14 research outputs found

    Genetic recombination of bovine viral diarrhea virus subgenotype -1a and -1c in persistently infected dairy cattle

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    The bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a major viral pathogen in cattle worldwide. In Indonesia,  diversity in subgenotypes of BVDV-1 has been observed, with the highest proportion of subgenotype -1a, followed by -1c, -1b, and -1d. So far, phylogenetic analysis of BVDV-1 is based on nucleotide sequences of the 5′ UTR and partial NS5B regions. Accuracy in identifying the subgenotype and antigenic type is critical for vaccine development and effective vaccination. The aim of this study was to determine genetic recombination of BVDV through phylogenetic analysis of five different regions (5′ UTR, NPro, E2, NS3, and NS5B) of BVDV in persistently infected dairy cattle. Five isolates were sequenced using next-generation sequencing, and data were analyzed with the CLC Genomic Workbench 9.0 and MEGA-X programs. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 5′ UTR (275 nt), NPro (504 nt), E2 (1,122 nt), NS3 (2,049 nt), and NS5B (2,157 nt) regions indicated  that one BVDV isolate from Banyumas, Central Java, could be classified into different subgenotypes based on the E2 region (-1c), but the same subgenotype based on the other four regions (-1a), suggesting  the presence of genetic recombination of the BVDV subgenotypes -1a and -1c in persistently infected dairy cattle


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    Virus avian influenza (AI) merupakan virus dengan materi genetik RNA single-stranded sense negatif, beramplop yang termasuk dalam famili Orthomyxoviridae. Onestep simplex reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) merupakan salah satu metode diagnosis yang dapat diandalkan untuk mendeteksi virus AI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan metode diagnosis cepat virus AI pada spesimen lapangan secara langsung dari pasar unggas berdasarkan amplifikasi RT-PCR gen M dan H5 dengan metode yang berbasis onestep simplex RT-PCR tanpa melalui proses inokulasi dan propagasi virus AI dalam telur ayam berembrio (TAB). Sebanyak 35 sampel spesimen lapangan dari swab trakea unggas yang berasal dari pasar unggas di Terban, Kotamadya Yogyakarta digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Amplifikasi DNA secara onestep simplex RT-PCR pada gen matriks (M) dilakukan terhadap seluruh sampel. Pada sampel-sampel yang menunjukkan hasil positif pada amplifikasi gen M kemudian dilakukan amplifikasi RT-PCR secara lebih lanjut untuk gen H5 virus AI. Produk hasil amplifikasi RT-PCR gen M dan H5 divisualisasikan menggunakan elektroforesis gel agarose konsentrasi 1% dengan pewarnaan SYBR® Safe DNA Gel Staining. Hasil amplifikasi RT-PCR gen M menunjukkan bahwa dari 35 sampel diperoleh 8 sampel positif terinfeksi virus AI tipe A yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya fragmen DNA sebesar 200 bp, sedangkan hasil amplifikasi gen H5 sebanyak 5 dari 8 sampel-sampel tersebut merupakan virus AI tipe A subtipe H5 yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya fragmen DNA sebesar 545 bp. Diagnosis cepat virus AI tipe A subtipe H5 secara langsung dari spesimen lapangan di pasar unggas dapat dilakukan dengan metode onestep simplex RT-PCR, namun metode diagnosis tersebut tidak dapat mendeteksi keberadaan virus AI dalam sampel yang virusnya terlalu sedikit

    Diagnosis Molekuler Virus Flu Burung-A Subtipe H5 Berdasarkan Amplifikasi Gen M dan H5 dengan Metode Onestep Simplex RT-PCR (MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS OF AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS TYPE A AND SUBTYPE H5 BY AMPLIFICATION OF ITS M AND H5 GENES USING ONE STEP SIMPLEX R

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    Influenza A viruses which belong to the Family of Orthomyxoviridae are a group of viruses withsegmented ssRNA genome. The viruses can be subgroupped into many subtypes on the basis of theirsurface glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) proteins. Among the HA subtypes, H5and H7 have been found to be the most pathogenic. Conventional diagnosis of the viruses is usuallyperformed by isolation of the viruses in embryonated eggs, and hemagglutination (HA) and hemagglutinationinhibition test. Although those methods are sensitive and accurate, they are time consuming and requirelaboratory facilities with high biosafety level. Commercial methods such as emzyme-linked immonosorbentassay (ELISA) and immunoflurescense assay also provide a rapid result but less sensitive and specificthan conventional methods. Molecular diagnosis by amplification of M and H5 genes using one strepsimplex reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain eraction (RT-PCR) provices a rapid and accurate diagnosisfor the viruses. A study was therefore conducted to evaluate the accurate and rapidity of such the moleculartests for diagnosis of avian influenza A virus, subtype H5. As many as 10 sample of the virus isolateswhich were available at the Animal Desease investigation Center in Wates, Yogyakarta, were uses in thisstudy. The virus isolates were firstly propagated in specific antigen negative (SAN) chicken embryos andtested by HA/HI test. The viruses were then subjected for the RT-PCR test with varying annealingtemperatures of 500C and 520C. The result showed that all 10 isolates were type A influenza virus and 8out of 10 were influenza A subtype H5 influenza virus. RT-PCR used in this study appears to be moresensitive, rapid and accurate as compared to those by serological and isolation of the virus in embryonatedeggs


