111 research outputs found

    Observable effects caused by vacuum pair creation in the field of high-power optical lasers

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    We consider the possibility of an experimental proof of vacuum e+e- pair creation in the focus of two counter-propagating optical laser beams with an intensity of the order of 10^20 - 10^22 W/cm^2. Our approach is based on the collisionless kinetic equation for the distribution function of the e+e- pairs with the source term for particle production. As a possible experimental signal of vacuum pair production we consider the refraction of a high-frequency probe laser beam by the produced e+e- plasma to be observed by an interference filter. The generation of higher harmonics of the laser frequency in the self-consistent electric field is also investigated.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, Eq.(16) corrected, reference adde

    Ecotoxicants Content of Sanguisorba officinalis L., Growing on Mining Disturbed Lands of Kemerovo Region

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    Ecotoxicant content – heavy metals and radionuclides in embryonic soils and herbal medicinal products of Sanguisorba officinalis L. of the rose family (Rosaceae) in the circumstance of technogenicallydisturbed lands was analyzed, in example of the rock waste disposal areaof the Kedrovsky coal pit in Kemerovo region. It was experimentally proved that the embryonic soils of the coal dump is characterized by largeelemental variation. Analysis revealed that the raw materials of Sanguisorba officinalis L. more accumulates such metals as Fe(61, 95mg/kg), Mn (33, 46 mg/kg), Zn (17, 53 mg/kg) and Cu (12, 35mg/kg), which are related to biophilic metals. Technogenical group ofelements – Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, are with in 0,04 … 1,52 mg/kg. It was alsoexperimentally proved that the main share in overall radioactivity ofembryonic soils and rhizome and roots of greaterburnet falls to naturalradionuclides, especially K-40. The share of Cs-137 and Sr-90 are about7% in embryonic soils and 85 in rhizome and roots of burnet. Ecological hygienic assessment of Sanguisorba officinalis L. herbal medicinal products has shown the MPC no-exceedance of heavy metals and radionuclides, provided for the plant based BAA

    Regulatory Justification of the Fundamental Concepts of Ergonomics in Wheeled Agricultural Machinery

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    A single-seated man-machine system (MMS) is formed when a person starts controlling a technical device or unit, while undergoing production processes. Production tasks for MMS are developed by the senior system and contain output work parameters, which are determined by the properties of the human operator and the technical subsystem. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the process of ensuring the working conditions of a single-seated MMS, the difficulties that arise upon performing tasks, including the content of regulatory acts, which are the technical foundation for the formation of the quality of operation of a single-seated MMS. Study results indicate external and internal restrictions that influence the efficient work of the human operator and are not provided for in regulatory standards, including ways to solve existing restrictions

    Well-being Paradigm in the Context of Green Economy and Information Society

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    It was determined the necessity of the searching for a new paradigm of social and economic development in order to ensure the well-being without negative impact on environment. The social well-being factors connected with green economy development were analysed. It was concluded that the role of technology and technological changes increases, and technologies predominant over other development factors. Analysis of biotechnologies, information and cognitive technologies was carried out in the context of qualitative changes. It is noted that modern technologies focus on human abilities, intelligence and information. Components and working objects of information technologies were determined. The main virtual economy components were studied. The interaction between the virtual economy development and the social well-being was demonstrated.Conducted research results proved, that Russia needs the transition to new economic system, which will contribute to the preservation of natural resources. The authors propose new paradigm of social well-being as such economic system in the context of green economy and information society development. The authors note that human abilities, intellect and information are primary for modern technologies, machinery is paled into insignificance. It was concluded that, on the one hand, modern technologies and their forms could be good for society in the efficient and purposeful use. On the other hand, they will be dangerous if the use of technologies is inefficient

