40 research outputs found

    Особенности психологического сопровождения по развитию стрессоустойчивости личности оператора в служебной деятельности

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    The article deals with the issue of main­taining the stress resistance of operators in the per­formance of official activities in conditions of im­mediate danger. This article highlights the stages of psychological research on the development of oper­ators’ resistance to stress, reflects the features of the organization and conduct of psychological support of persons performing combat missions. The purpose of psychological support was to normalize the level of neuropsychological stability of the subjects and sta­bilize the psycho-emotional state. The main objective of the study is to identify the personal qualities of the subjects and the development of their skills of stress resistance in the conditions of official activity. The methodological basis of the study was the principle of development, system, subjectivity, the provisions of the activity approach, cultural and historical concept, personal approach. The study involved 27 respon­dents. The peculiarity of the sample is that the sub­jects were engaged in operator activities in the Novo­sibirsk region. The methods «MPQ Adaptability» by A. G. Maklakova, S. V. Chermenina and «P-profile» by G. Eysenck were used to measure the stress resistance dynamics development of the individual operators. Thus, the results of empirical research «before» and «after» the psychological support of operators were obtained. The characteristic personal qualities for the development of operators’ stress resistance skills in the conditions of immediate danger were revealed. It is important for people engaged in operator’s ac­tivities to develop such indicators of stress resistance as improving performance under the influence of var­ious (light, thermal, etc.) stimuli, increasing moral interest in work, the formation of conscious discipline, improving physical and psychological preparedness for stressful situations, rational organization of work and rest regimes, observance of measures of personal and public hygiene, optimization of interaction with equipment by improving professional skills, etc.В статье рассматривается вопрос о поддержании стрессоустойчивости операторов при выполнении служебной деятельности в усло­виях непосредственной опасности. Цель психоло­гического сопровождения состояла в том, что­бы нормализовать уровень нервно – психической устойчивости испытуемых и стабилизировать психоэмоциональное состояние. Основная задача исследования – выявление личностных качеств испытуемых и развитие у них навыков стрессоу­стойчивости в условиях служебной деятельности. Методологической основой исследования послужи­ли принцип развития, системности, субъектно­сти, положения деятельностного и субъектно-де­ятельностного подходов, культурно-исторической концепции. Выделены этапы проведения психоло­гического исследования операторов на развитие устойчивости к стрессу. Отражены особенно­сти организации и проведения психологического сопровождения лиц, выполняющих боевые задачи. В исследовании приняли участие 27 респонден­тов. Особенность выборки в том, что испыту­емые занимались операторской деятельностью в Новосибирской области. Для измерения дина­мики развития стрессоустойчивости личности операторов были использованы методики «МЛО Адаптивность» А. Г. Маклакова, С. В. Чермянина и «Л-профиль» Г. Айзенка. Получены результаты эмпирического исследования «до» и «после» про­ведения психологического сопровождения опера­торов. Были выявлены характерные личностные качества для развития навыков стрессоустойчи­вости операторов в условиях непосредственной опасности. Лицам, занимающим операторской деятельностью, важно развивать в себе такие показатели стрессоустойчивости, как повыше­ние работоспособности под влиянием различных (световых, термических и др.) раздражителей, повышение моральной заинтересованности к ра­боте, формирование сознательной дисциплиниро­ванности, совершенствование физической и пси­хологической подготовленности к стрессовым ситуациям, рациональная организация режимов труда и отдыха, соблюдение мероприятий личной и общественной гигиены, оптимизация взаимодей­ствия с техникой за счет повышение профессио­нальной квалификации и др


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    The strategy for the conservation of genetic diversity involves the cultivation of unique native breeds of animals. Tuva coarse-haired goats are relatively prolific, moderately early maturing, and, in addition to good meat productivity, have unique economically useful traits - very thin fluff. The purpose of the study was to study the productive indicators of Tuva coarse-haired goats and goats to identify age-related features of the morphometric parameters of the coat using an OFDA-2000 optical analyzer of the diameter of wool fibers. 18 months (n=20). The length of the down is 5.14±0.33 cm and 4.45±0.15 cm in goats and goats, respectively. The proportion of downy hair (diameter less than 30 µm) in the staple ranges from 85.0±1.23% to 87.37±1.34%. The amount of transitional hair is at the level of 3.85±0.82-4.62±0.65% (Cv 62.51-79.90%). With age, the animals tend to coarsen the fibers, this is evidenced by both the shift of the histogram peak from 16.20±0.40 µm in goats to 17.43±0.43 µm in goats, and changes in the structure of hair related to the awn ( goat wool contains 7.2 times more fibers with a diameter of more than 90 microns), We believe that when selecting Tuva goats to obtain high-quality down with the smallest fiber diameter, special attention should be paid, in addition to the length of the down and its diameter, to the presence of a transitional hair type (30.1-52.5 µm)