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    Tetelo or Newcastle Disease (ND)  virus is belong to the family Paramyxoviridae, which has a singlestranded RNA (ss RNA) genome and it has viral envelope.  The viral envelope consists of two majorproteins, namely Haemagglutinin/Neuraminidase (H/N) and Fusion (F) protein. Molecular diagnosticmethods OneStep RT-PCR is a commonly diagnostic tool that used to diagnose of Tetelo in poultry. In thisstudy the diagnosis of Tetelo is accomplished by amplification of F protein encoding gene of Tetelo virusdirectly from field specimens without inoculation and propagation of Tetelo virus into embryonated chickeneggs. The objective of this study is to conduct rapid diagnosis of Tetelo virus directly from the field specimensbased on the amplification of the F gene by a OneStep RT-PCR method, so that the results of this study canbe used to assist in the identification of Tetelo virus directly from the field specimens. The results showedthat from the 15 samples of virus which isolated from tracheal swabs of clinical poultry showing symptomsof Tetelo virus infection, a total of 12 samples from 15 tested sampels (80%) are positive tested for Tetelovirus infection. They were indicated by the amplification product of DNA fragments in size of 362 bp.OneStep RT-PCR is a method for rapid and effective diagnosis which can be used  to diagnose of Tetelovirus directly from field specimens

    Multiplex Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction untuk Deteksi Cepat Virus Flu Burung H5N1 (MULTIPLEX REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION-POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION FOR RAPID DETECTION OF H5N1 AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS)

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    Avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 (AIV H5N1) is highly pathogenic and fatal in poultry. The virusis still endemic with low virulence rate, although it may play a critical role in causing high morbidity andmortality rates in poultry in Indonesia. In general, diagnostic approach for AIV H5N1 is based onconventional serological and viral isolation methods that have the potential to produce consumings oftime and relatively expensive cost within the laboratory without compromising test utility. Thus, amolecular approach of multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (mRT-PCR) was developedand applied for the detection of matrix gene type A influenza viruses, AIV subtype subtype H5hemagglutinin gene with simultaneous detection of N1 nucleoprotein gene. Thirty sera specimens fromthe diseased commercial chickens that were specifically amplified positive-RT-PCR for AIV H5N1 wereselected for mRT-PCR. The mRT-PCR products were visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis and consistedof DNA fragments of AIV of 245 bp, 545 bp and 343 bp for M, H5 and N1 genes, respectively. Thus, themRT-PCR that can rapidly differentiate simultaneously between these genes is very important for thecontrol and even eradication of AIV transmission in poultry in Indonesia

    Kesesuaian Uji Antigen Capture Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay dan Nested Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction untuk Diagnosis Rutin Bovine Viral Diarrhea

