14 research outputs found

    On the Language of Normative Acts of the First Croatian Printing Houses in Herzegovina

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    U povodu obilježavanja 150 godina uspostavljanja tiskarske djelatnosti u Mostaru i osnivanja Tiskare katoličkoga poslanstva u Hercegovini (Typhographia Missionis Catholicae in Hercegovina) 1872. pod vodstvom don Franje Milićevića ovim se radom žele prikazati jezične karakteristike tadanjih zakonodavnih akata, kao što su normativni akti Tiskare. Raščlambom tzv. prve radničke tarife (Pravila za tiskaru Don Franje Milićevića u Mostaru iz 1888.), svojevrsna statuta (Pravila hrvatske dioničke tiskarne u Mostaru, 1899.) i tadašnjih izvješća o poslovanju (Izvjestje prihoda i razhodah o Ustanovljenju Štamparije Katoličke u Hercegovini, 1873., 1876.) predstavljen je jezični, posebno leksički sloj kao primjer administrativnoga leksika / administrativizama, uporaba pravnoga i stručnoga nazivlja onodobne tiskarske djelatnosti.On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of printing in Mostar and the establishment of the Printing House of the Catholic Mission in Herzegovina (Typhographia Missionis Catholicae in Hercegovina) in 1872, under the management of Father Franjo Milićević, this paper aims to present the language of the legislative acts of the time, such as the normative acts of the Printing House. By analysing the so-called first labour tariff (Rules for the Printing House of Father Franjo Milićević in Mostar from 1888), a type of statute (Rules for the Croatian Joint-Stock Printing House in Mostar, 1899) and business reports of the time (Report of Income and Expenses for the Establishment of a Catholic Printing House in Herzegovina, 1873, 1876), the paper presents the linguistic, and especially the lexical, layer as an example of administrative lexicon/terminology, and of the legal and professional terminology used in the printing industry at the time. In terms of language, the publishers respected the Illyrian influence and the norms of the Zagreb School of Philology in all the documents, which has also been confirmed by other linguistic studies on periodicals and textbooks published by the Printing House. Business reports were published immediately after the establishment of the Croatian Printing House, whereas the first labour tariff in Bosnia and Herzegovina ensued after the publication of Glas Hercegovca, a publication that would mark an entire decade of work under the linguistic influence of the Zagreb School of Philology. The Statute (Rules from 1899) was published a year after the release of the first issue of a new publication, Osvit, and the same year coincides with the publication of the grammar of the Croatian Vukovians (Grammar and Stylistics of Croatian or Serbian by Tom Maretić), and Broz’s already established and applied Croatian Normative Guide from 1892. The linguistic characteristics of all the normative acts are only partially different from the language of earlier publications, if one takes into consideration that the new language conception of the Croatian Vukovians had already been adopted and was being applied. With respect to the lexicon, there is an expressed usage of Latinisms as traditional professional terminology. Oriental and Italian loanwords are prominent in reports on business operations and the first labour tariff. In the lexical sense, the rules from 1899 basically confirm the usage of Croatian legal terminology from the codification period it was written in

    LANGUAGE OF THE “DAWN” Ortographic, graphic and language (in)consistencies in the “Dawn”