    Effect of zinc doping on electrical properties of LaAlO3 perovskite

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    New solid solution with the general formula of LaAl1-xZnxO3-1/2x was prepared by a solid-state reaction route. According to XRD, the crystal structure of LaAlO3 is rhombohedral, while the solid solution possesses cubic symmetry. Homogeneity region of the solid solution LaAl1-xZnxO3-1/2x was narrow and limited to the maximum concentration of 5 mol. %. Computer simulations using crystalochemistry and density functional theory approaches showed that LaAlO3 has high energy barriers for O2–-ion transport (2.79 eV). These results are in good agreement with the low values of electrical conductivity obtained experimentally. The electrical conductivity of LaAl1-xZnxO3-1/2x was measured by impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range of 200–1000 °C. The partial substitution of Al3+ by Zn2+ was found to increase the electrical conductivity by ~2 order of magnitude. The electrical conductivity of doped phase LaAl0.95Zn0.05O2.975 as a function of oxygen partial pressure was measured, and the partial contributions (oxygen-ionic and electronic) were determined. It was found that the sample has mixed ionic and p-type electronic conductivity, while the electronic contribution increases with the rise of the temperature


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    Цель. Статья посвящена обобщению опыта развития новых профессиональных направлений и становления организационно-педагогической модели профессиональной ориентации студентов. Особое внимание в статье уделяется вопросам методического сопровождения профессионального обучения, форм профессионального информирования, а также инструментов профессионального консалтинга.В ходе исследования выявлен ряд противоречий, существующих в современной системе профориентации молодежи и школьников, которые оказывают негативное влияние на уровень учебной мотивации студентов. Данные противоречия позволили сформулировать основные проблемы, сопутствующие профессиональному самоопределению молодежи, среди которых недостаточность развития механизмов взаимодействия между образовательными организациями профессионального образования, школами и работодателями. Также было установлено, что формирование мотивационной готовности студентов к освоению образовательных программ зависит от желания всех субъектов образовательной деятельности участвовать в проектировании индивидуальных образовательных профилей студентов.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования составили теоретические методы: теоретический анализ и синтез информации, содержащейся в педагогической, психологической, социологической литературе по проблеме исследования; эмпирические методы: педагогическое наблюдение, беседы, опрос, анкетирование респондентов.Результаты. На основе проведенного исследования авторы сделали:1) Анализ профориентационных моделей обучения и воспитания студенческой молодежи;2) Анализ содержания обучения и проектирования образовательных результатов при организации сотрудничества вуза и работодателя;3) Обоснование совершенствования организационно-педагогической модели профориентационного обучения студентов и необходимости применения педагогической концепции «work based learning»;4) Обоснование внедрения в воспитательный процесс вуза дорожных карт личностного развития и карьерных циклов.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут применяться в высшей школе для усиления профессиональной мотивации студентов на ранних этапах обучения.Purpose. The article is devoted to lessons learned to develop new professional areas and establishment of organizational and pedagogical model of professional orientation of students. Special attention is paid to the methodological support for vocational training, forms of professional information and professional consulting tools.The study identified a number of contradictions that exist in the modern system of vocational guidance of young people and students who have a negative impact on the level of educational motivation of students. These contradictions allowed to formulate the main problems related to professional self-determination of young people, among them lack of mechanisms for interaction between the educational institutions of vocational education, schools and employers. It was also found that the formation of motivational readiness of students to development of educational programs depends on the willingness of all stakeholders to participate in educational activities of designing individual educational profiles of students.Method and methodology of work. The basis of the research were theoretical methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of information contained in the pedagogical, psychological, sociological literature on the problem of research; Empirical methods: pedagogical observation, interviews, survey, questionnaire respondents.Results. On the basis of the authors of the study justified:1) Analysis of vocational guidance models of training and education of students;2) Analysis of the content of training and design of educational outcomes in the organization of cooperation of the university and the employer;3) Justification of improving organizational and pedagogical model of career students and the need for a pedagogical concept of «work based learning»;4) Rationale for introduction in educational process of high school roadmaps personal development and career cycles.Scope of results. Results of the study can be used in higher education to enhance professional motivation of students in the early stages of training

