8 research outputs found

    Gender semiology in folklore traditions: Russia, China and Adygea

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    The article presents an analytical analysis of the linguosemiotic features of the female portrait in the folklore fund of the linguocultures of Russia, the North Caucasus and China in the aspect of the intergender dichotomy "male-female" as the implementation of the policy of "soft power" of the ethnos to preserve its vitality. Hypothesis: The dichotomy of masculinity and femininity in traditional culture is presented as the result of the interaction of ethno-cultural strategies of the ancestral cult, in which the role of a woman is defined as the keeper of the knowledge of the people with the competencies of a housewife who needs help and care from a man. The relevance of the study is due to the growing research interest in the vitality of traditional cultures, which continue to influence the lives of modern women. Chinese, Adyghe and Russian folklore for the first time becomes the object of comparative analysis of the linguosemiotic characteristics of the image of femininity in the form of "feminine" folkloratives identified for the first time. The methodology uses a linguosemiotic approach and the theory of complex metagraphs in modeling the speech-behavioral gender matrix of women through the prism of folklore. The results show that folklore is a reproducible mechanism of "soft power" of gender regulation in the ethno-cultural practice of folk art

    Actual problems of crack non-linear theory (plane stressed state)

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    The behaviour of slightly non-ideal base-gas in the magnetic field is first studied; it is shown that such a system can be considered as a model of a superconductor of the second kind. And explanation of abnormal temperature dependence of the magnetic field penetration depth in high-temperature metal-oxide superconductors is first givenAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Role of physiological monitoring in educational organizations

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    An indicators analysis of the first-graders functional state and vegetative homeostasis obtained in the initial period of adaptation to the educational environment revealed gender differences in the rates of the adaptation process to new learning conditions. It has been established that girls’ adaptation mechanisms turn on earlier than boys’, with their similar orientation. The article provides an experimental justification of the indicators use legitimacy for heart rate variability to assess the functional state of the body in the acute period of adaptation to the educational environment. The importance of teacher physiological literacy for the optimization of the educational process is substantiated. The results of the study are convincing evidence of the knowledge importance for the physiological foundations of the occurrence and course of physiological and mental processes, stable individual psycho-physiological characteristics for the organization of the learning environment, corresponding to the functional capabilities of the body. This argument is also confirmed by many years of experience among master students key competencies development, which allow using such an objective criterion as the current functional state of the body to ensure, through the joint efforts of parents, teachers, psychologists, and doctors, the correction of the educational environment and psycho-physiological resistance of individual to it. The established differences in the dynamics of heart rate variability indicators for girls and boys can be used to form a health-saving program in school settings

    Mother and child”: a comparative analysis of socio-cultural discourses

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    This article discusses the phenomenon of motherhood through the prism of dyadic relations "mother-child" in an interdisciplinary context: biological, medical, psychological and social aspects are given. The analysis of factors affecting the occurrence of various kinds of problems in dyadic relations is carried out. The data of various studies in different countries, on various social and age groups of respondents are considered. The aspects affecting the dyad and perception of oneself as a mother that arise after childbirth, as well as factors that arise long before motherhood, are evaluated. The article describes the results of a study among unmarried girls regarding their readiness for motherhood, positioning themselves as expectant mothers. The empirical study involved 319 female full-time students at Southern Federal University, aged 18 to 22 years. According to the results of the study, it was determined that most of the girls are not ready to become mothers, not for reasons related to health, but because of a lack of necessary knowledge and skills. They lack information to complete a holistic view of the upbringing and education of the child

    Semantic Features of Students’ Attitude to Interaction in the Digital Educational Environment

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    The characteristics of the main content of the resources and risks of the digital educational environment are considered. The features of understanding the nature and determinants of the success of the interaction of future specialists in the digital educational environment are shown. The article deals with the use of information resources and interaction in the network as a factor of professional and personal growth of students. An idea is given about the features of the semanticization of relations in the digital educational environment. The role of an adequate understanding of the semantic core of the problem in the productivity of students ‘ project activities is shown. The conditions and ways of achieving success in interaction in the information space within the framework of educational and professional activities are described. The relationship of success with information competence and semantic features of the attitude to interaction in the information space, the motivation of achievement and the expression of the desire for self-development is shown. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of students ‘ attitudes to interaction in the digital environment are described, and their ideas about the limitations and risks of this format of activity are shown. The article presents the material describing the main content of students ‘ ideas about the characteristics of a successful teacher and a successful student as subjects of interaction in the digital educational environment

    Professional development of education managers in modern reality: psychological resources and risks

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    The article shows the importance of human capital development in the field of management for the effective solution of the problems of modernization of modern education. This article is aimed at identifying specific resources and risks that are reflected in the process of professional development of the Manager today. For the successful activity of the Manager in the field of education, it is important to update his motivation for growth and competence, complex reflection of clusters of individual risks and resources, focus on continuous self-development. The article studies and describes the content characteristics of managers ’ ideas about psychological factors that can facilitate or block professional and personal growth. The attention is focused on the role of the education Manager in ensuring effective activity, the level of subjective control, which reflects the degree of internality, autonomy and responsibility for management decisions and the nature of professional activity. It is emphasized that the role of subjective control of the Manager increases in the context of risks of modernization of the modern educational system. Levels of acceptance of information on own resources and risks as bases of modeling of further development are revealed

    Adaptation of students to interaction in the digital environment as a factor of sustainable educational and professional behavior

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    The article presents a characteristic of the features of students' adaptation in educational and professional interaction in a digital environment. The factors of successful adaptation of students, the role of ideas and subjective control in this process are shown. An analysis of the features of manifestations of subjective control among students in the process of interaction is given. The introduction presents an analytical review of research on the problem of students' adaptation to interaction in the context of digitalization, systematizes and typifies the main groups of factors that motivate students' effective activity in educational and professional interaction. The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of technical students' ideas about the determinants of successful adaptation in the digital environment. The study used questionnaire methods, a subjective control test (SCT). The article describes the main results of studying the perceptions and qualities of students that contribute to successful adaptation to educational and professional interaction in a digital environment