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    Tiskara katoličkoga poslanstva u Hercegovini pod vodstvom, a kasnije i vlasništvom fra Franje Milićevića bila je jedina nakladnička kuća u Hercegovini u 19. stoljeću. Tiskarska djelatnost ove institucije otvorila je put izdavaštvu, novinarstvu, književnosti, publicistici te pedagoško-prosvjetnoj osviještenosti Hercegovine. Uz razvoj i modernizaciju tiskare, koja je od svoga osnutka do gašenja promijenila čak 8 naziva, tiskano je 77 knjiga, a razvijali su se i mijenjali novinski listovi vjerskoga i političkoga sadržaja: Hecegovački bosiljak (1883./84.), Novi hercegovački bosiljak (1884./85), Glas Hercegovca (1885./1896.) i Osvit (1898./1908.). U ovom se radu posebna pozornost daje jeziku Osvita kao novinskoj djelatnosti. S obzirom da ovaj list izlazi na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće i da su okolnosti njegova nastanka, kako političke tako i jezične, bitno odredile povijest rada tiskare, u radu su prikazane značajke jezika Osvita koji se pridržavao normâ zagrebačke filološke škole onoliko koliko je to bilo moguće. Ovdje su prikazane pravopisne, grafijske i jezične (ne)dosljednosti u odnosu na jezični standard kojemu su se uredništvo i suradnici vodili kao i razlozi njihova pojavljivanja.The printing house of the catholic mission in Herzegovina which was managed by owner friar Franjo Milićević was the unique publishing house in the 19th century in Herzegovina. The publishing activities of this institution paved the way to the journalism, literature, publicist writing and pedagogic- education awareness in Herzegovina. The printing house, from the time of establishment to the apprehension, changed 8 titles and in that period, 77 books were printed as well as newspapers of the religious and political content: Hecegovački bosiljak (1883/84), Novi hercegovački bosiljak (1884/85), Glas Hercegovca (1885/1896) and Osvit (1898/1908). This paper deals with the language of the newspapers Osvit. Regarding the fact that this newspapers has been published in Mostar in the late 19th and early 20th century and the political as well as language circumstances of its establishment caused the interesting fragments in history of the printing house activity, this paper deals with the features of the Osvit language. This newspapers observed the standard language of the philology school of Zagreb in the way it was possible. The orthography, graph and language consistencies and discrepancies as well as the reasons of their appearance were analyzed in detail concerning the language standard which was used by the editor and the associates

    Paremiological materials of the Herzegovinian Croatian periodicals at the turn of the 19th and 20th century

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    U radu će se prikazati da se u starijemu novinarsko-publicističkom funkcionalnom stilu i njegovim različitim rodovima (vijest, osvrt, komentar, podlistak i sl.) koji se koristio na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće u Hercegovini često koriste paremije kao nezaobilazno izražajno sredstvo. Brojnost njihova objavljivanja u tadašnjim tiskovinama dokumentiran je dio ne samo usmenoga narodnog blaga jednoga vremenskog odsječka, nego i posebnosti onodobna novinarsko-publicističkoga funkcionalnog stila koji čuva kulturno, jezično i komunikacijsko nasljeđe jednoga naroda. Hercegovačka hrvatska periodika na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće obiluje paremiološkom građom i domaćega i stranoga podrijetla. Pojava paremije u novinarsko-publicističkome funkcionalnom stilu toga vremena ogleda se i u njezinoj važnosti uporabe i za autore tekstova i za čitalačku publiku jer predstavlja izraz uvjerenja, vrijednosti i norme povezane s kulturom i važećim socijalnim vrijednostima. Hrvatska paremija u prvoj hercegovačkoj periodici na hrvatskome jeziku slijedi ustaljenu tradiciju prikupljanja i kontinuirana objavljivanja starijega hrvatskog paremiološkog nasljeđa u svrhu unaprjeđenja i brige za hrvatski jezik, književnost i kulturu. Strukturno paremija hrvatske javne pisane riječi na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće zadovoljava sva paremiološka obilježja, a paremiološke vrste stranoga podrijetla prikazane su prema jezicima koji se u to vrijeme najčešće koriste u javnome hercegovačkom, ali i na širem prostoru.The article will show that proverbs were often applied as inevitable means of expression in the older journalist-publicist functional style and its different classes (news, review, comment, feuilleton, etc.) used at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. A part of not only oral folklore of one time slot, but also particularities of the contemporaneous journalist-publicist functional style which preserves cultural, language and communication heritage of one nation, were documented through their abundance in the publications of that time. Herzegovinian Croatian periodicals at the turn of the 19th and 20th century are abundant with paremiological materials of domestic and foreign origin. Appearance of proverbs in the journalist-publicist functional style of that time is also reflected in the importance of its usage for both the authors of the texts and their readers because it represents the expression of belief, value and norm connected to culture and relevant social values. Croatian proverb in the first Herzegovinian periodical in Croatian language follows the well-established tradition of collecting and continuous publishing of the older Croatian paremiological heritage with the purpose of improvement and care of Croatian language, literature and culture. Structurally, proverb of the Croatian publicly written word at the turn of the 19th and 20th century satisfies all paremiological features, and paremiological forms of the foreign origin are shown by the languages in that time most often used in the public Herzegovinian and wider space