    Enhancement of the expression of HCV core gene does not enhance core-specific immune response in DNA immunization: advantages of the heterologous DNA prime, protein boost immunization regimen

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C core protein is an attractive target for HCV vaccine aimed to exterminate HCV infected cells. However, although highly immunogenic in natural infection, core appears to have low immunogenicity in experimental settings. We aimed to design an HCV vaccine prototype based on core, and devise immunization regimens that would lead to potent anti-core immune responses which circumvent the immunogenicity limitations earlier observed. METHODS: Plasmids encoding core with no translation initiation signal (pCMVcore); with Kozak sequence (pCMVcoreKozak); and with HCV IRES (pCMVcoreIRES) were designed and expressed in a variety of eukaryotic cells. Polyproteins corresponding to HCV 1b amino acids (aa) 1–98 and 1–173 were expressed in E. coli. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with four 25-μg doses of pCMVcoreKozak, or pCMV (I). BALB/c mice were immunized with 100 μg of either pCMVcore, or pCMVcoreKozak, or pCMVcoreIRES, or empty pCMV (II). Lastly, BALB/c mice were immunized with 20 μg of core aa 1–98 in prime and boost, or with 100 μg of pCMVcoreKozak in prime and 20 μg of core aa 1–98 in boost (III). Antibody response, [(3)H]-T-incorporation, and cytokine secretion by core/core peptide-stimulated splenocytes were assessed after each immunization. RESULTS: Plasmids differed in core-expression capacity: mouse fibroblasts transfected with pCMVcore, pCMVcoreIRES and pCMVcoreKozak expressed 0.22 ± 0.18, 0.83 ± 0.5, and 13 ± 5 ng core per cell, respectively. Single immunization with highly expressing pCMVcoreKozak induced specific IFN-γ and IL-2, and weak antibody response. Single immunization with plasmids directing low levels of core expression induced similar levels of cytokines, strong T-cell proliferation (pCMVcoreIRES), and antibodies in titer 10(3)(pCMVcore). Boosting with pCMVcoreKozak induced low antibody response, core-specific T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ secretion that subsided after the 3rd plasmid injection. The latter also led to a decrease in specific IL-2 secretion. The best was the heterologous pCMVcoreKozak prime/protein boost regimen that generated mixed Th1/Th2-cellular response with core-specific antibodies in titer ≥ 3 × 10(3). CONCLUSION: Thus, administration of highly expressed HCV core gene, as one large dose or repeated injections of smaller doses, may suppress core-specific immune response. Instead, the latter is induced by a heterologous DNA prime/protein boost regimen that circumvents the negative effects of intracellular core expression