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    The article deals with the problem of individual psychic stability of representatives of one of the professions (operator) of high-tech content to information-risk variables in psychologically difficult situations. The scientific interest lies in a more in-depth study of the most significant properties in the system of personal qualities of the operator that provide an adaptation to the stressors in the labor process. The methodological basis of the study was the provisions of the system-complex approach, the system-regulative concept, the cognitive approach to the study of stress and cognitive-affective personality theory. The results of the analysis of theoretical approaches to the stressiveness of the employees of high-tech occupations were the basis for carrying out an experimental study. Along with general scientific methods, a set of techniques was used, including an individual typological questionnaire, L. N. Sobchik; a questionnaire of the dominant mental state of LVKulikov; a questionnaire of strong-willed self-control, developed by AG Zverkov and BV Eidman, which made it possible to assess the stress-resistance of the surveyed contingent. 62 operators were surveyed in the work, carrying out professional activities at various strategic sites deployed in the Siberian subregion. The results of the study of the mental state of operators under conditions of information impact are presented. A group of respondents is singled out probabilistically exposed to information-risk variables. The results of the study showed that 6% of respondents were experiencing general anxiety, 12% – aggression, 15% – depression and 9% are in a state of intrapsychological conflict. At the same time, from 3% to 6% of respondents showed a low level of activity and performance. In general, a low level of satisfaction with life showed about 21% of respondents. The assumption of the specificity of the influence of information stress under the conditions of risk has been confirmed. A group of respondents is identified probabilistically exposed to the impact of information stress. It is concluded that it is necessary not only to systematically monitor the state of stress resistance of operators, but also to increase the individual stability of the operator with the help of psychological techniques and training. Further study of the psychological nature of stress resistance, the mechanisms of its manifestation, the dependence on the specifics of the activity and the impact on the labor process will make it possible to substantiate the prospective directions of research.В статье рассматривается проблема индивидуальной психической устойчивости представителей одной из профессий (оператора) высокотехнологичного контента к переменным информационного риска в психологически сложных ситуациях. Научный интерес заключается в глубоком изучении наиболее значимых свойств в системе личных качеств оператора, которые обеспечивают адаптацию к стрессорам в трудовом процессе. Методологической основой исследования стали положения системно-комплексного подхода, системно-регулятивной концепции, когнитивного подхода к изучению стресса и когнитивно-аффективной теории личности. Результаты анализа теоретических подходов к стрессоустойчивости сотрудников высокотехнологичных профессий послужили основой для проведения экспериментального исследования. Наряду с общими научными методами был использован набор методов, в том числе индивидуальный типологический вопросник Л. Н. Собчик; вопросник доминантного психического состояния Л. В. Куликова; опросник волевого самоконтроля, разработанный А. Г. Зверковым и Б. В. Эйдманом, позволивших оценить стрессоустойчивость обследованного контингента. В работе были обследованы 62 оператора, осуществляющих профессиональную деятельность на различных стратегических объектах, расположенных в Сибирском субрегионе. Приводятся результаты изучения психического состояния операторов в условиях информационного воздействия. Выделяется группа респондентов, вероятностно подверженная переменным информационного риска. Результаты исследования показали, что 6% респондентов испытывают общее беспокойство, 12% – состояние агрессии, 15% – депрессии и 9% находятся в состоянии интрапсихического конфликта. В то же время от 3% до 6% респондентов показали низкий уровень активности и производительности. В целом, низкий уровень удовлетворенности жизнью показали около 21% респондентов. Подтверждено предположение о специфичности влияния информационного стресса в условиях риска. Группа респондентов идентифицирована как вероятностно подверженная влиянию информационного стресса. Сделан вывод, что необходим не только мониторинг за состоянием стрессоустойчивости операторов, но и повышение индивидуальной психической стабильности оператора с помощью психологических методов и обучения. Дальнейшее изучение психологической природы стрессоустойчивости, механизмов ее проявления, зависимости от специфики деятельности и влияния на трудовой процесс даст возможность обосновать перспективные направления исследований

    Arthroscopic suture-tape internal bracing is safe as arthroscopic modified Brostrom repair in the treatment of chronic ankle instability