    Non-standard idioms in the newspapers Osvit (1898–1908)

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    Jedno od relevantnih frazemskih obiljeˇzja jest stilska obiljeˇzenost koja ima bitnu ulogu u odredivanju kontrastivnoga frazemskog znaˇcenja. U kontekstu stilske (ne)obiljeˇzenosti frazema u ovom se radu ˇzeli prikazati opreka nes- tandardnojeziˇcnih vs. standardnojeziˇcnih frazema na primjerima frazem- skoga korpusa hercegovaˇckoga ˇcasopisa Osvit koji je izlazio s kraja 19. i poˇcetkom 20. stolje´ca. Na temelju je toga frazemskoga obiljeˇzja i detaljne raˇsˇclambe frazemskih sastavnica na leksiˇckome planu dan pregled razlikov- nih obiljeˇzja izmedu nestandardnojeziˇcnih i standarnojeziˇcnih frazema kao i njihova danaˇsnja jeziˇcna uporaba.Stylistic marking is one of the relevant idiom features important for defining the contrastive meaning of idioms. This paper aims at showing the contrast between non-standard and standard idioms on the basis of the style being marked or unmarked by analyzing examples of idioms from the Croatian newspapers Osvit which used to be published in Mostar in the late 19th and early 20th century. Based on this idiom feature and a detailed lexical anal- ysis of idiom components, this paper illustrates the dissimilarities between non-standard and standard idioms as well as their actual use in language. A questionnaire was used to establish which of the collected non-standard idioms are known to 125 young Croatian speakers, students of Croatian at the University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The data show that some described non-standard idioms published at the beginning of 20th cen- tury are present today in various regional dialects and including the spoken variation of standard with the same meaning, but (slightly) different forms and are recognized by speakers today. Others belong to the passive lexicon of Croatian

    LANGUAGE OF THE “DAWN” Ortographic, graphic and language (in)consistencies in the “Dawn”

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    Tiskara katoličkoga poslanstva u Hercegovini pod vodstvom, a kasnije i vlasništvom fra Franje Milićevića bila je jedina nakladnička kuća u Hercegovini u 19. stoljeću. Tiskarska djelatnost ove institucije otvorila je put izdavaštvu, novinarstvu, književnosti, publicistici te pedagoško-prosvjetnoj osviještenosti Hercegovine. Uz razvoj i modernizaciju tiskare, koja je od svoga osnutka do gašenja promijenila čak 8 naziva, tiskano je 77 knjiga, a razvijali su se i mijenjali novinski listovi vjerskoga i političkoga sadržaja: Hecegovački bosiljak (1883./84.), Novi hercegovački bosiljak (1884./85), Glas Hercegovca (1885./1896.) i Osvit (1898./1908.). U ovom se radu posebna pozornost daje jeziku Osvita kao novinskoj djelatnosti. S obzirom da ovaj list izlazi na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće i da su okolnosti njegova nastanka, kako političke tako i jezične, bitno odredile povijest rada tiskare, u radu su prikazane značajke jezika Osvita koji se pridržavao normâ zagrebačke filološke škole onoliko koliko je to bilo moguće. Ovdje su prikazane pravopisne, grafijske i jezične (ne)dosljednosti u odnosu na jezični standard kojemu su se uredništvo i suradnici vodili kao i razlozi njihova pojavljivanja.The printing house of the catholic mission in Herzegovina which was managed by owner friar Franjo Milićević was the unique publishing house in the 19th century in Herzegovina. The publishing activities of this institution paved the way to the journalism, literature, publicist writing and pedagogic- education awareness in Herzegovina. The printing house, from the time of establishment to the apprehension, changed 8 titles and in that period, 77 books were printed as well as newspapers of the religious and political content: Hecegovački bosiljak (1883/84), Novi hercegovački bosiljak (1884/85), Glas Hercegovca (1885/1896) and Osvit (1898/1908). This paper deals with the language of the newspapers Osvit. Regarding the fact that this newspapers has been published in Mostar in the late 19th and early 20th century and the political as well as language circumstances of its establishment caused the interesting fragments in history of the printing house activity, this paper deals with the features of the Osvit language. This newspapers observed the standard language of the philology school of Zagreb in the way it was possible. The orthography, graph and language consistencies and discrepancies as well as the reasons of their appearance were analyzed in detail concerning the language standard which was used by the editor and the associates


