
U radu je prikazana motiviranost krematonima u FBiH s posebnim osvrtom na županije u kojima se većina govornika služi hrvatskim jezikom: Hercegovačko-neretvanska i Zapadnohercegovačka županija. Iz baze podataka registriranih obrtničkih, ugostiteljskih, uslužnih djelatnosti, odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova, trgovina i tvrtki na području navedenih županija u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, tzv. krematonima, uzeti su primjeri za raščlambu motiviranosti toga nazivlja. Obrađeno je 225 naziva u HNŽ-u i 141 u ZHŽ-u. Raščlamba je pokazala da su krematonimi najviše motivirani osobnim imenom, najčešće samoga vlasnika, odnosno antroponimom kao i općim imenicama. Najveći utjecaj stranih naziva iz engleskoga jezika odnosi se na kategoriju fitnes centara i plesnih škola, a najmanje na kategoriju odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova. Talijanski jezik ima najveći utjecaj na analizirane krematonime za cvjećarnice i pekarnice.The paper discusses the motivation of chrematonyms in the Federation of B&H and especially in the cantons with the Croatian speaking majority – in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and in the West Herzegovina Canton. The data were taken from the data base of the registered craftsman and catering services, educational institutions, shops and companies based in these cantons of the Federation of B&H. All together 225 names in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton were analysed plus 141 name in West Herzegovina Canton. The analysis has shown that the chrematonyms are mostly motivated by personal name, most frequently by the name of the owner, antroponym as well as by common nouns. The largest influence of foreign names from English language was noted in the category „fitness center“ and „dance schools“, whereas the smallest influence was noticed in the category of educational institutions. Italian language has the largest influence on the analysed chrematonyms for the flower shops and bakeries

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