from December 1, 2022, to February 18, 2023, from Al Shams Medical Laboratories (56 male, and 44) female, age range (of 45-60 years), all of them were volunteers suffering from chronic renal failure in the third stage the average glomerular filtration rate was 35. 70 ± 0.37 125 mL/min/1.73m2. and under conservative treatment. Kidney function test, active renin, angiotensin II, and aldosterone were assessed in the serum of all subjects. The p - value of differences less than 0.05 is measured significant, and uses the statistical package for the social sciences (23) software to calculate the correlation coefficient between various parameters. Results: The result shows relationship between the changes in GFR with creatinine, urea and active renin, the mean GFR showed significant negative correlated with mean creatinine (R = -0.76, p < 0.01. As well as the mean GFR with mean urea (R = -0.64, p < 0.01). The mean GFR also showed significant negative correlated with mean active renin in (R = -0.41, p < 0.01). Also, the mean serum active renin level was significantly positive correlated with mean aldosterone (R =0.33, p < 0.05). Conclusion: Renin enzyme is inversely related to renal dysfunction, so when the glomerular filtration rate decrease, the higher the renin increased, and as a result, the increase in blood pressure in chronic renal failure patients

    A review

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    Funding Information: S.V.Ramanaiah and Irina Potoroko gratefully acknowledges the South Ural State University (National Research University) research support programme of “Priority 2030″ from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education , Russian Federation. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Elsevier LtdProducing food by farming and subsequent food manufacturing are central to the world's food supply, accounting for more than half of all production. Production is, however, closely related to the creation of large amounts of organic wastes or byproducts (agro-food waste or wastewater) that negatively impact the environment and the climate. Global climate change mitigation is an urgent need that necessitates sustainable development. For that purpose, proper agro-food waste and wastewater management are essential, not only for waste reduction but also for resource optimization. To achieve sustainability in food production, biotechnology is considered as key factor since its continuous development and broad implementation will potentially benefit ecosystems by turning polluting waste into biodegradable materials; this will become more feasible and common as environmentally friendly industrial processes improve. Bioelectrochemical systems are a revitalized, promising biotechnology integrating microorganisms (or enzymes) with multifaceted applications. The technology can efficiently reduce waste and wastewater while recovering energy and chemicals, taking advantage of their biological elements' specific redox processes. In this review, a consolidated description of agro-food waste and wastewater and its remediation possibilities, using different bioelectrochemical-based systems is presented and discussed together with a critical view of the current and future potential applications.authorsversionpublishe

    Prospect of Bioactive Curcumin Nanoemulsion as Effective Agency to Improve Milk Based Soft Cheese by Using Ultrasound Encapsulation Approach

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of stabilized curcumin nanoemulsions (CUNE) as a food additive capable of directionally acting to inhibit molecules involved in dairy products’ quality and digestibility, especially cheese. The objects were cheeses made from the milk of higher grades with addition of a CUNE and a control sample. The cheeses were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in terms of organoleptic properties, such as appearance, taste, and aroma. The results show that the addition of CUNEs improved the organoleptic properties compared to the control cheese by 150% and improved its shelf life. The SEM study shows that formulation with CUNE promotes the uniform distribution of porosity. The CUNE-based cheese shows a better sensory evaluation compared to the emulsion without curcumin. CUNE-processed cheese provided better antioxidant and antimicrobial analysis than the control sample and offers added value to the dairy sector

    Changes in interleukin 6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression levels in 3t3-l1 cells after exposure to agrimonia eupatoria l. extract and subsequent oxidative stimulation with tert-buthyl hydroperoxide reveal possible adaptogenic potential

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    INTRODUCTION: Synthesis and secretion of many inflammatory factors increase with oxidative stimu- lation and the activity of many transcription factors that regulate synthesis of inflammatory cytokines is in- fluenced by the redox condition in the  cell.AIM: The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of aqueous-alcoholic agrimony extract on interleukin 6 (IL-6) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) gene expression levels in cultured preadipocytes under induced oxidative stress  conditions.MATERIALS AND METHODS: To determine the possible adaptogenic potential of agrimony extract treatment on gene  expression,  preadipocytes were  incubated  in a  medium containing different  amounts  of agrimony extract. Tert-butyl hydroperoxide was used to provoke oxidative response in treated cells. Ex- pression of selected genes was measured using two step quantitative PCR. Results were analyzed using the 2-ΔΔCt   method.RESULTS: Incubation of preadypocytes with 2.5% agrimony extract resulted in a significant decrease in mRNA levels of MCP-1. Significant increase in IL-6 transcription levels was detected in the cells incubated with 1.25% and 2.5% agrimony extract. Pre-incubation of the cells with agrimony extract prevented subse- quent oxidative induced stimulation of MCP-1 gene expression. Oxidative provocation appeared to decrease the stimulatory activity of agrimony on IL-6 gene  expression