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    U radu je prikazana motiviranost krematonima u FBiH s posebnim osvrtom na županije u kojima se većina govornika služi hrvatskim jezikom: Hercegovačko-neretvanska i Zapadnohercegovačka županija. Iz baze podataka registriranih obrtničkih, ugostiteljskih, uslužnih djelatnosti, odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova, trgovina i tvrtki na području navedenih županija u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, tzv. krematonima, uzeti su primjeri za raščlambu motiviranosti toga nazivlja. Obrađeno je 225 naziva u HNŽ-u i 141 u ZHŽ-u. Raščlamba je pokazala da su krematonimi najviše motivirani osobnim imenom, najčešće samoga vlasnika, odnosno antroponimom kao i općim imenicama. Najveći utjecaj stranih naziva iz engleskoga jezika odnosi se na kategoriju fitnes centara i plesnih škola, a najmanje na kategoriju odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova. Talijanski jezik ima najveći utjecaj na analizirane krematonime za cvjećarnice i pekarnice.The paper discusses the motivation of chrematonyms in the Federation of B&H and especially in the cantons with the Croatian speaking majority – in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and in the West Herzegovina Canton. The data were taken from the data base of the registered craftsman and catering services, educational institutions, shops and companies based in these cantons of the Federation of B&H. All together 225 names in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton were analysed plus 141 name in West Herzegovina Canton. The analysis has shown that the chrematonyms are mostly motivated by personal name, most frequently by the name of the owner, antroponym as well as by common nouns. The largest influence of foreign names from English language was noted in the category „fitness center“ and „dance schools“, whereas the smallest influence was noticed in the category of educational institutions. Italian language has the largest influence on the analysed chrematonyms for the flower shops and bakeries

    FORMATION SPECIFICS OF BOSNIAN-HERZEGOVINIAN TRADE AND OTHER TERMINOLOGY – Where do we usually shop: at the baker’s, at the baker’s shop or in a bakery?

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    Cilj je rada predstaviti tvorbene posebnosti bosanskohercegovačkoga obrtničkog i drugog nazivlja. Iz baze podataka registriranih obrtničkih, ugostiteljskih, uslužnih objekata na području županija u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine s većinskim hrvatskim stanovništvom: Hercegovačko-neretvanske županije, Zapadnohercegovačke županije i Hercegbosanske uzeti su primjeri za raščlambu sufiksalnih izvedenica i njihove različite učestalosti s obzirom na pojavu usporednica s dva ili tri tvorbena nastavka koji pripadaju različitim stilovima hrvatskoga jezika. Cilj je rada istražiti koliko su izvedenice, kojima su imenovani bosanskohercegovački obrtnički, ugostiteljski i uslužni objekti kao i nazivi gospodarskih društava, tvorene u skladu s hrvatskom standardnom tvorbenom normom i koliko su toj normi (ne)dosljedne. Prikazat će se i pravopisna neujednačenost pojedinih složenica u raščlanjenu registru naziva. Raščlanjena je i struktura ostalih naziva s obzirom na podrijetlo tvorbena modela.The aim of this paper is to present the formation specifics of Bosnian-Herzegovinian trade and other terminology. Examples for the analysis of suffix derivatives and their different frequency regarding the appearance of parallels with two or three formation affixes that belong to different styles of Croatian language, were taken from database of registered trade, catering and service facilities in the cantons of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Croatian majority: Herzegovina Neretva Canton, West Herzegovina Canton and Herzeg-Bosnia Canton. The aim of the paper is to explore how much derivatives, used for naming Bosnian-Herzegovinian trade, catering and service facilities as well as economic societies, are formed in accordance to Croatian standard formation norm and how much they are (in)consistent to that norm. The paper will also give an overview of orthographic inconsistencies of certain compound words in the analyzed name registry. Structure of other names regarding the origin of formation model were also analyzed

