6,042 research outputs found

    Poverty in South Asia

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    In this paper, an attempt is made to document and analyse the poverty situation in South Asia. Available data on poverty levels and trends are discussed in the first section. Major focus of the paper is to examine the progress made during the decade of 1990s. During this decade, it may be noted that all the countries of the region were implementing some variant of structural adjustment and stabilisation programme. Performance of the national economies discussed briefly in the second section of the paper provides some clues regarding the possible effects of the reforms on poverty reduction. The safety-networks and targeting issues to improve their cost effectiveness are discussed in the final section.

    Disciplining, chastisement and physical child abuse: perceptions and attitudes of the British Pakistani community

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    There are a number of cross-cultural differences in people's perspectives of what constitutes physical abuse of children. The focus of the present study was to explore the British Pakistani community's perception about physical child abuse and to understand more about the values held by them in relation to child protection. The study aimed to discover issues that are important to protect the children from harm, and to describe the possibilities these issues present. The study used a questionnaire survey that focused on 16-25-year-old British Pakistani's, exploring their experiences of childhood, of physical punishment and physical child abuse. The findings indicated that although serious child abuse was not experienced by most of the respondents, 75% of respondents experienced some kind of physical punishment as part of their childhood experience. However, 72% of respondents who received such punishment in childhood accepted it as an appropriate disciplining method. The future research and policy implications with prevention in mind are discussed.</p

    Return Migration and Occupational Change: The Case of Pakistani Migrants Returned from the Middle East

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    This paper examines the factors affecting occupational composition of Pakistani workers upon their return from Middle East employment by using the 1986 ILO/ARTEP Survey of Return Migrant Households. In view of the concentration of workers in lowstatus occupations prior to migration, there was a great incentive for them to change these occupations after return. The study shows that the economic resources gained from overseas employment gave migrants the strength to seek independent employment, and there was a clear move out of the production-service occupations into business and agriculture occupations. This movement was strongly related to migrants’ length of stay in the Middle East. Since the occupational structure of the general population remained almost unchanged in the 1970s and 1980s, the employment trends exhibited by return migrants could largely be attributed to overseas migration. However, the study shows that businesses and farms established by migrant workers were small-scale.

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Penilaian Oleh Guru Biologi SMAN di Kabupaten Barru

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perencanaan penilaian, gambaran pelaksanaan penilaian, dan gambaran pelaporan hasil penilaian guru Biologi yang mengajar di SMAN yang ada di Kabupaten Barru ditinjau dari aspek antecedents, transactions, dan outcomes. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian evaluasi dengan menggunakan model evaluasi program Model Countenance Stake. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data deskriptif dalam bentuk distribusi persentase. Subjek dalam penelitian ini melibatkan: guru biologi, dan peserta didik. Untuk memperoleh data digunakan kuesioner, pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi, dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pelaksanaan penilaian oleh guru Biologi SMAN di Kabupaten Barru berdasarkan rekapitulasi aspek perencanaan (antecedents) berada pada kategori sangat baik, aspek pelaksanaan (transactions) pada kategori sangat baik, dan &nbsp;aspek pelaporan hasil (outcomes) berada pada kategori baik. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada tiap aspek penilaian masih ada kriteria yang belum terlaksana dengan baik. Kata Kunci- &nbsp;penilaian, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pelaporan hasil

    Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Resitasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan metode resitasi tehadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas XI semester 2 pada pokok bahasan sistem pertahanan tubuh. Hipotesis penelitian adalah penggunaan metode resitasi berpengaruh secara signifikan tehadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas XI semester 2 pokok bahasan sistem pertahanan tubuh. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Tanete Riaja semester genap tahun ajaran 2012/2013 yang terdiri atas 3 kelas. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah random sampling. Sampel penelitian dipilih 2 kelas yaitu kelas XI IPA3&nbsp; sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IPA2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Data dikumpulkan melalui pemberian tes hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif dan dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada kelas yang diajar dengan menggunakan metode resitasi sebesar 80.24, sedangkan kelas yang diajar tanpa menggunakan metode resitasi sebesar 71.10. Analisis statistik inferensial yang digunakan ada tiga, yaitu uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji hipotesis. Hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai sig (2-tailed) 0,000 &lt; α (0,05) maka hipotesis H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode resitasi berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar kognitif biologi siswa. Kata kunci: metode resitasi, hasil belajar kogniti

    Significant of teritorry to increase sense of place in behavioural settlements

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    Cities have transformed collecting public places into private spaces. While in the past, public places as an urban place had a specific identity for themselves. Nowadays in nonexistence of connection between public and private life residents are forced to create their social life within their own control and are not entered to identity in public space. Urban spaces are made regardless to social needs of residents and their cultural origins. Formation of urban spaces impact to quality of its social and spatial and cannot be absorbed potential of environmental and social. For reproduction of social identity is required the behaviour-milieu this behaviour-milieu is a place for standing of pattern behaviour. In this way the role of neighborhood center as behavioural setting appears to be helping as to establish the distinctive identity of the place and create the conditions in which residents can develop their relationships and control. Behavioural complex also provide context of social partnership. Places can be considered as a physical form with their spatial territory which supports activity, ceremonies, and events and helps to sense of place formation. Feeling of neighborhood territory will exacerbate dependence and sense of place to it. The most important aspect of sense of place is attachment of people to their home or neighborhood sphere. Belonging to them make a territory feeling. Sense of place supports the cultural concept, social and culture relationship of society in the place and achieves to individual identity. This paper reviews recent research and literature review into the concept of sense of place and their assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sense of place in the traditional urban to be carried out in the contemporary urban setting. The discussion presents the relationship between four groups of sense of place, territory, dependence, and finally provides a conceptual model as to show how these factors affect to sense of place. The result of this study indicates a model that mentions a relationship between dimensions of sense of place. This paper argues that territory in behavioural setting as the subset of place dependence is the best instrument to improve the sense of plac
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