    Ultrasound-Assisted Stable Curcumin Nanoemulsion and Its Application in Bakery Product

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    The quality of the bread has been always an important issue and needs to be improved. Curcumin nanoemulsion provides an antioxidant and other nutritional value to the bakery products. Our aim was to determine the effect of curcumin nanoemulsions as a food additive on the quality and digestibility of breads. Curcumin nanoemulsion was stabilized by using Tween 80 and an ultrasound approach and its incorporation of curcumin nanoemulsion into bread formulation as the replacement of margarine. The objects of the study were the obtained bread from wheat flour, namely, control sample, CuNE containing sample, and raw curcumin containing bread sample. The results of the sensory evaluation of prototype bread suggest that curcumin nanoemulsion does affect organoleptic properties of bread. The result of antioxidant activity for curcumin nanoemulsion bread is higher (31.59%) compared to a control bread (20.59%). Also, in addition to a positive effect, there is an increase in the total strain and the elasticity of the crumb of bread compared to the control bread. SEM (scanning electron microscope) study shows that formulation with nanoemulsion promotes uniform distribution of fine pores (porosity)

    Sonochemical Microstructuring of Sodium Alginate to Increase its Effectiveness in Bakery

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    Algae are a source of many biologically active compounds that can be used in food production to expand the range of functional products. For instance, sodium alginate possesses a complex of scientifically proven biologically active properties. In the food industry, it usually serves as a thickener, stabilizer, gelatio n agent, and water-retaining agent. The biological activity of this polysaccharide and its effect on the technological properties of food systems depend on the molecular weight and particle size uniformity. The present research objective was to study the method of sonochemical microstructuring of sodium alginate to increase its biological activity and efficiency as part of v arious bakery formulations. The research featured alginate gels, yeast suspensions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and bakery products. The sonochemical microstructuring of sodium alginate involved a low-frequency ultrasonic treatment at 240, 435, and 630 W/L and 50°C for 20, 25, and 30 min. The effect of the treatment included the following indicators: particle morphology vs. distribution of the hydrodynamic particle diameter in a dispersed medium, antioxidant activity, dynamic viscosity, in vitro bioactivity, and bioavailability against Paramecium caudatum and S. cerevisiae. The quality assessment of bakery products followed State Standard 58233-2018. The process of sonochemical microstructuring depolymerized large particles of sodium alginate into shorter ones: 5670 nm – 30.6%, 502 nm – 53.4%, 56.1 nm – 16%. It increased the antioxidant activity by 7 times and the potential in vitro bioactivity by 3.9%. The microstructured sodium alginate improved the fermentation activity of S. cerevisiae and reduced the yeast biomass by 8%. The resulting bakery products had a greater porosity by 5.9% and antioxidant activity by 3.7 times. The sonochemical microstructuring reduced the particle size of sodium alginate, as well as increased its biological activity. The sonochemically microstructured sodium alginate demonstrated a great potential for baked foods

    Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm for Forecasting SARS-CoV-2 Daily Infections and Death Cases

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    The prediction of new cases of infection is crucial for authorities to get ready for early handling of the virus spread. Methodology Analysis and forecasting of epidemic patterns in new SARS-CoV-2 positive patients are presented in this research using a hybrid deep learning algorithm. The hybrid deep learning method is employed for improving the parameters of long short-term memory (LSTM). To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, a dataset was collected based on the recorded cases in the Russian Federation and Chelyabinsk region between 22 January 2020 and 23 August 2022. In addition, five regression models were included in the conducted experiments to show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach. The achieved results show that the proposed approach could reduce the mean square error (RMSE), relative root mean square error (RRMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), coefficient of determination (R Square), coefficient of correlation (R), and mean bias error (MBE) when compared with the five base models. The achieved results confirm the effectiveness, superiority, and significance of the proposed approach in predicting the infection cases of SARS-CoV-2