    (Ir)reversibility of Croatian and Italian Binominals

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    Stabilnost strukture važno je frazemsko obilježje, koje se na početku razvoja frazeologije kao znanstvene discipline jasno ograničilo i istaknulo. Međutim, istraživanja temeljena na analizi mrežnih korpusa pokazuju da pojedina obilježja zahtijevaju drugačiji pristup. Stabilnost strukture ne isključuje se iz popisa temeljnih obilježja frazema, ali se sve više smatra relativnom, dok se varijabilnost frazema naglašava kao značajka koja također bitno obilježava frazeme. To vrijedi za sve frazeološke podvrste uključujući i leksičke binome. Različiti tipovi varijacije obilježavaju i same binome, ali o njihovoj reverzibilnosti, odnosno topološkoj varijaciji nisu postojala opsežnija istraživanja. Unatoč manjkavosti frazeografske obradbe leksičkih binoma, mnogi od njih pokazuju visok postotak reverzibilnosti. Raščlambom se ekscerpiranih primjera iz korpusa talijanskoga i hrvatskoga jezika reverzibilnost potvrđuje kao bitno obilježje leksičkih binoma.La stabilità della struttura è una caratteristica dei frasemi assai importante, che all’inizio dello sviluppo della fraseologia come disciplina scientifica era chiaramente delimitata e messa in rilievo. Tuttavia, le ricerche recenti basate sull’analisi dei web corpora nazionali mostrano che certe caratteristiche dei frasemi richiedono un approccio più differenziato, per cui la stabilità della struttura, non escludendola dall’elenco delle caratteristiche essenziali, viene sempre più considerata relativa, mentre la variabilità viene messa in rilievo, essendo una caratteristica essenziale dei frasemi. Ciò vale per tutte le sottoclassi fraseologiche, compresi i binomi lessicali, che erano riconosciuti in particolar modo dalla loro struttura stabile. Si tratta di costruzioni polilessicali, perlopiù lessicalizzate, con una struttura più o meno stabile, caratterizzate spesso dall’idiomaticità. Diversi tipi di variazione, soprattutto di quella lessicale, caratterizzano i binomi stessi, ma finora non sono state condotte ricerche approfondite sulla loro irreversibilità, cioè sulla variazione topologica. Nonostante le mancanze dell’elaborazione fraseografica dei binomi, molti di essi mostrano un’elevata percentuale di reversibilità e l’ordine dei loro componenti non è così immutabile come è stato sostenuto finora. L’ordine dei componenti di molti binomi sull’asse sincronico è reversibile e c’è spesso la preferenza per una sequenza, il che dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione nella loro elaborazione fraseografica. L’analisi degli esempi estratti dai web corpora itWaC per l\u27italiano e hrWac per il croato conferma che la reversibilità è una caratteristica essenziale dei binomi lessicali.When phraseology first emerged as a scientific discipline, the structural stability of phraseological units was emphasized as one of its most important properties. However, the recent research based on the online corpora suggests that certain properties of phraseological units require a differentiated approach, and while the structural stability is still is one of its inherent properties, it is considered relative, which is why its variability is increasingly emphasised. This applies to all types of phraseological units, including binomials, which are typically characterized by a rigid structure. Binominals are multi-word units, mainly lexicalized, and have a more or less stable structure, which often denotes idiomaticity. Different types of idiom variations, especially lexical ones are one of the characteristics of binomials; but their irreversibility, i.e., topological variation, has not been extensively researched. Despite the shortcomings of the phraseological analysis of binomials, many showed a high degree of reversibility, and the sequence of their components proved to be more inconsistent than previously claimed. Within a given synchronous cross-section, the sequence of many binomial components is reversible, while one sequence is often prioritized. This should be increasingly considered in the phraseographic analyses of binomials. The analysis of the examples extracted from the Italian web corpus itWaC and Croatian hrWac confirms that reversibility is an inherent property of binomials

