242 research outputs found

    The Impacts of Job Burnout and Absenteeism on Employees Performance in HEIs

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    Education is the only means which can lead social and economic development of any society. Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) play a pivotal and prominent role to support and uplift the educational standards. Unfortunately, number of experienced and qualified teachers is not proportionate to the requirement of HEIs. The established yardstick by the corresponding establishment in order to measure such criterion is also very strict and difficult to be followed. The existing deficiency of qualified teachers gets further exaggerated due to observable fact of burnout and absenteeism. It is observed that due to the job burnout and absenteeism, the downward trends induces the employees’ performance. Resultantly the institutions face the outcome of this trouble. Therefore, the factors leading to burnout and absenteeism needs to be sorted out at priority followed by in depth analysis in order to raise the performance level amongst faculty members

    The Impact of Distributive, Procedural and Interactive Justices on Job Turnover

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    Organization is a group of individuals, work together to achieve pre-defined objectives. It is a deliberately organized social unit, made out of two or more individuals those capacities on a generally continuous basis to accomplish typical objectives. Also, justice is the moral choice criteria and is forcing and authorizing rules correctly and unbiased so that there is an impartial dispersion of advantages and costs. Organizational justice indicates to a degree to which individuals realize their working environment procedure, influences and results to be reasonable in nature. The reason for this study is to recognize the parts of procedural, distributive and interactional justice toward employee turnover expectation in the services sector. The present study analyzed the relationship between distributive, procedural, interactional justice and job turnover

    The Interpersonal Conflicts and its impact on the Employees’ Morale in the HEIs: A correlative study

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    The interpersonal conflicts are significant enough to reshape rather redefine the course of academic and administrative pursuits of the higher educational institutions. In every sphere of life, an interpersonal conflict is an antithesis to the phenomenon of co-existence. It cast a highly negative impact upon the institutional standards and eventually hampers the employees’ credibility in all respects. Eventually, the graph of the employees’ morale dips to its minima which are an alarming phenomenon to be analyzed and impeded. The academic institutions, as a seat knowledge and learning cannot afford to sustain the overdose of interpersonal conflict as these conflicts lessen the level of efficiency and output as a whole. The need arises to categorically elaborate, analyze and comprehensively devise the most appropriate approaches to resolve these disputes prevailing within the institutional domains. Keywords: Interpersonal conflict, Employees’ morale and Institutional performanc

    The Impacts of Burnout, Absenteeism and Commitment on Intention to Leave

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    It is an accredited fact that only the education can provide a solid foundation for the social and economic development. In the same line, the Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) can play a very prominent role in the uplift of the educational standards. The number of highly qualified and experienced teachers is not proportional to the needs of the HEIs. In every country, the criterion as furnished by the corresponding authorities is also too strict to be followed in its true format. The problem of the short fall in the qualified teachers is further aggravated by the phenomenon of intention to leave (ITL). It is observed that due to the job burnout and absenteeism, the downward trends in the commitment level induce the ITL. Consequently, the concerned institution has to carry the administrative, academic and economic burdens. Therefore, the factors behind the ITL should be sorted and analyzed on priority basis to bring down the rate of switchover among the faculty members. Keywords: Burnout, Absenteeism, Commitment, Intention to Leav

    The Academician’s commitment inthe Higher Education Institutions of the Developing Countries like Pakistan: Its Perspectives

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    Presently, the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are facing with a core issue of organizational commitment (OC) among the academicians. It is quite embarrassing for the institutional high ups when the faculty members, due to low commitment level, leave the institutions thus casting a huge financial and academic burden. In the HEIs, the OC holds a prime importance to maintain academic and administrative consistency. In many respect, the longer stay of the academicians in an institution manifests his/her commitment to the institution. In the contemporary scenario, the phenomenon of OC is directly related with the institutional credibility as the competition at every level is high enough. In the developing countries, due to theirweak economies, the HEIs cannot afford to hire the faculty on some high packages and other benefits. Resultantly, the faculty members start losing his/her commitment and look for certain other opportunities more lucrative in many respects. In Pakistan, the HEIs are facing an acute problem of lack of commitment level among the academicians due to various socio-economic reasons. Keywords: Organizational commitment (Affective, Continuance, Normative), HEIs, Pakista

