14 research outputs found

    Social media usage, expectancy disconfirmation elements and university reputation

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    Malaysia is an educational hub and has an aim to attract 250,000 international students by 2025. However, increasing the enrolment of international students by itself is insufficient to compete with the international market. Universities also have to maintain their university reputation as this factor plays an important role to attract and retain students. To maintain university reputation, universities must provide good services and maintain a good relationship with the students. The advent of social media brings a drastic change in marketing strategies. This study has explored the usage of social media and application of expectancy disconfirmation elements on university reputation. Social media helps to create the expectations of students about foreign universities. Students make some perception about the selected foreign university and this perception may be positive or negative. If the students remain satisfied with the services provided by the university, there will be a chance of positive university reputation are created by the students. The population of the study was international postgraduate students of five public research universities of Malaysia. This research used the quantitative method with cross-sectional research design and have applied proportionate sampling technique to collect data from 320 international postgraduate students from public research universities of Malaysia. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was utilized for data screening while the final analysis used Smart PLS for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The findings of the study indicated that there is a positive relationship between social media usage, student expectations, university performance, student satisfaction, student loyalty and university reputation. This study also proved that student loyalty mediates student satisfaction and university reputation. The current study contributed to the body of knowledge by enhancing literature of EDT and SOR by corroborating these theories with respect to the relationship between social media usage, expectancy disconfirmation elements and university reputation. Practically, this study helps policy makers of universities to promote international education by building student’s trust in their institutions. The results of this study suggest that university management should provide better services to students in order to maintain positive university reputation

    Impact of online classes on academic performance of university students during COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 virus has changed whole system of the world; in education sector, institutions have switched their physical classes to online classes. Though online classes provide students with the opportunity of self-study but it is uncomfortable for many students and has a negative impact on student’s academic performance. Along with academic performance, academic integrity is questioned due to online classes. Therefore, the current study aimed to find out the impact of online classes (independent variable) on Baluchistan University students’ academic performance. A total of 500 university students from five different universities of Baluchistan have been selected to respond the questionnaire online. Results show that online classes have direct effect on academic performance


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    Terwujudnya upaya penguatan ketahanan masyarakat dalam menjaga semangat dan keberlanjutan dalam menghadapi New Normal di wilayah pesisir, realisasi Nilai Tambah produk olahan hasil tangkapan nelayan menjadi olahan ikan asap yang dikemas agar tahan lama dan memiliki nilai jual tinggi bagi masyarakat. pemenuhan hajat hidup masyarakat, dan Terbukanya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam menghadapi permasalahan keterpurukan dan kebimbangan di bidang pariwisata dan perikanan melalui peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan inovasi kemasan agar memiliki nilai tambah hasil tangkapan ikan yang tahan lama. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas, konsep yang digunakan adalah Two in One yaitu dua bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam satu kesatuan pelaksanaan program. Kedua kegiatan tersebut bersifat penguatan dan sinergis. Dari hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan sebelumnya, tim pelaksana melihat potensi yang dapat dilakukan berupa pendampingan dan pelatihan. Potensi tersebut masih sangat memungkinkan untuk melanjutkan KKN Masyarakat Desa Binaan Universitas Lampung kedepannya. Oleh karena itu, komunikasi yang terus menerus antara mitra dan tim pelaksana setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bentuk monitoring dan perencanaan kegiatan kedepan dalam satu program yang sama. Kepada masyarakat Kiluan khususnya kelompok ikan asap agar tetap konsisten memperdalam ilmu dan keterampilan guna mengoptimalkan potensi desa

    Application of Internet of Things (IoT) on Microclimate Monitoring System in The ALG Unpad Greenhouse Based on Raspberry Pi

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is currently influencing many facets of human life. Smart agriculture is one system that can use the IoT to improve production efficiency and consistency across agriculture, improve crop quality, and reduce negative environmental impacts. The architecture of an IoT-based microclimate monitoring system tailored for use with the Unpad ALG greenhouse is shown in this paper. The suggested system design can collect microclimate data using the SHT11 and GUVA-S12SD microclimate sensors and store it in a database on a Raspberry Pi with a cloud computing back-end idea. The Raspberry Pi is also used to process and analyze data in order to set up mist-based greenhouse cooling systems. The collected data is delivered to a web-based front-end node, where users can access from their own device. The results reveal that when the temperature rises beyond the predetermined threshold of 30°C or the humidity falls below 80%, the system can activate the mist-based cooling system. With a temperature difference of 6.25 degrees Celsius lower and humidity of 28.06 percent greater, the system is able to perform better than it was introduced before. The automation system's performance can reach 15.22% better, however it declines as the light intensity rises

    Use of social media sites by Malaysian universities and its impact on university ranking

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    Social Media is not just for photo sharing and status update, it can also be used by students for university selection. In the current era of high competition among higher educational institutes, many universities are focusing on online marketing. Most of the students are using social media sites to select their university which shows the importance of online presence for the universities. It is very much important for the universities to decide their marketing strategy to attract more and more international students. Good promotional marketing activities through social media, social networking sites by universities is associated with the ranking of the university. In this article we review the importance of social media marketing through social networking sites like Facebook and the capability of Malaysian universities to use social networking sites and its impact on university ranking and its Facebook engagement rank

    Characterizing Circular Supply Chain Practices in Industry 5.0 With Respect to Sustainable Manufacturing Operations

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    The current research investigated the significance of circular supply chain practices in Industry 5.0 with respect to their sustainable manufacturing operations. Through a comprehensive review of the literature, the current study identified key circular supply chain practices and their potential benefits for Industry 5.0. The findings indicated that closed-loop supply chains, sustainable sourcing, product design for circularity, and waste reduction may assist Industry 5.0 firms to achieve their sustainability objectives while enhancing the operational efficiency. Moreover, the study also highlighted the challenges associated with the implementation of circular supply chain practices including the necessity for collaboration among supply chain partners, investment in new technologies and infrastructure, and the development of new skills and capabilities. From a practical and managerial perspective, the implications suggest that firms aiming to adopt circular supply chain practices in Industry 5.0 should prioritize collaboration and coordination, make investments in new technologies and infrastructure, and foster the acquisition of new skills and capabilities. To complement this research, future studies could employ empirical research methods in order to validate the findings and recommendations as well as explore potential barriers to the implementation of circular supply chain practices in Industry 5.0