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    Abstract Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) is one of the main causes of impaired productivity and reproduction of cows. Antigen capture Elisa (ACE) is one of the serological technique that is sensitive, reliable and used regularly for detecting persistent BVD infection individually which simpler than  multiplex nested PCR. The aim of this study was to determine the agreement between ACE and multiplex nested PCR as a routine laboratory diagnostic technique to detect the presence of BVD infection. A total of 128 cow serum samples consisting of 63 positive and 65 negative samples based on ACE were used in this study. The samples were collected from active and passive surveillance in dairy and beef cattle conducted by Balai Besar Veteriner (BBVet) Wates. The serum samples were then tested molecularly using multiplex nested PCR against BVD. The result showed 48 out of 63  BVDV-1 positive samples were found positive BVD antigen whereas 57 of 65  BVDV-1 negative samples were negative using multiplex nested PCR, . The agreement value between the two different assays based on statistic analysis using Kappa method was 0.64 and classified a good one. The result concluded that the ACE BVD assay was equally suitable as routine diagnosis to determine BVD infected cattle in the farm. Keywords: Antigen capture ELISA; Bovine viral diarrhea; Kappa; Multiplex nested PCR.   Abstrak Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) merupakan salah satu penyebab gangguan produktivitas dan reproduksi sapi. Antigen capture ELISA (ACE) merupakan salah satu teknik serologis yang sensitif, dapat diandalkan dan digunakan secara teratur untuk mendeteksi infeksi BVD persisten secara individual yang lebih sederhana daripada multiplex nested PCR. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antara uji ACE dan multiplex nested PCR sebagai teknik diagnostik laboratorium rutin untuk mendeteksi adanya infeksi BVD. Sebanyak 128 sampel serum sapi yang terdiri dari 63 sampel positif dan 65 negatif berdasarkan ACE BVDV Antigen Test Kit/Serum Plus (Idexx®) digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel serum sapi merupakan koleksi dari surveilans aktif dan pasif pada sapi perah dan potong yang dilakukan Balai Besar Veteriner (BBVet) Wates. Sampel serum kemudian diuji secara molekuler menggunakan multiplex nested PCR terhadap BVD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan teknik multiplex nested PCR, 48 dari 63 sampel positif BVDV-1 ditemukan positif untuk antigen BVD sedangkan 57 dari 65 sampel negatif BVDV-1 negatif untuk antigen BVD. Analisis statitik berdasarkan perhitungan metoda Kappa menunjukkan nilai kesesuaian antara dua uji sebesar 0,64 dan tergolong bagus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesimpulan bahwa uji ACE BVD sesuai sebagai diagnosis rutin untuk menentukan ternak yang terinfeksi BVD di peternakan. Kata kunci: Antigen capture ELISA; Bovine viral diarrhea; Kappa; Multiplex nested PCR

    Analysis of viral protein-2 encoding gene of avian encephalomyelitis virus from field specimens in Central Java region, Indonesia

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    Aim: Avian encephalomyelitis (AE) is a viral disease which can infect various types of poultry, especially chicken. In Indonesia, the incidence of AE infection in chicken has been reported since 2009, the AE incidence tends to increase from year to year. The objective of this study was to analyze viral protein 2 (VP-2) encoding gene of AE virus (AEV) from various species of birds in field specimen by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification using specific nucleotides primer for confirmation of AE diagnosis. Materials and Methods: A total of 13 AEV samples are isolated from various species of poultry which are serologically diagnosed infected by AEV from some areas in central Java, Indonesia. Research stage consists of virus samples collection from field specimens, extraction of AEV RNA, amplification of VP-2 protein encoding gene by RT-PCR, separation of RT-PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing and data analysis. Results: Amplification products of the VP-2 encoding gene of AEV by RT-PCR methods of various types of poultry from field specimens showed a positive results on sample code 499/4/12 which generated DNA fragment in the size of 619 bp. Sensitivity test of RT-PCR amplification showed that the minimum concentration of RNA template is 127.75 ng/μl. The multiple alignments of DNA sequencing product indicated that positive sample with code 499/4/12 has 92% nucleotide homology compared with AEV with accession number AV1775/07 and 85% nucleotide homology with accession number ZCHP2/0912695 from Genbank database. Analysis of VP-2 gene sequence showed that it found 46 nucleotides difference between isolate 499/4/12 compared with accession number AV1775/07 and 93 nucleotides different with accession number ZCHP2/0912695. Conclusions: Analyses of the VP-2 encoding gene of AEV with RT-PCR method from 13 samples from field specimen generated the DNA fragment in the size of 619 bp from one sample with sample code 499/4/12. The sensitivity rate of RT-PCR is to amplify the VP-2 gene of AEV until 127.75 ng/μl of RNA template. Compared to Genbank databases, isolate 499/4/12 has 85% and 92% nucleotide homology

    The Epidemiology and Control of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus in Tropical Indonesian Cattle

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    This review aims to update the knowledge of the epidemiology of Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Indonesia and Southeast Asia and provide a perspective on the control options for BVDV in the Indonesian cattle population in the future. Studies on BVDV in Indonesia, since its first report in that country, and the updated beef and dairy cattle industries are reviewed. In ten of 34 provinces, BVDV is endemic. The subgenotypes of BVDV-1a and BVDV-1c are predominant in Indonesian cattle. However, BVDV is currently not a priority disease to control in Indonesia. Cattle imports from Australia appear to be potentially the most significant source of transmission of BVDV into native cattle, but the control of BVDV conducted in the local quarantine facilities is currently not achieving the aim of controlling BVDV; thus, complementary measures are needed. With the small-scale nature of the vast majority of cattle breeding in the country, the control of BVDV in provinces in which cattle breeding is economically essential may need to be organised by regional and provincial governments. Gaps in our knowledge of BVDV are identified in this review, and strategies for the control of BVDV in Indonesia are discussed