    Grooming Future Doctors With Research Based Medical Curriculum

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    Content of the medical curriculum is the hottest issuewhich is confronted by most of the educationist, both indeveloped and developing countries. Traditional medicalcurricula were designed in such a vogue that studentshould take benefit of the knowledge of the earlierphysicians and then apply the same to treat his patientwhile stressing on memorization of the differentialdiagnosis, as suggested by the senior physician, basedon their experience. This approach focused on trainingthe future doctors to apply the already searched knowledgein the field without thinking critically about the otherunknown factors influencing the outcome of the treatmentand based on long didactic lectures

    Public Sector Innovation: Case Study of e-government Projects in Pakistan

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    This study analyses and examines in detail the impact of public sector innovation to improve public satisfaction level, it is about changing the traditional government into a more integrated and efficient one. Innovation is actually the engine of economic growth. Innovation in the public sector is an under-researched area. It deals with governance, political and human issues which are very difficult to solve. Since much of the topic and studies on innovation are focusing on the private sector, it is the aim of this study to analyse the process of innovation, mainly in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the public sector. This study will eventually be able to give e-government model/ guidelines that encapsulates the reality of innovation by the government. Innovation in government is not only about bringing a new breakthrough product to the people, but also to bring in changes to the culture in the organisation, the way a decision is made, and perhaps more importantly, how it can use technology to strengthen its role as the provider of social and economic welfare to the people. This study has also compared the findings of the e-government case study to the literature of innovation mainly in the area of process innovation. There is SWOT analysis with weight rating to judge the e-governance challenges, which Pakistan is facing as a developing nation. The study concludes that the public sector needs to overcome its traditional characteristics of poor agenda setting, unclear objectives, lack of transparency, and bureaucratic layers of decision-making processes. Keywords: Citizens, e-government Projects, ICT, Public Satisfaction, Public Sector Innovatio

    An Assessment of Inclusion in the Governance of Bangladesh’s Agri-Food System to Face Climate Crisis

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    This exploratory study relied on secondary data review relating to inclusive governance in agri-food systems, as well as an analysis of Bangladesh’s contemporary agriculture, food systems, climate change, conservation, and natural resource management policies and interventions. Based on the literature review, key practices/initiatives were mapped against an analytical framework consisting of seven dimensions of inclusive governance, namely representation, participation, capacity and skills, accessibility, financial resources, knowledge system, and innovation. This review also helped to identify governance challenges and gaps based on four dimensions of food systems: environment, economy, society and culture, and policy and governance, which were mapped against seven dimensions of inclusive governance. Finally, to identify the opportunities to address the governance challenges in a more socially inclusive and gender equitable way, this research focused on several issues which will contribute to transforming the agri-food system of Bangladesh making it more resilient under changing climate

    The Leadership and Innovation: Prospects and Challenges

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    The contemporary competitive landscape is being driven by globalization, hyper-competition, technological revolution, price and customer satisfaction and extra-ordinary focus on quality, demanding an increased emphasis and recognition on innovation, being a strategic competence. A majority of scholars have opined that these two constructs are tightly intertwined. Numerous researchers recommended the positive relationship between the leadership and innovation. Innovation management is a cumbersome process entailing consistent support and involvement. Evaluation of the leadership, innovation relationship is very vital in a developing countries context since organizations often confront intense competition, institutional flux and macroeconomic volatility. The hierarchal leadership resulted in toxic organizational cultures that influenced innovation implementation and thus quality

    Role of the ICT in Women Empowerment and Achieving SDGs: A Case Study of Women Labor Force in Developing Countries

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    The aim of the study is to analyze the ways women are empowered through information and communication technology (ICT) and fostering the process of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Women in developing countries are facing economic and social hardships and have limited access to ICT, which in turn translate into their lack of skills, lower literacy rate and restricted social engagement. Therefore, present study explores the role of ICT on women empowerment in 51 developing countries by conducting panel data modeling over the period of 2000-17. The study finds that ICT has significant and positive contribution on female labor force participation rate by Generalized Method of Moment (GMM). Control variables like GDP growth and government expenditure on education have positive and statistically significant role to enhance women empowerment. Findings of the study imply that the ICT has an impact on women empowerment and which helps in fostering the process of achieving SDGs 2030
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