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    In order to determine the frequency and nature of sonographic changes in abdominal organs in children with tuberculosis infection, 192 patients at the age of 6 months -14 years were examined on the basis of the tuberculosis department of City Children’s Infectious Hospital №3 for the period 2019-2021. 3 groups of patients were identified: group 1 - 92 children with active respiratory tuberculosis; group 2 – 52 children with residual post-tuberculosis changes; group 3 – 48 children with latent tuberculosis infection at risk of tuberculosis. Sonographic liver changes (reactive and/or intrahepatic cholestasis and/or hepatomegaly) were observed in children with active tuberculosis in 40.2±5.1% of cases, in children of group 3 - in 35.4±6.9% of cases and less often in children of group 2 - in 17.3±5.3% of cases (p<0.05). Changes of the gallbladder (violations of bile outflow and/or shape changes) were visualized in children with active tuberculosis in 73.9±4.6% of cases, in children of group 3 (60.4±7.1% of cases), less often in children of group 2 (55.8±6.7% of cases, p<0.05 for group 1). Changes of the pancreas were reactive and were more often observed in children of group 1 - in 14.1± 3.5% of cases than in children of group 2 (5.8±3.2% of cases, p<0.05) and group 3 (4.2± 2.9% of cases). Also, ultrasound changes of the spleen were more often detected in children with active tuberculosis - in 17.4±4.0% of cases than in children of group 2 (5.8±3.2% of cases, p<0.05) and group 3 (2.1±2.1% of cases, p<0.05).Pentru a determina frecvența și natura modificărilor ecografice în organele abdominale la copiii cu infecție tuberculoasă, au fost examinați 192 de pacienți cu vârsta cuprinsă între 6 luni - 14 ani din secția de tuberculoză a Spitalul Municipal de infecții pentru copii Nr. 3 pentru perioada 2019-2021. Au fost identificate 3 loturi de pacienţi: lotul 1 - 92 copii cu tuberculoză activă a organelor respiratorii; grupa 2 - 52 copii cu sechele post-tuberculoase; grupa 3 - 48 de copii cu infecție tuberculoasă latentă din grupele cu risc de tuberculoză. Modificări ecografice la nivelul ficatului (colestază reactivă și/sau intrahepatică și/sau hepatomegalie) au fost observate la copiii cu tuberculoză activă în 40,2 ± 5,1% din cazuri, la copiii din grupa a 3-a - în 35,4 ± 6,9% din cazuri și mai rar în copiii din grupa a 2-a – în 17,3±5,3% din cazuri (p<0,05). Modificări ale vezicii biliare (afectarea fluxului biliar și/sau modificări ale formei) la copiii cu tuberculoză ac- tivă au fost vizualizate în 73,9 ± 4,6% din cazuri, la copiii din grupa a 3-a (60,4 ± 7,1% din cazuri), mai rar la copiii dun grupul 2 (55,8±6,7% din cazuri, p<0,05 pentru grupul 1). Modificările pancreasului au fost reactive și s-au observat mai des la copiii din grupa 1 - în 14,1±3,5% din cazuri decât la copiii din grupul 2 (5,8±3,2% din cazuri, p<0,05) și grupul 3 (4,2±2,9% din cazuri). De asemenea, modificări ale splinei au fost depistate mai des la copiii cu tuberculoză activă - în 17,4±4,0% din cazuri decât la copiii din loturile 2 (5,8±3,2% din cazuri, p<0,05) și 3 loturi (2,1±2,1% din cazuri, p<0,05).С целью определения частоты и характера сонографических изменений органов брюшной полости у детей с туберкулезной инфекцией обследованы 192 пациента в возрасте 6 месяцев -14 лет туберкулезного отделения СПГБУЗ ДИБ№3 за период 2019-2021гг. Выделено 3 группы пациентов: 1 группа - 92 ребенка с активным ту- беркулезом органов дыхания; 2 группа – 52 ребенка с остаточными посттуберкулезными изменениями; 3 группа – 48 детей с латентной туберкулезной инфекцией из групп риска по туберкулезу. Сонографические изменения печени (реактивные и/или внутрипеченочный холестаз и/или гепатомегалия) наблюдались у детей с активным туберкулезом в 40,2±5,1% случаев, у детей 3 группы - в 35,4±6,9% случаев и реже у детей 2 группы - в 17,3±5,3% случаев (р<0,05). Изменения желчного пузыря (нарушения оттока желчи и/или изменения формы) у детей с ак- тивным туберкулезом визуализировались в 73,9±4,6% случаев, у детей 3 группы (60,4±7,1% случаев), реже у детей 2 группы (55,8±6,7% случаев, р<0,05 для 1 группы). Изменения поджелудочной железы были реактивными и чаще наблюдались у детей 1 группы - в 14,1±3,5% случаев, чем у детей 2 группы (5,8±3,2% случаев, р<0,05) и 3 группы (4,2±2,9% случаев). Также изменения селезенки чаще определялись у детей с активным туберкулезом  в 17,4±4,0% случаев, чем у детей 2 группы (5,8±3,2% случаев, р<0,05) и 3 группы (2,1±2,1% случаев, р<0,05)