5 research outputs found

    107 Care management of heart failure in elderly patients in France. Results from the DEVENIR study

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    RationaleThe part of elderly patients (pts) in heart failure (HF) population is growing. They might pose specific problems due to the greater proportion of HF with preserved LVEF, more frequent comorbidities or contra-indications to recommended HF treatment.Objectivesto describe the care management of pts > 80-year treated for HF in France.MethodsCross sectional observational survey with retrospective collection of data at hospital discharge. Pts must have been diagnosed with CHF and have been hospitalised for CHF within the previous 18 months. Pts are classified according to the LVEF at hospital discharge.Results412 French outhospital cardiologists entered 1 452 pts meeting the inclusion criteria. FEVG at hospital discharge was known for 1408 pts. 355 (25%) were more than 80-year-old. Management care at hospital discharge according to age and LVEF is detailed below.LVEF < 40%LVEF 40-50%LVEF > 50%TotalAge>80ACEI/ARB84%81%80%82%*BB71%67%40%†,‡62%*Loop diuretics92%85%85%88%Spironolactone/eplerenone26%20%18%22%*Digoxin20%15%29%21%*Calcium antagonists10%14%37%†,‡18%Anticoagulants49%45%51%49%*Age≤80ACEI/ARB93%93%85%†,‡92%BB79%78%76%79%Loop diuretics90%82%79%†,§86%Spironolactone/eplerenone35%21%25%†,§30%Digoxin16%15%16%15%Calcium antagonists9%19%21%†,§13%Anticoagulants42%39%39%41%†p<0.05 for comparisons between LVEF > 50% and LVEF<40%;‡p<0.05 for comparisons between LVEF>50% and LVEF between 40% and 50%;§: p<0.05 for comparisons between LVEF<40% and LVEF between 40% and 50%;*p<0.05 for comparisons between > 80 and ≤ 80 years old adjusted for LVEF.ConclusionBB, ACEI/ARB, spironolactone/eplerenone are less often prescribed in elderly patients contrasting with digoxin and anticoagulants prescription. These differences persist after adjustment on LVEF

    088 Prescription of beta blockers at hospital discharge and beyond, in patients with heart failure. Results from the DEVENIR study

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    RationaleBeta blockers are a corner stone treatment of heart failure (HF) in patients with altered systolic function (LVEF<40%). Guidelines are less clear for HF patients with preserved systolic function (LVEF>50%) or for patients belonging to the “grey zone” (LVEF 40-50%).Objectivesto describe the prescription rate of beta-blockers in HF patients.MethodsCross sectional observational survey with retrospective collection of data at hospital discharge. Patients must have been diagnosed with CHF and have been hospitalised for CHF within the previous 18 months. Patients are classified according to the LVEF at hospital discharge.Results1 452 patients were included by 412 French outhospital cardiologists. 1137 with known LVEF at hospital discharge have had at least one visit by the cardiologist between hospital discharge (mean delay 5.76±4.51 months). In a multivariate model, BB prescription was more frequent in HF from ischemic origin (OR=1.39) or with dilated cardiomyopathy (OR=1.44) and less frequent in older patients (OR=0.97 per year) and in case of asthma/COPD (OR=0.31 and if FEVG was >50% (OR=0.62).LVEF < 40% N=661LVEF 40-50% N=282LVEF > 50% N=194Total N=1137At hospital discharge/at entry in the surveyBB78%/83%78%/85%62%/70%76%/82%Recommended BB†75%/77%72%/74%54%/62%71%/74%Reaching the target dose8%/16%7%/16%7%/13%7%/15%Changes since dischargeBB added*28%34%25%28%BB stopped**1%1%2%1%BB dose increased*27%27%17%25%BB dose decreased4%1%3%3%†metoprolol, nebivolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol ;*percentage calculated in patients without BB at hospital discharge (N=278);**percentage calculated in patients with BB at hospital discharge (N=859).ConclusionRate of betablockers prescription is high at hospital discharge. Outhospital cardiologists not only pursue but also amplify the care strategies defined during hospitalisation increasing the proportion of patients receiving BB and the percentage reaching the target dose

    Status of GPCR modeling and docking as reflected by community-wide GPCR Dock 2010 assessment

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    The community-wide GPCR Dock assessment is conducted to evaluate the status of molecular modeling and ligand docking for human G protein-coupled receptors. The present round of the assessment was based on the recent structures of dopamine D3 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors bound to small molecule antagonists and CXCR4 with a synthetic cyclopeptide. Thirty-five groups submitted their receptor-ligand complex structure predictions prior to the release of the crystallographic coordinates. With closely related homology modeling templates, as for dopamine D3 receptor, and with incorporation of biochemical and QSAR data, modern computational techniques predicted complex details with accuracy approaching experimental. In contrast, CXCR4 complexes that had less-characterized interactions and only distant homology to the known GPCR structures still remained very challenging. The assessment results provide guidance for modeling and crystallographic communities in method development and target selection for further expansion of the structural coverage of the GPCR universe. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved