39 research outputs found

    Fairy-tales for Modern Gifted Preschoolers: Developing Creativity, Moral Values and Coherent World Outlook

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    AbstractThe article gives the outline of a case study supported by Southern Federal University and conducted in a number of pre-school educational establishments in Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast and Sochi (South of Russia) in 2010-2016. The research included several stages: detecting gifted preschoolers (by using inventories for kids and their parents) and providing pedagogical support for overall development of their world outlook and values. The authors describe a systematic approach to developing giftedness which includes use of fairy-tales, active gaming technologies and work with letters. The above techniques contribute to harmonious psychological and cognitive development of preschoolers

    Human World-Outlook Evolution: From L.S. Vygotsky to Modern Times

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    The article in an interpretive way explores connection between the modern theory of personal world-outlook evolution and the key points of cultural-historical theory by Lev S. Vygotsky. It is shown that world-outlook results from consistently stage by stage developing certain world-images that evolve during all human life. They include mythopoetic, natural-philosophical, universal-symbolic and scientific world images. The authors dwell on Vygotsky’s ideas about a word as a means of attention focus, on the importance of imagination for expansion and enrichment of child’s experience and for development of creative activity. Game is seen as the source of children development in both world-outlook evolution theory and Vygotsky’s concept. The authors come to the conclusion that studies of development of the world-look enrich theoretical framework of cultural psychology DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s1p57

    Preparation of Masters in the Russian Educational System in the Context of Modern Social Challenges

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    The relevance of the issue under study lies in meeting global, national and regional challenges of modern time in the course of vocational preparation of Master’s degree students. The purpose of article is to define psychological and pedagogical conditions that have an impact on the process of teaching Masters of Education in the context of social challenges and the created portrait of a student of Southern Federal University as a consumer of educational services. As for these psychological and pedagogical conditions, we would like to refer to the concept of pedagogical education development approved at Southern Federal University; the strategy of preparing Masters in the direction "Pedagogical Education"; the stakeholder-focused model of Masters’ preparation. The devised psychological and pedagogical conditions were step by step discussed by the professional community of Southern Federal University and invited employers. Research findings define its practical importance: in the course of the conducted research, the authors have worked out, systemically described, put into practice and presented the results to the professional community for independent assessment at a conference, a round table and a pedagogical forum

    Factors of Shaping the Image of the Professions of the Future among High School Students

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    The paper reveals the concept of “the image of the professions of the future” and the relevance of its formation in modern life conditions. The factors influencing the formation of images of the future, as well as methods of studying the image of the professions of the future among high school students, have been determined. The image of the professions of the future, being one of the most important components of a holistic picture of the world, is a set of ideas about the profession, its value in society and about oneself as a possible representative of the professional community with the necessary competencies. The study of the process of shaping the image of the professions of the future in adolescents contributes to scientific ideas about the development of their worldview. The research in this area, which actualizes modern trends in the study of the characteristics of the younger generation, is presented. One of the important areas of interest for high school students is to study and plan options for their future profession. Scientists consider the image of the professions of the future as a connection between the current life situation of a student and the promising life aspirations of a high school student, which determine the possibility of their implementation in the future. According to the principles of career guidance, high school students are at the stage of studying professional growth, which includes crystallizing and clarifying their professional preferences, as well as making preliminary decisions about choosing a profession

    Parent choice: child or career?

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    The article deals with the issues of global challenges that determine the systemic risks of family and childhood. The main risks are identified gaps in child-adult relationships, the parents’ choice between career or family, ways to resolve personal and professional problems in a family. The models of parenting and the model of psychological and pedagogical support and family assistance to parents in questions of the professional implementation and upbringing of the child, the harmonization of parent-child relationships are described

    Robotics: development factor or social isolation of the child

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    In this article, dealing with robotics is defined as a factor driving the development of preschool children. What was created by science fiction writers has become a natural space for the child. Children do not know a world where there are no drones, smart phones, and computers. Robotics is becoming one of the leading activities for children, which determines the development of creativity, initiative, and independence. Joint design acts as a team work environment where children learn to agree on a project topic, discuss problems in its implementation, look for information from different sources, and use digital technologies. However, immersing a child into the world of robotics can isolate him from the society; immerse him into the virtual world. “Digital flashing” of a child‟s brain can affect its cognitive methods, affecting the neural mechanisms responsible for communicating with other people. This problem is being studied by scientists from around the world. Today the world is doubling - life in two spaces - material, objective and virtual, ideal. That is why the determination of the common ground for these worlds determines the harmonization of the children development in modern space. One of this common ground could be robotics classes. In preschool education, the development of technical creativity occurs through the designers of LegoEdu. The logic of designing cognitive-research activities of children is presented

    Social reproduction of generations in the face of digital challenges

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    The article describes the global processes that are transforming the world (migration and integration processes, inclusive education, digitalization of education, socio-psychological gap between generations, etc.). Global tendencies have changed the social space of people's life - “cultural gaps”, “social bottom”, “spiritual crisis of parent-child relations and intergenerational ties”, etc. have appeared, as modern challenges of society, affecting the social reproduction of generations. The problem of social reproduction, the significance of which is associated with the need for the development of sociality, the construction of the social world in the event chronotope, has been actualized; preservation of the social and historical memory of the people, the self-identity of the national community, the “core” of the spiritual image of the nation, etc. A powerful challenge in modern society is digitalization, which has changed the forms of communication and social roles, created a new virtual space for self-presentation, self-expression, while the risk is the loss of cultural identity, blurring the lines between generations, etc. The article presents the mechanisms of integration of traditional and digital technologies of social reproduction of generations, the difference of which lies in the actualization of children's interest in the historical and cultural values of the people, in the organization of joint activities to create virtual historical museums, etc. Social reproduction of generations is a complex and long-term process, the success of which depends on the unity of activities in the professional, parenting and children's community