6 research outputs found

    Left Ventricular Non-compaction Cardiomyopathy and Polycystic Kidney Disease Revealed by Inappropriate Polycythemia: A Fortuitous Association? Case Report

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    We present the case of a patient with heart failure with reduced left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction, diagnosed in the first instance by echocardiography and further on by more accurate cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with LV non-compaction (LVNC). Blood tests showed high erythrocyte and hematocrit levels, inappropriate in this setting, whilst Janus Kinase 2V617F mutation was absent, erythropoietin level was slightly increased, and arterial O2 pressure level was normal. At the time of diagnosis, the patient had mild renal impairment, and abdominal echography revealed bilateral polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The patient had one son who fulfilled the echocardiographic criteria for LVNC and had bilateral renal cysts revealed by abdominal ultrasound. The genes responsible for autosomal dominant PKD (ADPKD) development are PKD1, on chromosome 16, coding for polycystin 1 and PKD2, on chromosome 4, coding for polycystin 2. There are some experimental data which suggest that polycystins might play an important role in cardiac development and hence PKD1 and PKD2 mutations may be involved in primary cardiomyopathies. These data could explain this particular association between LVNC and ADPKD. To date, there are only a few isolated cases reported, and only one shows this association in more than one member of the same family. Further genetic testing in the few reported cases would presumably elucidate whether this finding is the result of complex genetic synergy or just a simple coincidence

    Vitamin D Supplementation: Oxidative Stress Modulation in a Mouse Model of Ovalbumin-Induced Acute Asthmatic Airway Inflammation

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    Asthma oxidative stress disturbances seem to enable supplementary proinflammatory pathways, thus contributing to disease development and severity. The current study analyzed the impact of two types of oral vitamin D (VD) supplementation regimens on the redox balance using a murine model of acute ovalbumin-induced (OVA-induced) asthmatic inflammation. The experimental prevention group received a long-term daily dose of 50 µg/kg (total dose of 1300 µg/kg), whereas the rescue group underwent a short-term daily dose of 100 µg/kg (total dose of 400 µg/kg). The following oxidative stress parameters were analyzed in serum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and lung tissue homogenate (LTH): total oxidative status, total antioxidant response, oxidative stress index, malondialdehyde and total thiols. Results showed that VD significantly reduced oxidative forces and increased the antioxidant capacity in the serum and LTH of treated mice. There was no statistically significant difference between the two types of VD supplementation. VD also exhibited an anti-inflammatory effect in all treated mice, reducing nitric oxide formation in serum and the expression of nuclear factor kappa B p65 in the lung. In conclusion, VD supplementation seems to exhibit a protective role in oxidative stress processes related to OVA-induced acute airway inflammation


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    Introducere. Începând cu anul 2016, România se confruntă cu o epidemie importantă de rujeolă apărută pe fondul unui procent tot mai scăzut de vaccinare. Evoluţia epidemiei a fost marcată şi de o creştere alarmantă a numărului de complicaţii şi decese. Materiale şi metode. Am evaluat retrospectiv 632 pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu rujeolă, internaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale „Dr. Victor Babeş“, în perioada ianuarie 2016 – decembrie 2017. Datele epidemiologice, caracteristicile clinice şi rezultatele probelor biologice au fost obţinute din fişele medicale ale pacienţilor. Rezultate. Din cei 632 de pacienţi, 341 (53,9%) au fost de sex masculin. Grupa de vârstă cea mai afectată a fost 1-4 ani (39,2%), urmată de cea a sugarilor cu un procent de 19,6%. O treime din cazuri (31,3%) au avut contactul infectant în cadrul familiei. În ceea ce priveşte statusul vaccinal, aproape jumătate din pacienţi (47,1%) nu au fost vaccinaţi, iar 44,3% nu cunoşteau istoricul de vaccinare (probabil nevaccinaţi sau incomplet vaccinaţi). Complicaţiile virale au fost prezente la majoritatea pacienţilor (84,1%) sub forma unei pneumonii interstiţiale. Pneumonia bacteriană a fost prezentă la 15% dintre pacienţi, iar dintre aceştia 45,2% au asociat şi insuficienţă respiratorie. Şase pacienţi au necesitat transfer în secţia de terapie intensivă pediatrie pentru suport respirator, înregistrându-se 2 decese. Laringita a fost prezentă în 8,2% cazuri, otita în 12% cazuri, în timp ce 61,7% dintre pacienţi au avut afectare gastrointestinală. Paraclinic, a fost evidenţiată citoliza hepatică la 101 (15,9%) pacienţi şi diselectrolitemia a fost prezentă la 94 (14,8%) din cazuri. Concluzii. Studiul prezent arată creşterea alarmantă a incidenţei bolii şi a complicaţiilor sale în ultimii 3 ani, mai ales la vârstele mici. Considerăm imperios necesară aplicarea programului de vaccinare pentru a asigura o acoperire vaccinală optimă, utilă atât în stoparea epidemiei actuale, cât şi în prevenirea unor viitoare epidemii