    (Ir)reversibility of Croatian and Italian Binominals

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    Stabilnost strukture važno je frazemsko obilježje, koje se na početku razvoja frazeologije kao znanstvene discipline jasno ograničilo i istaknulo. Međutim, istraživanja temeljena na analizi mrežnih korpusa pokazuju da pojedina obilježja zahtijevaju drugačiji pristup. Stabilnost strukture ne isključuje se iz popisa temeljnih obilježja frazema, ali se sve više smatra relativnom, dok se varijabilnost frazema naglašava kao značajka koja također bitno obilježava frazeme. To vrijedi za sve frazeološke podvrste uključujući i leksičke binome. Različiti tipovi varijacije obilježavaju i same binome, ali o njihovoj reverzibilnosti, odnosno topološkoj varijaciji nisu postojala opsežnija istraživanja. Unatoč manjkavosti frazeografske obradbe leksičkih binoma, mnogi od njih pokazuju visok postotak reverzibilnosti. Raščlambom se ekscerpiranih primjera iz korpusa talijanskoga i hrvatskoga jezika reverzibilnost potvrđuje kao bitno obilježje leksičkih binoma.La stabilità della struttura è una caratteristica dei frasemi assai importante, che all’inizio dello sviluppo della fraseologia come disciplina scientifica era chiaramente delimitata e messa in rilievo. Tuttavia, le ricerche recenti basate sull’analisi dei web corpora nazionali mostrano che certe caratteristiche dei frasemi richiedono un approccio più differenziato, per cui la stabilità della struttura, non escludendola dall’elenco delle caratteristiche essenziali, viene sempre più considerata relativa, mentre la variabilità viene messa in rilievo, essendo una caratteristica essenziale dei frasemi. Ciò vale per tutte le sottoclassi fraseologiche, compresi i binomi lessicali, che erano riconosciuti in particolar modo dalla loro struttura stabile. Si tratta di costruzioni polilessicali, perlopiù lessicalizzate, con una struttura più o meno stabile, caratterizzate spesso dall’idiomaticità. Diversi tipi di variazione, soprattutto di quella lessicale, caratterizzano i binomi stessi, ma finora non sono state condotte ricerche approfondite sulla loro irreversibilità, cioè sulla variazione topologica. Nonostante le mancanze dell’elaborazione fraseografica dei binomi, molti di essi mostrano un’elevata percentuale di reversibilità e l’ordine dei loro componenti non è così immutabile come è stato sostenuto finora. L’ordine dei componenti di molti binomi sull’asse sincronico è reversibile e c’è spesso la preferenza per una sequenza, il che dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione nella loro elaborazione fraseografica. L’analisi degli esempi estratti dai web corpora itWaC per l\u27italiano e hrWac per il croato conferma che la reversibilità è una caratteristica essenziale dei binomi lessicali.When phraseology first emerged as a scientific discipline, the structural stability of phraseological units was emphasized as one of its most important properties. However, the recent research based on the online corpora suggests that certain properties of phraseological units require a differentiated approach, and while the structural stability is still is one of its inherent properties, it is considered relative, which is why its variability is increasingly emphasised. This applies to all types of phraseological units, including binomials, which are typically characterized by a rigid structure. Binominals are multi-word units, mainly lexicalized, and have a more or less stable structure, which often denotes idiomaticity. Different types of idiom variations, especially lexical ones are one of the characteristics of binomials; but their irreversibility, i.e., topological variation, has not been extensively researched. Despite the shortcomings of the phraseological analysis of binomials, many showed a high degree of reversibility, and the sequence of their components proved to be more inconsistent than previously claimed. Within a given synchronous cross-section, the sequence of many binomial components is reversible, while one sequence is often prioritized. This should be increasingly considered in the phraseographic analyses of binomials. The analysis of the examples extracted from the Italian web corpus itWaC and Croatian hrWac confirms that reversibility is an inherent property of binomials