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to compare the intermediate-term clinical outcomes between lateral ligaments augmentation using suture-tape and modified Brostrom repair in a selected cohort of patients. The hypothesis of the presented study is that suture-tape augmentation technique has comparable clinical and radiological outcomes with arthroscopic Brostrom repair technique. Methods Sixty-one consecutive patients with chronic ankle instability were operated between 2012 and 2016 randomized to 2 groups. First group was composed of 31 patients whom were operated using an arthroscopic Brostrom repair technique (ABR) and second group was composed of 30 Patients whom were operated using arthroscopic lateral ligaments augmentation using suture-tape internal bracing (AST). At the end of total follow-up time, all patients were evaluated clinically using the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) and Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM). Radiological evaluation was performed using anterior drawer and varus stress radiographs with standard Telos device in 150 N. Talar tilt angles and anterior talar translation were measured both preoperatively, 1 year postoperatively and at the final follow-up. Results Preoperative total FAOS scores for ABR and AST groups were 66.2 +/- 12 and 67.1 +/- 11, respectively. Postoperative Total FAOS scores for ABR and AST groups were 90.6 +/- 5.2 and 91.5 +/- 7.7, respectively. There was no statistical difference in between 2 groups both pre- and postoperatively (n.s). According to FAAM, sports activity scores of ABR and AST groups were 84.9 +/- 14 and 90.4 +/- 12 at the final follow-up, which showed that AST group was significantly superior (p = 0.02). There were no significant differences in preoperative and postoperative stress radiographs between the two groups. Mean operation time for AST and ABR groups were 35.2 min and 48.6 min, respectively, which shows statistically significantly difference (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in recurrence rate of instability between to operation techniques (n.s). Conclusions Arthroscopic lateral ligament augmentation using suture tape shows comparable clinical outcomes to arthroscopic Brostrom repair in the treatment of chronic ankle instability at intermediate-term follow-up time. Arthroscopic lateral ligament augmentation using suture tape has a significant superiority in the terms of less operation time and no need for cast or brace immediate after surgery which allows early rehabilitation. It also has a significant superiority in the terms of FAAM scores at sports activity. However, there was no difference during daily life

    Periodization of the history of ethnographical study of Tuvans

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    Article puts forward a general periodization of the history of ethnographical research of Tuvans showing the development of researchers’ cognitive and scientific interest and the overall dynamics of publications about Tuva and Tuvans from the beginning of the 17th century to the present time

    Teaching English using the subject-language CLIL methodology (on the example of the Republic of Tuva)

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    The purpose of this work is to substantiate the ethno-cultural orientation in teaching English among bilingual students of Tuvan State University as the basis for the formation of intercultural competence. The strengthening of internationalization and mutual influence of polylinguocultural social communities in different spheres of life actualizes the question of the need to solve educational problems in a broad socio-cultural context and the dialogue of cultures. It is possible through a discipline in English, aimed at studying Tuvan culture by students in the context of the past and the present. We have defined the purpose of the discipline, the content of cultural knowledge, the planned competencies as a result of studying the discipline by students, and also formulated principles. The discipline is based on the application of the innovative subject-integrated methodology CLIL, combining content and language. Its combination with the ethno-cultural component in teaching English creates the potential not only to improve the skills of foreign language communicative competence, but also contributes to the formation of intercultural competence of students

    The Atlas of Siberia by S. U. Remezov as a source of initial period of ethnographical studies of Tuvans

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    The article deals with the "Atlas of Siberia” by S.U. Remezov (1701) which is one of the most significant cartographical sources of the initial period of ethnographical studies of Tuvans

    Pediatric all-terrain vehicle (ATV) injuries: An epidemic of cost and grief

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    Objective: Evaluate cost of care of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) related injuries sustained by riders 16 years and younger in Pennsylvania. Methods: Population-based retrospective cohort design reviewing costs of care of 78 patients (<16 years), admitted (01/01/2007-12/31/2009) to our institution for injuries sustained during an ATV accident. Results: Cost of care varied from 322to322 to 310,435. Mean and median costs for all patients were 25,760and25,760 and 8,066, respectively. Average costs increased with increasing age. Patients wearing helmets or driving the ATV had lower mean costs, but these trends were not statistically significant. Crashes with stationary objects not involving rollover or ejection had significantly lower mean costs than other crash types (p = 0.01). Patients involved in rollover accidents were significantly more likely to require an overnight hospital stay (OR = 3.45, p = 0.02). Patients wearing helmets were marginally less likely to require an overnight admission (OR = 0.34, p = 0.07). Conclusion: ATV crashes involving unhelmeted riders and rollover accidents result in significant medical costs. Interventions to increase helmet use and measures to improve stability are likely to reduce these costs and shorten hospital stays. Level of evidence: Level IV, Economic study. (C) 2017 Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V